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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. MoPicker, very good. Well done. Difficult subject to communicate the mixed feelings. Touched a chord. Many of us shared those experiences. Martin, Kevin, Butchy and me. Fast friends for over 10 years, bike rides, playing catch, The Woods, The Train tracks. Sledding in winter at the Horse Farm. Then, in the blink of an eye, we went our separate ways. I'm not sure the current generation gets out as much as we did.
  2. Aaaah... Thanks for asking. I thought it was a reference to Rascal Flats.
  3. We had Royal Castle in Miami: An imitation that spread throughout the state in the 70s. Same sliders - but Royal Castle had Birch Beer, which was worth making the hike across the apartment parking lot and the Grand Union Parking lot on a Friday night. When you didn't have to fear for your life. Seems like 100 years ago.
  4. Wow. That really socks. Many things people do because they love to do them - avocations, not 'hobbies' - are trivialized by people who are clueless. Making beautiful birdhouses, porch signs or leather products- people think they should be able to buy them for the same price the ones mass produced in China sell for. Here, people in a new sub-division tried to shut down a Gun Range. They moved in, knowing it was there and had been for 50 years - but thought they had the right to put it out of business. Sounds like you have an inept city council: they probably prohibited indoor dining AND performances a year ago - now they're banning outdoors ones. I think Western Civilization has tanked. We've given too much power to the tinpot dictators on school boards, corporate boards and editorial boards. Don't give up on music - if you've loved it since the 70s it is too much a part of you. Not to be cold - but get a new singer.
  5. OP said the neck was supposed to be from a Les Paul Jr. I've never seen a Les Paul Jr. with a 3 screw TRC. Go to your sign on name in the upper right corner, click 'Content' and put my name under 'Ignored Users'. You're Welcome!
  6. 3 screws in the Truss Rod Cover - you're screwed.
  7. Only took you 3 hours to rise to the bait.
  8. Nomi, a month or so ago - forumember Dave F posted this :
  9. Never having had an RMA ... what's a CME ?
  10. OK, I'll bite. What is the decal? Front, back, sides, or all of the above? CriCut or an actual decal ? Don't want to mess with the pick guard. G'Luck !
  11. Not to quibble, but the article said 'partnered with Rally to offer an opportunity...' Nobody is producing anything except smoke and mirrors. 'Partnering' is also a vague, vaporous concept. It does seem Mr. Curleigh has found a new way to fundamentally transform a guitar company. Explains why San Francisco Levis made in Mexico are sold as a 'lifestyle brand'.
  12. I was about to heap my disgust with Gibson and JC on top here - but thought I'd open Rabs link first. The offering is not from Gibson - but some 'internet ap' called "RALLY" They clarify: "We source, verify, and acquire the most noteworthy items from collections and individuals all over the world."They offer shares in baseball cards, comic books and Porches. I would question whether Gibson is a partner with Rally, as they claim. This reminds me of "The Pet Rock" scam of my childhood. The internet just makes it possible to fool more people more of the time.
  13. OP: "Do Gibson employees read/reply to anything in these forums?" As the GreatGumbino stated - No. If they were to, it would open up the proverbial Chinese Fire Drill: There are many who come here to complain about issues that are not covered by their warranty. Glue drops inside, unusual wood grain, etc. I doubt there are many companies that try to piggy back using a social media forum to address customer service / warranty questions. The first stop is usually the dealer. The next stop is Gibson's Customer Service, which is where you're at. As I wrote earlier, given your unique situation, you might be best served if you get in touch again with the person who was working with you and point out the importance of color as it pertains to your decision to originally purchase the guitar you did. They apparently did not understand that was a 'deal breaker' and thought a close shade of red would pass the sniff test. I believe Bozeman is a smaller, hands on production site, compared to what you would find Martin and Taylor have. And getting the specific shade of red you had would probably introduce the need to insert a 'one-off' or 'custom build' in the middle of Bozeman's scheduled production runs. Which also include 'custom shop' and "limited run" shots of around 50 for their Five Star Dealers. They could not stay in business if they had to disrupt the efficiency of their production line to insert replacements that had special specs. Point being, a new replacement would take time, and you've already been inconvenienced for a long time. That is why, I'm guessing that - as I wrote - if the color is not guaranteed in a replacement - you may be SOL. Possibly you can get Guitar Center to take your brand new 'mint' H'Bird for a full credit and, as RCT suggested, if you purchase a Martin or a Taylor from them in the shade of red you had in your H'BIrd.
  14. Wowsers ! I can taste them from here !!! Smoking is a time consuming (and beer consuming) endeavor. More work than Thanksgiving Dinner.
  15. My (least) favorite: The News site I go to every morning and often sign into to make comments ... Randomly will not allow me to get to the sign on screen on my MacBook. I can get to it and sign on using my iPad and my iPhone. But on the MacBook - the sign on page will just come up blank, or not at all for a couple of weeks, and then MAGICALLY, all of a sudden it will come up one day when I try clicking 'log on'. It is not the News Site people - it is something specific to my MacBook. Further - this has never happened on my wife's MacBook, where she never makes comments..... I won't go into what I think is the root cause - because it has happened so often, I'm sure it isn't a 'technical glitch' in a program. It's some computer nerd who has an 'algorithm'.
