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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. No, you mis-read it: HIS wife and daughter.
  2. I did that once, wearing Flip-Flops. Didn't need a pedicure that month.
  3. Yah, actual 'TVs' said so on the orange label. And had 'Hummingbird' imprinted on the TRC. And, of course, didn't have electronics on board. The case s/b a brown Cali-Girl one. Pink lining w/ "Gibson" spray painted on the outside in gold. But the tuners are right as is the p/g. You pointed most of these out in your original post, of course. If I were me, I'd put new one year old 12s on her and never look back. Since you don't seem inclined to be looking to re-sell it - doesn't matter if it's really a TV or not. But for the fact the seller lied. At the end of the day - A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet. G'luck
  4. Leonard, these are both fantastic! Thanks. Will give both a shot, hopefully today. FWIW - Sheryl Crow also covered "First Cut Is The Deepest". Also did a music video of it. First video I bought on the new iTunes. Keep up the good work ! Jim
  5. Nice Herringbone. Really makes it 'pop' !
  6. Welcome Aboard Scott. Your tale, I'm sure, sounds familiar to many of us here. It does to me in spades. Having had the mis-fortune to pick a career in an industry that was going nowhere fast, I experienced FOUR layoffs in my 38 years of working for a living. First was at a company I'd been at 10 years and worked my way way up. 3 kids in HS, one in college. It helped toughen them up for their future dealings with the "it's not personal, it's business" world. As RCT said - Retirement is impossible to be over-rated. The harder you worked for it, the more you appreciate it. No one telling you what to do, no backstabbing bosses or co-workers. No HR weenies making up 'policies' that have the effect of law. It's like when you were a kid during summer, but didn't have to get up early for your paper route. Knock it out of the park ! (Oh, and if your former employer contacts you a few months later, begging you to come back as a 'consultant', 'temporary' or 'part timer', be sure to tell them you'll get back to them. But what ever you do - do not!)
  7. Although you may have already considered it - you should post this in the Gibson sub-form "The Lounge". There are more electric guys there and I'm sure some of them will have your answer. G'luck.
  8. In the event my wheel starts to rattle on my J45C, how did you take out the thumb wheel? Would that not disable the volume adjustment it is there for? I don't hardly ever use it, but would be curious. Thanks.
  9. Did that. Was a big part of the solution, but took a month to get use to it. Latex mattress. I elevate the head section about 10-15 degrees and that helps more. Maybe a breathing thing. But the best and quickest fix to get my over my 'Situational Anxiety' from 2020 was my doctor's prescription for a heavy duty anti-allergy med they often use in hospitals to relieve stress for pre-op patients. Only had to take half of the pills. Not throughout the day as suggested - only at night. Saving the second half for the mid-term elections. 😘 So - as others here have suggested - antihistamines like Benadryl, which list drowsiness as a side effect (as opposed to newer ones which have eliminated that side effect for daytime use) maybe a good, short term, safe first step. It seemed like a lifetime ago I would wake up at 4am and pace the kitchen for 2+ hours until the family woke up. Good Luck !
  10. Yah. I would go out and get one of those guitars that only has one sound hole - but it's not in the middle - it's on the face way up by the upper bout. Sort of shaped like a kidney or a Nike swish. No more dropping in picks or worrying if the pick guard is covering part of the rosette. Offset Soundholes ! the best of both worlds. Even better if the guitar is made our of bamboo or particle board.
  11. I believe that for a brief period before the actual intro of the "True Vintage" line, Bozeman had been making standards that were virtually TV proto-types. I snagged an official H'Bird TV, but was lucky enough a few years earlier to get an SJ200 which "I BELIEVE" is very close to the TVs. Of course, the TV line was followed by Vintage line, which was basically a TV with a torrified Adi top.. That's what I love about Gibson. If you've seen one, you've seen one ! 2 Penny Hangover - sounds like you did pulll the trigger on that Bird. How does she sound?
  12. Better Half & I had lunch with our youngest son. First time with him since he ran an Ironman up in Waco 2 weeks ago. Roughly 2 mile swim followed by 100 mile bike ride by a 26.2 mile marathon An unusual way to spend 12 hours on a Saturday. We hung out with his wife and daughter and our oldest son - going from one part of the race to another to wave and shout as he went by. Some despicable people brought cowbells. I wanted to tell them "Need LESS cowbell", but knew they'd just give me a blank stare. Wanted to implant it with the tip of my boot where all cowbells belong. After a very long day - we left him and his family and crowded back in our truck to find the battery was dead. Found a kind soul to jump us. He was from Idaho. Drove here to Texas by himself to run the Ironman. What a great country ! Honorable Number Three Son - proceeded to tell us at lunch that he's scheduled to run a marathon in CA somewhere east of LA in their foothills in 2 weeks. I think we need to get him some help. The furthest I ever ran was a mile. If God intended us to go further, he would have given us wheels in our heels.
  13. MPH, Sorry if the two comments I directed to you were not helpful. The one you actually chose to reference was directed to WhiteFang and not you - and only meant to point out that this forum probably gets a disproportionate number of queries and complaints compared to the number of guitars Bozeman ships. Sorry I wasn't more clear. If I thought your original question was scurrilous I would have either not tried to help at all or would have said so directly to you. Have a nice day. Oh, And, your welcome - I just gave you your first "LIKE" emoji.
  14. Yep. You nailed it Chief. "Bated" is derived from "Abated". As in "holding your breath". Baited breath is fishy. Was an English major for 3 semesters, then switched. Didn't think it would get me any real jobs.
  15. The True Vintage line was discontinued, I'm guessing, at least 5 years ago. And the new model line with the word 'vintage' is an upgrade. So, with inflation and model lines changing quite a bit since you got your TV, it would be difficult to exactly match what you had. The SC CW is certainly a great guitar. I have an HBird TV and can feel your pain.
  16. Issues probably less than 2% of all the guitars shipped. And we probably see 20% of all the complaints here. A recent one asked "Does Gibson Customer Service read these comments" ?
  17. WAITING with abated breath... or in Sgt. Pepper's case - bait breath....
  18. MPH, Don't know where you live - but if I were me, I'd be hesitant packing and sending it back for what is really a very easy fix. Sad that it is a Warranty Replacement and not 100%. You say you've been working on this since June - also sad. I would get a hold of Bozeman's customer service, possibly someone you've communicated with on getting this replacement. I would strongly suggest they locate an authorized luthier within your driving range and schedule a time where you can go in, hand it over and wait until they put in the little silly putty dots and hit it for 5 seconds with a hair dryer. Maybe you'll have a choice of colors. As Henry Ford said of the Model T : as long as it's BLACK !
  19. Maybe has something to do with whether you bought one guitar from them or a hundred. Or, as you wrote 3 weeks ago: "This is what I would expect. I've worked at companies where the dealers and biggest customers had direct access to insiders and amazing service, and retail customers led a perilous existence."
  20. Guitar makers are constantly making changes to their products, it would be a stretch to expect string makers to not adapt to supply chain issues, materials shortages and offshore dependence. 😁
  21. The Kalamazoo Gals are smiling tonight. One of their contributions has made it through to another century. "Riding With Private Malone"
  22. Carol, We hope your photo-shoot goes well. Thank you for initially thinking of using a Gibson. Obviously someone here has good taste. And based on your work on your website - class.
  23. Note To Self: Never buy a used guitar from Danish Pete. (and the only blemish - the scratched, scuffed, chipped and dented spot from the screw under the pick guard - is now worse) It's hard getting Good Advice on the Internet. Harder on Social Media.
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