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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I take my strings off one at a time. Then I use snake oil.
  2. I'm not speaking to pollution and school shootings, only the motives of parents who appear to use their children as shills.
  3. In that thread I found that your 2 cents was: you liked that Michigan has a 10 cent deposit requirement on bottles and cans, and you found Takamines uncomfortable to play. I've read in a few places that Garth Brooks has more money than Croesus. So - I would guess his main and only criteria in choosing a guitar to perform with would be how well he likes it and not the cost. Now if his income were based on collecting 10 cent deposit cans instead, he might endorse a guitar he didn't like if he got it for free.
  4. Amazing how parents of children like Greta Thornberg and David Hogg allow their children to become bitter when they should be enjoying their youth. I suppose it is because the parents know they themselves wouldn't be successful pushing their agenda. So they fill their children with their own biases, wind them up - and put them on a blog hoping to get a call from some local media news reporter who will propel them to national notoriety. Social Media - a two edged sword.
  5. Agree, Chief. I refuse to play.
  6. Garth seems to prefer them. Congrats !
  7. Listened to and loved both. Heard a commonality in theme between the two. Yes, tranquil with Oriental overtones. I much preferred the H'Bird tone to the Dove - hopefully not biased because of the percussion. And, overall the second performance. Apparently something wrong with my H'Bird: Never sounded like hers. Of course, her fingers are twice as long. They just look artistic. And, then there's her unbelievable talent that could account for it. Thanks for posting.
  8. Good Job. I'll just agree w/ Dhanner on everything he wrote!
  9. Aaaah. A troll who is butthurt from responses to is non-sensical OP on "DemoShop". Now his starting this thread makes makes perfect sense. Non.
  10. Yeah. A Light In August. Maybe I'd appreciate it now. I sure didn't when I was 17. Worse - ee cummings poetry. Shear Torture.
  11. My wife of 50 years fully supports my guitar 'hobby'. We agree that 3 Gibson acoustics is the sweet spot, and the quality of my playing needs to catch up with the quality of my gits.
  12. AGREE. We set the foundation for a dangerous precedent when we think we have the right to tell others how to think: it naturally leads to telling them how to vote. Sgt.Pepper nailed it - we need to tell these elitists to 'go suck it' to their faces.
  13. Excelente! Touches all the bases !
  14. Not necessary for happiness maybe. But definitely necessary for Peace.
  15. Mercy Me ! I would hope we could at least all agree on that !
  16. PWK, Not sure how bad the sound on E & B, or what you may hear tried. If I were me, I would put a new set of strings on it. Remotely possible that the ones on it aren't a matched set. - E&B could be new and/or a different gauge. Try replacing with strings you are already familiar/comfortable with- nothing exotic - you want to hear the guitar, not the strings. And. if you have another guitar with some broken in strings you are comfortable with, try moving them onto the J45. Second, try a different pick, or your fingers. Some picks are exceptionally 'bright' and bring out that nuance in E&B. Picking closer to the bridge will naturally make any string sound brighter - not sure if that is what you mean by metallic. Third, whilst messing with a new / old set of strings, make sure there isn't anything foreign going on under the saddle. I'd have expected the store you went back to to have either done this for you, or, at a minimum - put on a fresh set when you bought it and let you know. G'Luck.
  17. ah shucks, BBP ... I was more formidable in my salad days ... when I was green in judgement, cold in blood.
  18. Yep. Sort of like arguing with your wife after she's left the room.
  19. No worries... I knew we were in agreement. Hard to keep it straight though when people continue to throw out random suggestions that companies should lower their prices to compete with China. "Evil Corporations" "Capitalist Pigs" "A Chicken in Every Pot" "Everyone gets a trophy" ... "Gibsons and Rolexes For Everyone" !
  20. I think you're confused. I'm the one arguing that Gibson should NOT be expected to lower their prices.
  21. Yeah. I've seen the videos. What's your point ?
  22. And is the OP assuming we here are all male ? And/or have wives and/or girlfriends? It's very confusing.
  23. IF they can sell J45s for less and have $ left over for a profit ... you must know how much it costs Gibson to make J45s. Care to share? While you're at it - you must know how much Gibson sells them for? What do they actually get paid from Guitar Center? You know, before GC marks up that Wholesale price to get to their Retail price of $2749?
  24. Yep. Basically means 'cash left over... aka PROFIT'. There are other "measures' sometimes used: GROSS margin, - which is your revenue less the cost of materials and labor that directly went into producing your product, and Earnings Before Interest and Taxes - which is your Gross Margin less your General/Administrative Costs except Interest and Taxes. They measure different things - but Net Profit is how much you have left over after ALL your operating costs/expenses are taken into account. Net Margin/Profit is how much you can put into the bank - so you can save to buy new equipment, etc. If you have no 'Net Margin' - you will soon fall behind in not being able to repair, renovate and replace your Plant & Equipment. And then, one day, you will have to shut down.
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