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Posts posted by saturn

  1. I see that another old thread from 2010 was just resurrected. The one who brought it back has exactly 1 Post to their name. I have to conclude that person did some kind of internet search and got that thread as a result. 

    It was funny to see some of the old BANNED members like Neoconman, Blackie, Steve and even Fred.   Man time flies. 

  2. 18 hours ago, mihcmac said:

    I apologize to anyone I offended with my last post in here and do not wish to feed the frenzy.

    I sold may last Gibson a few months ago, I currently have 5 Epiphones and 2 other brands. All P90 powered. 7 seems to be my max number that I can take care of because of my climate and clean the oxidation off of each every week.


    Not to hijack this thread but out of curiosity I Googled "Heptahedronal Expression" and the first result was a thread on these forums about a Gibson ES 335 :-k I still don't know what that is though. 😀

    • Like 1
  3. If you look under the thread title there is a date and Year is included if it's a previous year than current year. I'm missed this myself, but it is there to see.

    Either way it doesn't bother me too much. I like the stroll down memory lane. Kinda like the idea by Scales about bringing back one each week. 😀

  4. I remember going to see a friends band about 10 years ago. One of the guitar players had about 4 different guitars and this massive effects rig. He changed guitars after almost every song, but I couldn't tell the difference with all those effects it was going through. Not sure what tone he was trying to achieve there. 



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  5. Nice post jdgm. So that's a Les Paul Custom Custom. 😎 I miss a lot of those names you listed who I haven't seen on here in a while. Not all of them though. 🙂

    I joined here sometime after I bought my LP Studio Plus in 2004. I know my date shows 2008, but I'm thinking I had an account earlier than that but there was some kind of crash and we all had to start over.


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  6. 4 minutes ago, uncle fester said:

    Ok - this thread started as a diss to el roth...  and I am sorry to see what he's evolved to, but I'll give him props for early stuff he did put out with VH.  Loved those albums...  'dirty faced kid in a garbage can' 

    Find your way back David...  


    I haven't gone through all the comments, so maybe I'm repeating, but it was my understanding that Dave made that comment as a joke.

    BTW, Love DOA and anything off VHII. That's easily my favorite VH album .

  7. Today, other than going to work like any other day, my buddy Steve and I had our first lunch outing since this Corona thing started.

    We played an acoustic gig Saturday night and when we packed up and went home he actually forgot his Martin was still in the bar! Since I live 2 minutes from the place I went and got it for him and he came by my work today to get it. So we had to make a lunch date out of it. 😎 We visited two of our local spots where we play to see what the deal is moving forward. The one place, Rams Head is under new management and not looking promising at least through the summer. Then we hit our original and favorite Crabtowne and secured a gig for July. [thumbup]  

    It's still not quite the same having to wear masks in and out and keeping a distance from everyone. But we did manage to have some fun with the other patrons and staff. It was nice to get the Steve and Jay show going again, even if only a watered down version.    

  8. It almost felt like a pre-pandemic weekend. Played a band gig Thursday night, acoustic Friday and another full band gig tonight. 

    Tonight was almost rained out because it was outdoors at a winery. Luckily weather cleared up and it turned out to be a beautiful night and a big crowd. We're a little rusty, even after a few rehearsals, but we still did pretty good and everyone had a great time. Best thing is that on all these gigs people were just there to have some fun.  No divisive crap.         

  9. 3 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Love Crack The Sky. Surf City here come the Sharks. Dodge City here come the lights. Hey_______ here come the______. Hey pretty here comes yourself.

    Oh yeah. I could list 10 great CTS songs off the top of my head. They technically weren't originally from Baltimore, but kind of relocated to the area and became huge.     

  10. It was  brought to my attention that someone recently uploaded a song from an old Baltimore band named Trigger Happy. They were one of the biggest local bands in the 80s. The track is off a 98 Rock compilation album from back in the day. It's hard to find any good old footage of TH so this was cool to find. 

    The singer/guitarist/writer was a guy name Gary Scharbough. He unfortunately passed away a few years ago after a fight with cancer. I didn't know him well but met him at least a dozen times, as he was next door neighbors with one of my band mates. By the time we met him he had long since "retired" from music and actually became a minister. He was still cool as sh!t, and would tell stories of the good old 80s scene and how his band was supposed to be signed to a major label. Don't remember exact details but something about the NY office closing and everything shifted to LA and the two East Coast bands got lost in the shuffle. The two West Coast bands that ended up being signed I think he said were The Knack and Billy Squire? Don't quote me n that. 🙂  

    He sat in with us at acoustic gigs sometimes or at rehearsals in Steve's basement. Again, he was an all around great dude and before he died there was a huge benefit for him. Most of the big local guys from bands like Crack The Sky, The Ravyns and others were there and they all had a huge jam. I missed it cause my other band had a gig that night. 

    Anyway, here's the track. It is very 80s sounding but that's what it was at the time. To me his voice sounds like a cross between Bon Scott and Biff Byford of Saxon.


  11. Nice description, as always Ron. [thumbup] Things can only go up from here (famous last words)

    My "big" band started rehearsals 2 weeks ago also. First one was going pretty good until I F'd it up by over indulging in the spirits and became useless. Will never do that again. Totally abstained from alcohol the second time and it went much better.   We have an outdoor gig on June 18 still scheduled that we are preparing for. Our drummer too is the most worried about rehearsals and gigs,for good reasons. He has some underlying health issues so no one can blame him for being cautious. I've been playing through some POS Peavy digita ampl that was left in the basement. I hate the thing, but just deal with it for practice rather than drag my PRS or even BOSS Katana out.

    Can't wait to see your first gig comment. 😎  


  12. On 5/31/2020 at 9:10 AM, ghost_of_fl said:

    I get exhausted just looking at those set lists. 😄 Reminds me of the days of playing until a bar closes at 2am.  I miss it - and I don't. 


    Yeah we played until 1am that gig. Then Bar Louie filed bankruptcy the next day and our check bounced. 🤬

  13. I can't believe I didn't post in this thread back in 2018. :-k Must have been a busy week. 

    My first guitar was a no-name LP copy. Black Beauty with a bolt-on neck. It was OK. Wouldn't say POS, but nothing great. Had the Mel Bay whatever book with 33 vinyl record to play along with. Probably 1982 or 83?? 


  14. Got our first real gig tonight since before St Patrick's Day. We had this booked for a few months, but just assumed it wouldn't happen. But they opened up outdoor seating in restaurants and bars this weekend in Maryland.  Place is called Big Owl Tiki Bar and it's completely outdoors and on the water. I played this place about 10 years ago with another band, but it this bands first time.  They added a floating pontoon stage, and we are the first band to ever play on it. 😎 It was a beautiful day, but of course their were rules we all had to follow. Had to observe distancing and wear face mask when walking around. He also asked us not to play anything that would make people dance. Other than being a little strange, it was a great day and they want us back. Especially since some of their regular bands can't risk being around each other.

    Here was our stage



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