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Posts posted by saturn

  1. As far as my screen name here. There was no big significance to Saturn. When I first created my account I was driving my third Saturn vehicle so I just chose that. I also liked the astronomical sound of it.

    On a side note, I loved all my Saturn cars and was sad to see that division of GM close down.    

  2. On 12/16/2019 at 3:53 PM, Karloff said:

    played a St Judes Hospital benefit at a bar on the boardwalk in Ocean City , Md. the Lucky Anchor.  was a nice gig. afternoon , so was home at a decent hr. 

    name of the band is Both Barrels. use to be a 5pc. keyboardist quit. currently a 4 pc. thats why I noted it as 4 barrel ... sometimes try to come up with silly names 


    Good stuff.  Some time I'm gonna be down OC when you play and I'll be sure to check it out. [thumbup] 

  3. Well. Jay is already a nickname for John. No one calls me John except banks, doctors etc. But somewhere along the way I almost always end up being Jay Bird. 

    In my currant band, when I first met them the original singer's name was also Jay. So they called him Jay me Jay D or JD to not mix us up.  It stuck with them and that's the only place I'm called JD. My wife hates it. 

    In my other acoustic/electric band, my mates Mark and Steve go by Quinny and Beef. I don't call Steve Beef so much cause that goes back to High School for him. But you can imagine why he's called that. And if you hang around just a little bit it won't be long before you see. [scared] 


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  4. Had an interesting gig tonight. Crappy weather and hectic drive. Venue was a nice restaurant/bar. We've played there before and I've played with my previous band there too. Parking lot is always crazy and load-in is a *****. Have to wait for dinner crowd to thin out before we can even set up. The stage is very cramped also.  And on top of that, our bass player, who also runs sound had to work late. His real job is for a sound company called RCI, and he had to do sound for some mega church Christmas play. A friend filled in on bass the first set. Main problem was, even though he left instructions and made charts of how to set up the PA, it was still a cluster @#&* . 

    Somehow we fudged things enough to get a first set in. Then Gene arrived and got things straight and played bass next two sets. It was actually a really good gig despite the bad weather and late start. Crowd was awesome. Had a good time watching them dance. Took the PRS tonight and it did great.  

    I can't believe I'm still up at 2:45am. { played a Christmas party Wednesday  night, went to Ravens game Thursday night, and played gig tonight, all while still going to work every morning after.  Going to a Bourbon exchange party Saturday. Getting a head start with some Woodford Reserve now.      

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, billroy fineman said:

    Being a little proactive this year and thinking about what milestones I want to hit in 2020  (last year my big resolution was get comfortable in open mic settings).  For '20, what i got so far is:

    • get a jam buddy
    • 6 open mics and at least *one performance of 40 mins or more
    • eleanor rigby, fingerpicking style


    I'm 50+ yrs of age, and just starting to get some performing chops...  I do have aspirations of rock stardom (as much as can be garnered within 45 minutes of my house ...before 8:30pm) so that's where my resolutions come from.  

    I know most of you have walked the path, been there done that, but I still here musical excitement in your posts, equipment you get, events... so just wondering what types of new things do accomplished and non accomplished folks look forward to in order to keep things exciting.  Anyone have any preliminary 2020 musical aspirations... or other.

    *(my options for a 40+ min. performance are either busking in the center of town, or offer up a show to the local council on aging or other places that would be happy with just to have an occurence - keeping the bar realistic :.)

    That's a good, doable resolution. I hope it is kept. [thumbup]

    For me, the camaraderie of playing with other musicians is what I love best. Playing for an appreciative audience is just the icing on the cake.

    Every year I resolve to actually get some studio recording done, but I never do. I still have some unfinished tracks from my buddy who passed away a few years ago. I want to finish them up some day but I'm not making a resolution. 

    • Like 1
  6. 54 minutes ago, Tman said:

    Whew, I thought it was your Goldtop but I am still sorry to hear about the breakage. Congrats on the PRS. My band partner in AR has one and loaned it to me last year for a few months. It's a great guitar!

    Yeah I almost brought the Goldtop, but Studio had fresher strings. I like to have 2 guitars at gigs, just in case. But my Kokocaster has messed up electronics and I haven't got that fix yet. Didn't see any sense have 2 LPs there. 

    Gonna play the PRS Friday night though.  😎

  7. 5 hours ago, kidblast said:

    Sorry to hear that happened.  But I'm not sure I understand the estimate with the fix cost.  Isn't this a USA gibson LP?  

    who are you having look at this?  how is it broken?  can you show any photos?

    A proper neck repair for a snapped headstock without cosmetically hiding the scars would probably be around in the $150/$200 ball park.  Maybe twice that for repairing and cosmetics.



    I posted some pics of the broken headstock in the "just got in from a gig" thread. They aren't real good. Gene (bass) talked to someone he knows and I talked to a friend who, although not a luthier, is a really high-end cabinet maker who has also built some guitars on the side. I will look around for some other opinions. 

    Do you know, do they just glue it or is there  screws/rods put in?


  8. Now I still have to figure out what to do about my Les Paul. So far, the people we've spoken to aren't very interested in trying to fix it.  Saying it will cost almost as much as guitar is worth.  I'm not worried about cosmetics, as long as it can play and  can play and function properly again.

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  9. Well after all these years I finally ended up with a PRS. It's a 2005 Santana SE made in Korea, but still a PRS. 

    I'm not really celebrating the way I acquired it. Maybe you saw in the "gig" thread that my Les Paul got a broken headstock the night before Thanksgiving. Somehow the bass player apparently knocked it over while it was on the stand. I only saw it after it was on the floor. We were very cramped and he was setting up PA when it happened. I did not blame him and told him it wasn't his fault but he felt really bad anyway. Well last night at rehearsal he brought this PRS in and handed it to me saying it's mine. I protested but he insisted I take it.  Said he hasn't played it in years anyway. He's a personal friend of Paul Smith and runs sound for his band. I'm sure he can get another PRS for  a good price if he really wants. 😎

    So I played it at practice and took it home afterward. It actually plays really nice and I love the neck. I was a little surprised that there's no push/pull pots for the pickups. Oh well, the humbuckers sound great. I put new strings on tonight. Have to get used to a floating bridge again.  

    Anyway here it is:



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  10. Well, just getting in from a pre Thanksgiving gig. Awesome night and great crowd. Place called Liquid Libs and it's a pretty upscale restaurant/bar. 

    Only downer of the night.....5 minutes before our start time, my Desert Burst Les Paul Studio+ got knocked over and the dreaded headstock crack occurred.  I had to use the other guitar players Music Man guitar and I was the sole guitar player tonight while he played sax and percussion all night  Hopefully it can be fixed. No use getting mad. It was a freak accident.


    Nothing to do now but pour a little Woodford Reserve and get to bed.




  11. On 11/6/2019 at 11:18 AM, jaxson50 said:

    I thought about posting a smart  come back, lime,  "Mason  might not be Mason after his voice changes "  but I decided to do like Molly, and take the high road...

    She has had to overcome many obstacles to be Molly,  let's just enjoy that.


    This is kinda topical for me. One of my neighbors and good friend is showing the signs of alopecia.  He is getting bald spots and when the hair grows back it is white. He keeps blaming the barber and is in denial because I know he's embarrassed.   

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