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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Obviously Finney was a Shoe Salesman in his prior life.
  2. Woke up early to check in on race results: two of our sons, with their families, are at DisneyWorld for a week of various length races. This AM was a 10K. Youngest son and daughter in law of oldest son ran. In the dark, of course. The two families are seeing the sites in between races. Son came in at 41 minutes. Would have been slower but he had to sprint the last 100 yards to show up some kid that passed him. Probably a 20 year old kid. We had considered going, had reservations w/ SouthWest, but bailed out a few weeks ago due to "THE SURGE". And flight cancellations, et al. No refund from SW. Only Woke up early to check in on race results. 2 of our kids are at DisneyWorld for a week of various length races. This AM was a 10K. Youngest son and daughter in law of oldest son ran. In the dark, of course. The two families are seeing the sites in between races. Son came in at 41 minutes. Would have been slower but he had to sprint the last 100 yards to show up some kid that passed him. Probably a 20 year old kid. We had considered going, had reservations w/ SouthWest, but bailed out a few weeks ago due to "THE SURGE". And flight cancellations, et al. No refund from SW. Only an 'in store credit'. We have to use for another flight by October.
  3. You were looking for what you wanted .... And found what you needed.
  4. We have a hummingbird feeder. They're not real smart. If they get close, you can hear a buzz, or 'hum'. We also have Doves that come to the regular seed feeder. I guess Gibson Marketing 60 years ago didn't have all the wonderful monster choices. At least they didn't call any of their models "Frankenstein".
  5. Great Job ! Those chips often have flakes that split off. Can't tell it was damaged at all !
  6. I'm going to develop a touch screen device to implant in my dog to teach him to bring me a beer. If that works, I will be well on my way to inventing one for my wife.
  7. Oh. My two cents - I got a 12 string back in the 60s. Never could 'bond' with the idea. Sold it after a year, never looked back. But, like Sgt.Pepper, I am in awe of those who have mastered the beast. Or, is it .... a monster !
  8. Funny how we go from talking about a Gibson J45 12 string to Martin' tone wood in half a page. And monsters under our beds in less time.
  9. I recognize the fact I am not Lava's "Target Market", but I'd take up the bagpipes before this thing. I get my daily fill of frustration from my phone, cable tv, and car 'systems' without looking for something else to take up more of my allotment of 24 hours in a day with Hi Tech Frustration. I play guitar for enjoyment, part of which is to get away from crapola like this.
  10. Only a sleazy bastard would separate that case from that guitar. But, you done good. Don’t look back. I assume the use of Sitka was to stay true to the original. It’s also what they used on the H’Bird and J45 TVs Congratulations!
  11. Yah... Well, she probably squeezes the toothpaste tube in the middle. Seriously, she needs to get an endorsement deal from Gibson. She uses Taylor, Crafter and Yamaha ... and maybe others. Old JC needs to get his marketing person on this. Forget what he learned about 'marketing lifestyle brands at Levis.
  12. Case doesn't prove or disprove - the CaliGirl cases are often separated from the guitar by flippers and scavengers. Happened to my H'Bird TV. On the other hand, it would be suspicious if the case were marked 'GIBSON' as those who purloin the highly desirable Cali Girl Cases are usually too evil to go way out of their way to get a Gibson issue replacement. I've read that only 167 of these were produced. If true, you may want to get a 'Guarantee' from the seller before he ships it to you , until you can get Bozeman to confirm the s/n indicates it is an actual TV. Since the orange labels are also not fool proof. I'd also ask if the original documents are with the guitar - they might confirm the s/n and that it is actually a TV. G'Luck.
  13. Seems more people die right around Christmas / New Years. Or more famous people. I guess I'd ant to wait until I had some time after Christmas to return the presents I got I didn't want and use the cash for ...
  14. She is absolutely amazing. Looked at a couple of others. Different guitars, flat picking. "Another One Bites The Dust" - she doesn't just 'cover' she interprets and elevates. So nice to see that much talent - but we all know it's 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Thanks Rabs ! added: she's from Jakarta. Started learning classical piano at 3 and classical guitar at 5. Per the G7th capo blurb on her.
  15. Some one might have sprayed you with Lysol. Or bleach. Or Pesticide. Each thinking they were following the science ! Fluids and rest. No migraine I hope...
  16. There is a trend which has evolved over the past decade - for people with gripes to find the company's web site (or another place on social media where their customers might gather ) and tear into them. It's sort of like extortion: to get a refund, a new replacement, etc. which they do not deserve. Sort of like how lawyers will tell their deep pocket corporate clients to settle out of court. I first noticed it as a form of bullying - again directed at big corporations - to solicit "donations" for certain types of social causes. I think we took the right approach here with ClassAx and turned the tables on him. Appeasement never works. This might be the first "I Love Gibson" post I can remember seeing. Compared to 99 ones complaining about glue drops. Thanks Stevie. Not gonna poke fun at your nuts or welding tip anymore !
  17. There's gonna be some killer tan lines on her in 20 years or so, if you ever peek under the p/g !
  18. Over the decades I've waffled between "New Years Resolutions are a waste of time, I always forget by the end of January." and "New Years Resolutions are for those people who aren't already perfect." But, I've come to realize after reading a couple of 'self help' books (Tolle, Shetty) that this is the time I truly want to commit to a meaningful one. It's sort of like the concept - when the oxygen mask drops down mid-flight, make sure you fix yours so you can help others with theirs. So, I'm going to significantly cut my time on 'Blue Light Devices'. They tend to spread more than harmful 'rays'. Negative News, TV Ads pushing things people don't need and can't afford, Etc. And fill up the freed up time playing the guitar. A win/win. So, no more Binge Watching TV with a beer in one hand and a guitar in the other.
  19. I'm guessing FedX dropped it off at the wrong address BECAUSE it was damaged.
  20. , what do you suggest for fret sprout? Is that just something that needs to be filed down (not by me)? Yea that's what probably needs to happen DO NOT FILE YOUR FRET ENDS.
  21. Really nice music room. Is that a Navajo blanket with a 'crazy line' ?
  22. Disappointing for all of you. Bet your hosts spent a lot of time getting ready for the day. Our family has found every time someone has the sniffles or a headache the red flags go up. We're turning into a bunch of hypochondriacs. Made worse here in Texas where Cedar Season is in full swing. The pollen can get so bad in The Hill Country - on a Windy Day - you can see plumes of dust from miles away that look like smoke - but are pollen ! If you shake a branch on a juniper - it looks like you're dumping a full vacuum bag. Many have allergy symptoms - and get evil looks when out in public. Our 3 dogs (two German Shepherds and a terrier mix) were locked in the back bedroom Christmas day because one of our granddaughters (5y/o) is very afraid of dogs. The dogs, on the other hand, would have spent the entire day going from one person to the next (9 of us) to be petted. If you drop a morsel of food on the floor, they know to leave it. But when you bend down to pick it up, they will lick your face, ear or neck to the point they train you to not do it again ! Of course, if a stranger comes to the door, they get an entirely different picture through the narrow side window.
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