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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. KBlast, I am very sorry to hear of the tragedy your brother in law and his wife experienced. I have read, and believe, that the worst psychological harm a person can experience is the untimely death of their child. And, because of that, when it happens - approximately one in four marriages don't last. We don't realize how tenuous our hold on 'reality' is until we lose it. Our next door neighbors had a similar experience - son the same age in college. I think their faith kept them from going off the deep end. And I worked with a young woman who lost her teenage sister - I do not know how you deal with such a loss. Or if I could.
  2. Wowsers! Equally cool. Different style - no fingerpicks 'Frailing'. Brushing down on the strings with your nails instead of picking up with finger picks. Hard to do when waking on railroad ties OR jumping up and down in boots!!! Thanks Unc.
  3. I'm just going on your words, not trying to understand your 'intent'. Specifically: "people who believe in an after life" and "odd" .
  4. That was really great - Thanks Jaxson. Banjo appears to be a simple instrument - until you try to play it. That pesky 5th string, 3 finger picks. Drum head ... weighs more than twice as much as a guitar ... What's not to love. She does play a mean banjo, that's for sure !
  5. JVI, I think you're walking on eggshells here. You might wan't to consider attacking people's politics before you go after their religious beliefs.
  6. Sparky, this seems to be the gist of your OP. I think the reason you are confused is that you assume we 'get sentimental and sad' at the same levels over John Denver (nice touch) and our Mothers, Fathers and children when they pass. Anyone who mourns Charlie Watts in the same way as their own mother - has issues that are more significant than can be solved in a guitar forum.
  7. Yeah, we have 2 just like him. And a narrow, decorative side window by the front door. Scares the crap out of anyone who comes to the door when they bark. But, more so when they don't and the visitor looks through the pebbled glass and sees them inches from his face calmly looking at him. We have an "Arlo" camera system. Two outside in the front, one inside. Wish I had gotten the hard wired model - taking them down to re-charge is a real pain 15' above the sloped driveway. Can turn notifications going to your phone on or off for individual cameras. Had them about 2 years.
  8. It never even occurred to me that, when bending a stiff piece of wood, or anything, the material has to stretch on the outside of the curve and compress on the inside - so it is going to prone to the ripple effect. Like folding a pair of jeans - you'll get wrinkles on the inside of the fold unless you take care to smooth them out. Harder with wood !!
  9. I'm very fortunate - no friends, family or acquaintances have been hospitalized or died from Coronavirus. Though a few have been infected. Our daughter in law's grandmother was in her mid 90s and died last month from a stroke. Don't know if she had CV19, but she didn't die from it. Healthy, happy and active, no symptoms. Then ... died getting out of bed.
  10. Em7th wrote above: "Yes yes yes, , , more or less like mine. I'm on my 9th year and still haven't grown tired of this beauty. No need to say it sounds better and better too, , , so much in fact that each time I decide to change strings, it simply convinces me not to. . " This is exactly what my experience is. Would be like getting rid of your old Lab and getting a brand new puppy.
  11. He also used White Out on his three wheeler trike, telling everyone he had White Walls.
  12. Perfect for a wedding. 100x better than a DJ. Enjoy yourself !
  13. Congrats Jinder. Great to hear your doing so well. Your soon-to-be bride sounds like a keeper !
  14. (so it's not like I'm even remotely thinking about wanting to send it back or anything) As EM7 suggested, you may want to ease off on the heavy strumming because it takes a few months for the nitrocellulose to 'cure'. Nitro is used by many major guitar makers including Martin. As you might guess, Gibson would not accept a return because of pick marks, nitro or not. Leaving a capo on for too long will also leave an impression in the neck. And a tuner left on the headstock will too. Although you don't plan on selling it - the cumulative effect of those marks would certainly affect the price.
  15. Sorry I misunderstood when you said I was trolling. I should have recognized it as 'positive input' when you added "we're all friends here".
  16. I would think there'd have to be something strange that happened to wear all the paint off the pick guard in just one year. Customer Service is better equipped to help you Sterling. And Welcome !
  17. Rolex vs Timex . They both tell the time. Ginger vs Mrs. Howell. They both .... Epiphone had a line they called Masterbuilt - solid woods. But, they had a reputation for issues. Now, were the issues perceived by folks who bought the Epi's because they liked the tone, or because they liked the price? Because they could not , as "Guitar John" in the video said - he could never justify spending $5K on a Gibson H'Bird. Which may rationalize how he can feel the Epi 'hummingbird' sounds better. Later, he admits he can't tell if the fretboard inlays are real MoP or plastic. I guess I'd question someone's expertise at that point. It appears the video is scripted to be controversial. Bet it gets him a lot of hits. Masterbuilt has risen from the ashes at Epiphone with their new line: Inspired By .. Everyone hears differently. His sound system, as does everyone's, adds another level of complexity to the question. But if you believe you're going to hear the new Epiphones having better tone than a Gibson - go try both out. But, to level the playing field, don't go into the search for that holy grail with the subconscious belief that you only want to spend $1K. it will over-rule your ears and your heart. Someday I'll have to go to the Lexus website and see if there are people questioning if Toyotas aren't better.
  18. You didn't think it odd that, after 5 years, he comes back and finds this same thread and says he tried both - but does not mention actually purchasing one? Liked the looks of one and the sound of the other? I suggest you look up the definition of "Troll".
  19. It' amazing how all our parts are inter-connected and affect each other. Vertigo, balance, ears, blood pressure... no wonder doctors go to school for so long.
  20. Congrats. We come for the looks, but stay for the tone ! Enjoy breaking her in !
  21. Five years later, Troll answers his own question. Doesn't get any better than this.
  22. Juan Carlos, Thanks for the video. Very clear, informative. I loves my maple. Even more now. One thing I've noticed with it - in sunlight, it's also a bit iridescent. Like Taylor said - there's no other wood like it.
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