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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Admin suggests you stated your opinion and should leave it at that, not inviting arguments from those who disagree. Yet, you persisted. So, like the good Sgt., I'll play. Shutting down discussions you don't like, using the excuse that we are 'flirting with tools than CAN be used to act out violence'.... is the same as saying "He mentioned a Band Saw, I don't like building cabinetry, so this conversation should be shut down." Sort of a back door way of suppressing Free Speech. WHOOPS ! Is that political? or is it religious? Doesn't that law also encourage freedom to associate with others? It's very confusing. And I'm not the sad emoji fairy either. Gave those up for Lent.
  2. UMGF.... UNOFFICIAL. Not associated with Martin. Financial Supported by donations. Several forums clearly invite 'other' guitar maker owners. One even invites solutions to technical issues. I'd have thought you'd be happy I gave Martin a plug. Unofficially. Again - if you read either the OPs original post or my last comment - it was a solution TO an issue. (BTW, thanks for the quick response.)
  3. Chief, "My WTF moment was when you were having an issue with your p/g on a Gibson, yet another member wanted you to post it on the UMGF. " "...because that is an opinion and an opinion is what it is, and is not a fact, " You're welcome. (Btw, OP posted a Solution, not an Issue. )
  4. They've got some hotties in Moscow. "Back In USSR".
  5. Genius that did that should get his chain yanked. Causing 'accidental discharges' gives credence to those folks who want to keep alive the excuse defense attorneys use - People don't kill people, guns do. I agree strongly with K'sDad -I'd put back in a stock trigger mechanism. Before it somehow gets into someone else's hands and they blame you for their 'accidental discharge.'. One man's 'accidental discharge' is another man's 'negligent discharge'.
  6. One of the many good things about being retired - you don't have to get the driveway cleared before you get ready for work, then go out and clear the wall of hard snow the plows threw up to block your driveway. So you can leave by 7am. You can spend time googling hockey goalie gloves to realize the similarities and differences to baseball catchers mitts. And you can point out that pages of discussion of P90s is a digression on a thread about 'what did you do today'. 75 in May - I went for a 7 mile walk (actually a 'hike') a few weeks ago and realized I couldn't do it daily - like you do - because it took me three days to recover. Technically, it was "a walk in the park" except for the elevation changes and loose rocks and gravel.
  7. What I did, yesterday, was similar to the 2 days before. And I'm not done: Sorting through approximately 50 years of things I'd put aside in 3 Rubbermaid bins for my kids to have when I'm gone. A couple of hundred things: From the first real book I read *A Tale of Two Cities" - to postal stamps, from a brass doorknob off the decommissioned Navy destroyer I was stationed on, to Star Wars figures and old watches. Slowly came to realize that, having put these things aside, I didn't miss them - didn't need them. Most I'd forgotten about. Hope they bring a smile to my kids (and grandkids), But realized these things helped me gradually over the decades understand that material things are NOT the icing on the cake. Not the cake either. Just stuff. Very liberating to be able to let go of material things that were important in the past - for when you have to let go of material things that are important in the present.
  8. We (wife) painted the slate too. Found a stack a couple of feet high in the garage on the property of the house we bought. Obviously original to the 100 year old house, but most on the bottom were deteriorating. Wet, freeze, repeat for 50+ years. Only able to use a dozen of so. Our 4 kids each have theirs (Peanuts characters if I remember) and we have a couple as well. We just had our roof replaced, asphalt shingles - and I'm amazed to think of the dangerous, hard work of putting a SLATE roof on a pitched roof three stories high. You're friend may be *****in' but I'm sure he's figured out he's creating something that will outlive him ! Oh - to get back to the thread - our roof was not a 'splurge'. Hail Storm: Insurance... $23K worth of it.
  9. I'm guessing what we all have heard from the Fab Four - was plugged in. Ladder braced guitars sound different, not 'bad'. Congrats on a great guitar from a great era !
  10. Congrats! A real beauty, will sound as good as it looks, I'm sure. And you'll find J185XCat and Zmbywf are right - the scale length concern will fade as you get bowled over by the woody tone. The classic Gibson Thump ! Let us know how it goes.
  11. Yeah. Sorry. When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Or Jimmy Hendrix and Strats.
  12. Top Honors - Post of the Year ! ! ! Amazing. Hope you post this on the UMGF too !
  13. This is amazing. I'm guessing there are several of us that have some kind of connection to Kalamazoo !
  14. Great insights Jinder, as always. Thanks !
  15. I remember her. She could take the chrome off a trailer hitch faster than... well, better than .... well...
  16. Looks like it would take the chrome off a trailer hitch!
  17. While there've been many iconic 'mostly guitar' songs that have influenced me (and hopefully my playing over the years, I think I'm most in debt to the few I heard in my tweens that made me realize I wanted to play, not just listen. I was not an 'air guitar' kind of guy.
  18. Saturn, My sons love Bourbon. Must have inherited it from their Mother ! Makers Mark for one. Gourmet like yours for the other. Is that 'Welcome' sign made from an old, old piece of slate from an old Slate Roof ? We have a few we saved that look just like it, from a house built 110 years ago. RBS - congrats. I know how you feel. I gave all my ball gloves away to sons and grandsons over the years - but for Christmas, my wife got me a really nice new Nokona fielders glove, For a game of catch in the back yard. when family visits. Probably 10x what I spent on my gloves 'back in the day'.
  19. Good Point. Being online makes it less desirable for GC and Sam Ash to put $ into high end guitars that may get scratched and dented.
  20. Chief, That reminds me, I love those Youtube videos showing how many nuts a squirrel can fit in his cheeks. Other than that, I mostly like to wonder if we'll just experience 'an apocalypse' as opposed to "The Apocalypse". A small whimper, followed by a gurgle as the toilet finishes flushing. And we all are required to take CSL (Chinese as a Second Language) courses while we work in mammoth sized 'Custom Guitar Factories' which ship "Custom Shop" guitars "Made In USA" to China. And get a bowl of Ramen a day. Fortunately, most of us here have the knowledge and skills to be supervisors and get two bowls. One thing that stuck with me since I finished college was that the 'economy' is International now - and that was 50 years ago. The US was already having electronics assembled in Barbados! So I'm guessing it got more International and not less when The Far East got into the act. Gibson will make the limited number of guitars they can, given their capacity limits, and send them to the markets where they can sell the most, fastest, for the most $. JC learned that while making Levi's in Mexico: I'm guessing he already knew what I just learned through Google - a pair of 501s will sell for 92% more in Vienna than in LA. So....
  21. 🥳🐴🤡 Chief, This may be a stretch - but I agree, we really need just one that says it all.
  22. Knowing little about the structure of this H'BIrd, how it's been kept and less about your preferences and how much $ you have available, or where you live ... If I were me, I would buy it and give it at least 4 months. Sort of like going out on a blind date. Then, regardless of what you paid for it, or could sell it for - you can answer the question you really didn't ask - "Is this MY Holy Grail" ? If it turns out to be a Holy Mackerel, a la Em7 - you should certainly be able to flip it. And, we all would appreciate feedback on what you find if you go that route. So the collective knowledge of The Hive can be expanded to include this niche guitar. G'Luck.
  23. Me too. (btw, I'm not the one who added that sad faced emoji to your comment. I've sworn off them for my New Years Resolution)
  24. Thanks for that look back - OWF was truly a gift to this forum. Irascible. He was the one who compiled the lengthy list of how many J-45 variants there were. A few here have kept it up now and then by updating one or two new ones. And, clearly, a great performer !
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