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Everything posted by IanHenry

  1. I live in the UK, and I've never heard anything like this. Sounds to me like it's nothing to do with Gibson's quality control the guitars are damaged, buy from somewhere else.
  2. I had a science teacher called Mr Porter who used to set the class work and then he would sit on a bench at the back of the class playing an acoustic guitar (he wouldn't get away with that today). When I asked him about his guitar he said if myself and a few of my mates wanted he would teach us to play during lunch hour, so I got my parents to get me a guitar (it was a second hand 12 string with six strings on it) and Mr Poter was true to his word, he taught us a few chord's and riffs and we were off!
  3. Should the jack plug socket not be on the face of the guitar like on a 335?
  4. You can probably tell by the size of the neck, if it's a Standard I believe it will slim profile 60's neck but a Traditional will have a substantially larger one.
  5. No, the guitar in question has uncovered pickups.
  6. All the Church bells are mournfully tolling today. Yes, 96 is a good innings.
  7. I want to leave the solder and wiring as it is, I don't want any re-soldered joints.
  8. Today Sadly, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second has passed away RIP
  9. I think it's simpler to swap the pickup magnet around so you don't have to re solder anything.
  10. Has anyone on here reversed the polarity of the magnet in their neck pickup to try and get the "Peter Green" tone? My understanding is that the individual pickups stay the same when selected on their own, it's only in the middle position that they are affected. As I rarely play in the middle position at present, I was thinking it might be worth a try, If anyone has any experience of this I'd appreciate any suggestions.
  11. One of the best rock singers ever, and like so many talented people in this genre, sadly lost way to early.
  12. Most "high end" product's increase or retain their value in the long term, be it Rolex and Omega watches, Ferrari's etc, and I think you can include Gibson's in that as well. Those products will lose money immediately after you buy them but over a period of time, probably decades they will increase in value. Markets fluctuate with the economy, they've been high for a while now , so it wouldn't be much of a surprise if they crash now, but having said that there's always the chance that people could see that the interest rate on their savings isn't keeping up with inflation and use their money to buy a 1959 ES335 or a classic car. At the end of the day the going price for a product is what it is, you can either put up or shut up, your choice.
  13. I agree with Marco, if in doubt don't buy it.
  14. I drive a Mini Cooper and a Morgan LeMans 62. The Morgan does 40+ MPG, the Mini does roughly 25, which isn't particularly good for a small car.
  15. It really comes down to personal choice, I'm pretty sure everyone on here will tell you to play the guitars (if you can) and make your own mind up. The Standard will have more modern features (I'm not sure of the spec of those guitar's, they seemed to change virtually every year). The Traditional will be more like a "normal" Les Paul of yesteryear (it's more like what I think of when I think of a Les Paul), but it will have a significantly chunkier neck and be heavier compared to the Standard's slim profile and (I think) chambered body. Good luck
  16. I wish I could buy petrol that cheap, it's over Β£1.80 a Litre in the UK.
  17. You might wake up next to a Horses head πŸ™‚
  18. One of my friends used to have to go to India as part of his job, he took a suitcase full of breakfast bars with him, which was all he would eat whilst there. He told me that on one occasion as he was entering the plant he was working at there was a dead body on the other side of the road and it was still there at the end of the day! He advised me never to go to India.
  19. It's funny that, I can never understand why some people desire to have so much money (I think we alluded to that in a previous thread), as long as you've got enough to do what you want, why not give some of it away? Most of those people are in the Autumn of their lives and frankly they will never be able to spend it! I think Rodger Waters has allowed the death of his Father, who he probably never knew to dominate his whole life.
  20. Yes, I gathered that. You'll have to excuse my sarcasm, it's a British trait.
  21. How about Paul Rodgers πŸ™‚
  22. Sadly it seems Olivia Newton John has passed away. Grease star Dame Olivia Newton-John dies aged 73 (msn.com) RIP Olivia
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