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Everything posted by slimt

  1. The Custom shop was a seperate room in the Bozeman plant.. Some of those Guitars had Brazilian Rosewood provided to them by the Customer for there guitar in inline ..They actually hand scalloped braces, sanded and polished those braces. cut there own pearls, Inlayed each piece by hand. it was a cool process to see,, this was in the early 90s.. I had a few guitars done in that Custom shop.. .. as for the production shop.. that was still going on at the same time.
  2. Back in the early days.. it was in the same building..and Not part of the production line..
  3. Out of Curiosity... Beings Gibson went Bankrupt.. are all the warranties void ? Gibson has Built alot of Cool looking guitars.. .. even with the true Custom Shop in Bozeman gone all these years..
  4. Not only that... Nitro Burns very fast.. with bees wax about 5 seconds slower on Dry wood... :D they might as well hollow out a 2x4 and put a string on it. :)
  5. Right direction I would Imagine.. But I got what I like and No sense in paying more for less on the new ones as well...
  6. where are you located?

  7. I have a Hand cut sj200 Guard.. done by Ren back in the early 90s. Walker applied the Color.. . it was one of two he did for a brazilian Sj200 I own..the spare is a back up.. :)
  8. Breedlove.. everytime I see the word I think of the landspeed record holder.. Guitars not for me though.
  9. Umm.. to be honest.. I would of gone over the details prior to buying.. and not because it looked nice.. Gibson pumps these guitars out fast.. there are flaws on all of what they build.. as for the over spray under the board .. the big polishing wheel does what it can.. but getting a fine detail done.. would put it in another dollar catagory..( its a production guitar.) . seperation, any type of color other than a dark stain will show things you dont want to see.. most of these are dark at the heal.. and top.. so you dont see as much.. every guitar has a flaw.. even those nasty swirl polishing marks.. My biggest beef is a two piece back that does not line up with the center of the heal.. or a truss rod cover that is drilled of centre..
  10. Hi.. there was a certain guitar built for each of the 12 months.. I think the Guards on your are a bit different than the standards models from 1989 to 91.. I think there was something else different.. I just forget..
  11. I think those were Montana specials.. yours have the brass plaque on the back?? I seem to remember owning some of the different models.. I believe one was a Nick Lucas as well as a Sj200 in Blonde..
  12. never a issue.. but always something new to learn about...
  13. Actually, I think Hogeyes opinions are worth noting... if he did not tell you about these issues.. you would never know what to look for on your next future purchases.. he knows more about this stuff than anyone else here on the board.. take the info and save it as it is valueble info to you Gibson acoustic lovers...
  14. Humidity.... 44 plus percent.. at about 65 degrees. no Less...
  15. I would think that wood would be softer than bone when being hung on two screws mounted to to Nuts on the top.. I do find that the wood saddle does give a deeper dark tone.. the 65 texan I own is the same way..
  16. I dont think its so much the sound and playability as much as it is the Price of these Guitars... I would hope quality woods would be used to warrant the prices.. were sitting at about 2700 cdn for a j45 here.. so my question would be.. fret replacement.. its not going to be the same as Rosewood or Ebony, or is it? I hope Plastic bracing is not going to replace wood.. That would be going cheap..
  17. Its Plastic.. Like a eminee guitar.. or a Kay Force 3 guitar.. Its really a Joke whats happening with the New Gibson Guitars.
  18. Looks like someone went through alot of effort to make it what it isnt. Not a Gibson..
  19. Nice Looking guitar.. Ive owned a few of those M3 to M6s.. a es 175 case will work on those.. right depth and width.
  20. My guess around 4 to 45.. the Ebony version.. 25ish to 3
  21. On the Classical Gibsons... the Higher the Number digit behind the Letter C ...the better they get in quality of wood and Ornamentation.. a C0 or C1 ...no more than 400.00
  22. I think Gibson did a fine job on these. . Ive owned my fair share of these..
  23. Didnt Gibson buy out Kramer? that looks like a Kramer Headstock..
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