  16. Unless you documented in writing on the RMA that a replacement had to be the same exact shade of red, or the same model/color - they probably have a 'policy' that allows them the flexibility to provide you with something 'equal to or greater than'. Many folks have to wait several months for 'standard production models' during The Lockdowns. I would guess a 'one off' would take as long. If you put it right back in the case and it is still "mint" and only a couple of days in your possession ... I would call the guy you've been dealing with at Gibson (who promised not to have it delivered while you were out of town) and ask him to work with you to get an exact replacement. Might be a Nashville VS Bozeman snafu. G'Luck.
  17. We've got a battery operated heating pad / vibrator combo. I'm gonna stick it in the sound hole of my SJ200 and put it in the back bedroom with the lights off and some Barry Manilow on the hifi for the day.
  18. I'm sick and tired of companies that allow nerdy, needy computer geeks full rein on their websites - where they make esoteric "find the hidden passageway' changes to what we've learned in terms of navigating. I'm guessing they're frustrated 'gamers'. It's bad enough each website is different, and each computer works differently with the website - these people stumble on a new quirk, then gaggle to figure out how to put in into the website they have control over, so they can sit back and pat each other on the back for having confounded a 'captive audience'. Picture if you will, a world where the DoT changes the hi ways every couple of years: - Re-routes them and leaves the old signs up. YOU have to figure out how to get to work, or which Interstate takes you to the shore for your 3 day weekend. Picture, if you will, a word where your Grocery Store clerks take it upon themselves to re-arrange where they stock the shelves. Budweiser use to be in the back left corner. Now it's in between the soup and the turnip greens. Couple that with Budweiser changing their packaging - using green and orange milk cartons instead of the normal red, white and blue beer cans. Or if Chevy hid the windshield wiper switch in the glove compartment, and didn't put a label on it. Or computers that have 4 different ways of doing saving a screen image, none of which are 'intuitive'. Of course - it's all in the name of 'progress'. Making things 'better'. And, if you Resist Change - you are resisting Progress. Hard to argue against 'Progress.' Especially when you're arguing with some anonymous clone who has declared himself 'Keeper of the Light'.
  19. and previously ... "You may want to try to understand a persons post and intent before you "advise". I think Sgt. Pepper correctly identified the dark tunnel your head is in.
  20. MP, you left Prince and aAlihya (?) off your list? Possibly you have a second list? Am I on it? (asking for a friend). 😀 Seriously - I think you covered the wobbly topic first posted pretty well. When we were children, in our generation, we were pretty much insulated from 'death'. We knew it existed, of course, because we all had a grandmother or grandfather who died. It becomes more real year by year, as we lose friends. High school friend in a car crash as a college freshman, another in Vietnam. Then we learn about cancer, in all it's wonderfully deadly forms. A contemporary performer dies - Joplin, Elvis ... Soon, too soon, it's our parents. It seems as if some force is preparing us for the inevitable. The conquering Roman Generals who had a slave behind them as their chariot proceeded through the victory celebration, whispering in their ears "Remember, you are mortal.". As we get older, time moves more quickly, seems to get away from us. Like a car heading towards a cliff in the night, picking up speed, swerving around unseen objects. Inevitably, we are all forced to be introspective and serious. Dismissive remarks about "Death and Taxes" and "Life's a bytch, then you die." are suddenly no longer funny. The loss of a loved one, the end of a career, a debilitating illness - one day, each of us realizes we'll experience them all and then, we have that cliche "a crisis of faith". Are the religious teachings we held on to - REAL? Has my life mattered? Have I made a difference? I wish you all come out of the darkness of that tunnel, into the light once again - as whole and filled with peace as you entered it. Perhaps as we were on that sunny Spring day when we graduated from high school.
  21. Reminds me of the saying: "I trust anyone my dog trusts. I don't trust anyone who doesn't trust my dog. " Or something to that effect.
  22. Just noticed that the count of posts and count of thumbs up - has been reduced to no record or the thumbs up emojis and the number of comments count rounded up to the thousands. Anyone see any other changes?
  23. I read a quote from her several years ago - she said 'I think the most beautiful sound in the world is a J200 barred at the 5th fret strumming an A chord."
  24. Today, as pretty much every day for the past 2 weeks - I've been spending time training our new dog. Usually 3 short sessions each day. He's a 3 year old German Shepherd 'rescue'. He weighs around 85 lbs and, inspire of his sweet, lap dog, disposition - looks fierce enough to scare most anyone. I need to get him to realize I walk him, and not visa versa.
  25. Depends how dirty you got it ! The finish is nitrocellulose - so do NOT use harsh chemicals. Insect repellent, for example, will eat into the finish. I use Gibson polish, like JCV. Now, your fingerboard is actually raw, unprotected wood, and where you are more likely to build up grunge. There are many products specifically designed for the task. You don't just want to clean it, but to 'condition' it. Best suggestion I can offer - wash your hands before you play ! Nothing worse than burrito grease on your fretboard.
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