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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. The diamonds burn like tears .... I wish it would rain.
  2. No worries. Not something you'd necessarily realize until you went looking to buy one. Same with many other products. Try buying a gun. What's next? Toilet Paper? (At the height of the crisis - they were selling it in the Big Box Hardware Store (Lowes) only it was made out of BAMBOO ! The New Normal !
  3. Yeah, I was wondering that too, from the photo.
  4. I think we scared RAZED away. I'm disappointed. I thought he had potential. Maybe he got called back to his job at the Recycled Refuse Plant. Or the lightning in his hand short circuited his keyboard.
  5. DR, Me too. Until, late in life, well after English 101, I read that you only use the apostrophe when it is the contraction using the verb IS. In plain English - It Is becomes IT'S. (The big dog is barking. IT'S barking. ) When possessive - like the dog's collar , you do NOT use the apostrophe if substituting "IT for dog". So ITS collar. Even though if you were writing "the DOG'S collar" you would actually use the apostrophe. Inconsistent, like Gibsons !
  6. BB, I think RCT said it best. But my irritation is due to the fact that sad, angry, clueless people are destroying big chunks of our society and I hate to see them spread their shyte on this little patch of grass.
  7. Wowsers - and still, we have TWO find, upstanding forum members still clueless enough to add two sad emojis to the above thread. "And these people vote." (I only added that last bit to divert the conversation from social media etiquette to politics.)
  8. It's 'apostrophe'. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
  9. Gabor, here's a link to the post describing the process:
  10. Do Not Use Super Glue. Whoever suggested that .... See if you can find some 3M double sided tape. The tape that is as thin as a BandAid, not as thick as a piece of toast. Apply some hairdryer heat to the pg - just a bit to soften it up, but not affect the glue. Apply the tape and weight it down with a book. Then cross your fingers. That's a quick fix that may very well not work. Because I'm surprised and concerned that you P/G is lifting a half inch. That is more than the normal 'curling'. You may need a new luthier if he thinks you should live with it. There is a thread on here, updated 4 or 5 months ago, on how to remove a p/g. I don't recall any discussing how to fix a p/g which is taking on the shape of a cereal bowl. G'Luck !
  11. Or they could use wood chips and saw dust mixed with epoxy. There's nothing structurally wrong with the OP guitar, based on the photo.
  12. If I were me, I'd just be pleased as punch that Bozeman was going to hand pick a guitar for me. And not look a gift horse in the mouth wondering if there will be sour grapes down the road.
  13. Not intending to divert, but wtf is the concept behind the Emoji posted above?? I can understand a Heart - you love it. Trophy - you Agree big time. But many here seem confused by the other two. Confused? Sad? Disagree? Angry? RCT's comment in no way should have confused, saddened or angered anyone. I guess the latter two are just negative votes. But as near as I can tell - they still get added to your score as a +. So whoever uses them thinking they are a 'down vote' - they be trippin'. I know ... "First World Problem".
  14. Yeah, I bet some here feel the same way about MC5. Have a good time tonight NHChris !
  15. As an additional thought, Gibson sends their acoustics out with the action high, so it's easier to adjust down. So many get the seller or a local tech to do a set up to fine tune it to your preference. Not sure whether the 'poorly cut nut' you mentioned in your second comment is cosmetic or the height and the grooves are not acceptable. You said you were going to contact the store for a replacement or refund. I'd point out the scratch/pick marks as well and, as I said - ask for a replacement if they have a New In Box one available, and if not, a refund. Ask if they will set it up for you. I've gotten mine done when buying online for no add'l charge. May be you'll be happier with a Martin or a Taylor.
  16. Lars, Same-o, Same-o. Just different names used at different times by different people. Maybe the "J200" crowd doesn't want to confuse their guits with the SJ Southern Jumbo. NaR - Sounds like you're not gonna bond with your Dirty Fork. I'd contact the seller, send them a photo and ask for a replacement if they have one in stock and a refund if not. EgoIdeal sent his back for a completely different reason - as he noted, and his photo showed, the tuning posts were lifting. The slightly visible joint on many gibsons (I can only see mine because of the different grains in the 2 pieces of wood) is, I believe, because the final sanding didn't take off enough surface to get the 2 pieces flush. Nitro won't fill it in, because it slowly sinks in. I think you're uneven wings is purely cometic, but you might have a higher probability of zero defects when buying on line if you get a Martin or a Taylor.
  17. Good, Beater, Best. (Sorry, I couldn't resist)
  18. Many here don't post their location because some commenters take cheap shots at them. As far as the actual thread's subject - JC is going out on a limb with this I think. Rising artists will often change their guitar brand, or use more than one. Embarrassing if Gibson invests in a guitarist and he switches to or just gets his picture taken with a Taylor or a Fender. Simply posting photos of artists performing live with Gibsons would be cheaper and just as effective. A page on their website. Could hi-light some to encourage people to go find them on UTUBE. Bottom line: I'm not buying a Slash 'record' just because it has "Gibson Records" on it, anymore than I'd buy a guitar just because it has 'Gibson' on the headstock.
  19. I never plan ahead. But, I decided a couple of years ago that, because the 5 string banjo is less than half as difficult to fret as a guitar (no, not because it has one less string), I would start laying the groundwork for the day I could no longer play my beloved guitars. Problem is - the banger weighs nearly 3x as much. Ukulele is my SHTF backup. I guess many of us here, like Danville, are finding our minds are getting more proficient musically, but our hands are heading in the other direction. I try to appreciate every minute I'm playing the guitar, and not think anymore about the day when I won't be able to - than I regret the days (years) when I was 'too busy' to pick it up.
  20. Give that man an Honorary Marketing Degree !
  21. WF, Maybe they’re trying to cover up the thousands of additional cases we get every day due to the Open Border.
  22. I always use to wonder, when I came down with a cold, "Where did I catch this?" Did I get it from that person in the office who should have stayed home and taken a sick day? Did I get it in the grocery store? The gas pump handle? My granddaughter? I gave up a long time trying to figure it out. I don't think there would be anymore risk playing in a band, than most of our other regular pursuits. Delta Variant is spreading rapidly, they say. But, I think that is compared to 3 months ago when we hadn't even heard of it. I haven't seen "Corona Virus Deaths" reported for months, and only anecdotal references to 'increased hospitalizations'. I think gigs, restaurants and gyms are going to take it in the shorts again though.
  23. Yeppers. You can read books, make birdhouses, walk the dog ... but you need to find something in life that makes you feel whole. For many, it is something that involves self-expression.
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