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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. I wouldn't play around with them.  Call an exterminator.  Well worth the expense.  Back in the late '70's I had a problem with carpenter ants.  Would pour out a bowl of Sugar Crisp cereal, or Frosted Flakes and find them swarming in the bowl.  The got into the boxes.  Hell, they even managed to find their way inside a closed bottle of strawberry pancake syrup! 

    We had just got done spending $7,000 for a kitchen update(a lot of money for that in '78)  with all new wood cabinets and counters and such.  Didn't want that headache.  Got on the phone to Terminix.   The guy came out and sprayed some kind of juice into every possible nook and cranny and crack.  Told us that carpenter ants(and ants in general) are cannibalistic in nature, and when we got up the next morning and find a lot of dead ants lying about, just leave them be.  the surviving ants will drag them back to their lairs and feed on them, ingesting the poison that killed the ants they're feeding on and then will kill THEM, and the whole pattern continues until they're fully eradicated.

    Well, next morning, when I got up for work( at 4:30 am!)  there were what seemed like thousands of dead ants all over the kitchen floor and counter tops.  So I managed a cup of coffee and went to work.  Then I remembered to call my wife to tell her to leave the dead ants alone.  When I called and told her that, she asked, "What ants?"  She told me there wasn't a sign of ANY dead ants anywhere in the kitchen!  And that was just ONE HOUR after I got to work(at 6:00 am) 

    Apparently, after I left for work and before I called an hour later all those ants were carried off by the surviving ants.  And from then until My ex died, not another carpenter ant was ever seen in that house again.  


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  2. My wife, who WAS step Mother to my daughters, would get Mother's Day greetings and flowers from them.  And I would happily give my Step Father Father's Day greetings and gifts over the years. I would suppose that all depends on the relationships between the children and Step parents. 

    I too, will wish all Dads here in these forum a good Father's Day.  


    • Thanks 1
  3. 18 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I miss typed it should have said George or John played bass when Paul was on keys. He sang and was the lead guitarist for this little known band called The Beatles.

    Sure, I knew that.  Was just havin' fun yanking your chain.  But I would think that with 16 tracks at their disposal, Paul would have played both bass and keys, putting each on different tracks. 

    Or, like in one case(or two) bring Billy Preston in to handle the keys.  [wink]


  4. 3 hours ago, sparquelito said:

    But I can't remember why I walked into the kitchen just now. 


    Reminds me of an old anecdote;

    At the end of a church service, when all the parishioners are filing out and shaking hands and saying "good afternoon" and other niceties to the Reverend,  the clergy was surprised to see an old man he hasn't seen in church for quite some time.  "So, Mr. Clark."  said the Reverend, "It's good to see you at service after all these years.  Don't tell me at your advanced age you're starting to think of the hereafter?"  

    And the old man replied, "Why, these days I think about it all the time.  Every time I open a cupboard door or enter a room or look in a dresser drawer I ask, 'What am I here after?'  "  [laugh]


  5. On 6/18/2021 at 10:47 AM, Sgt. Pepper said:


     George of John would play 

    Never heard of that band.  And, who was George and what did he play?  [wink]


  6. 17 minutes ago, DanvillRob said:

    I often think something that happened 20 years ago happened only a few months ago....and vice versa.

    If the uncle was old enough to buy a brand new J-45 in 1964, but old enough to 'maybe' bought one in 1957....he's damn old!

    I'm old and was in high school in 1964.... and was a snot-nosed kid in 1957.

    I was in 8th grade in '64 and 1st grade in '57.   But I know what you mean about memory.  But in my case, I'm usually only about a year or two off going back that far. Not seven.  And something that happened 20 years ago did happen 20 years ago.  But, only a few months ago is where it gets wonky.  Unless it's something major.  So I'll just go get another cup of coffee, just as soon as I remember where I set down my cup!  [wink]   


  7. 13 hours ago, Retired said:

    Priscilla had some great ones, She gave us all of hers.  We did the same as you, We recorded most of them all off of tv.  I have no idea how many we had, I'm guessing around at least a thousand or more. Maybe 1,600 too 1,800? They filled trash sack after trash sack full and some were videos of Christmas together and vacations. I had one that channel 3 news did of me giving their camera man a ride down the quarter mile.  I told them it wasn't legal because the passenger seat was a dummy seat. It was not bolted to the frame, it just had 2 quick release pins holding it to the aluminum floor. The track officials approved it and they wanted to get a perspective of me coming off the line with the race car besides me slightly in front of me. The whole thing was screwed up. I wasn't supposed to get on it hard. At the Christmas tree, my line lock froze and wouldn't release. The Nova shot way out in front.  I taped  the line lock switch a couple of times and it released.  The Colt shot off the line like a rocket when the guy in the Nova slowed down not knowing what happened.  I shot way out in front of him while he accelerated trying to catch me. I was so far ahead of him that he couldn't catch me till the end and I was hitting the brakes the whole time letting him catch me Lol. I got back in the pits and the camera guy couldn't wait to get out. He told channel 3 news, "Never Again.!"  Haha, I think he crapped his pants.  He was scared stiff.  I may have done a wheel stand coming off the line.  I'll always miss that one but I know of no-one that has a VHS for sale.  They are all gone anyway. 

    Actually, since by the mid to late '80's VCRs  became relatively cheap, (And at the time, Detroit had no cable service) we had two VCRs.  One to play the tape on and the other to copy the movie.    And, at LP speed, I was able to get two movies per VHS cassette.   But, when MACROVISION came into play, it cut down on my ability to copy.  Only a couple or so movie companies used it on their video releases, and the "descramblers" were too pricey for me, what with legal fees and child support to consider.  By '90 or '91 I quit doing that altogether.  I still have my old VHS camcorder, but the battery died ages ago, and the charger crawled away somewhere not to be found and replacements aren't available.  For either charger or batteries.  I keep it around for the hell of it.  Gets a laugh out of some people, and doesn't really take up much space.  Same with my Sharp Super-8 camcorder.  The Sharp no  longer records, but can still play with the use of the power adapter,  so now and then I look at old footage of people and pets that are long gone.    And BTW------

    How far did that cameraman run before he eventually stopped?  [laugh]   And did he leave a trail of dust, or something else?  \:D/


  8. 20 hours ago, RBSinTo said:

    I stand corrected on the Coke myth, but still think cleaning paint brushes in Bourbon is a good idea.


    I usually use gasoline to clean brushes.  Even at $2.99 a gallon it's still cheaper than bourbon.  Unless the bourbon you use is cheaper than that,  then cleaning paint brushes is probably all it's good for.  [wink]

    5 hours ago, IanHenry said:

    I don't drink either one, but I do use Coke to clean aluminium parts on my car, it's fantastic for that.

    I would suspect it's the carbonation that does the cleaning, and not the caramel coloring or sugar( or artificial sweetener).  So in that case, you'd be better off using cleaner and less expensive club soda.  [wink]  :rolleyes:


  9. 23 minutes ago, Retired said:

    We had 2 big cabinets full of them. Tons of movies that Deb our son and I had, I noticed several of them don't work as well over all the years and I threw them all out as our VHS recorder doesn't work anymore. Deb's aunt threw all hers out to. 

    I hear ya!  And the Aunt threw them out "to" where?  [wink]

    Back in the earlier days of VHS I got into the renting and copying those rentals.  I once had a library of 600+ titles that when I had to move quickly 10 years ago I had to leave about 50-60% of them behind.  Had 'em all numbered and cataloged.  I still currently use a VHS/DVD combo player as many of the tapes I kept still play well with some not being available on DVD.  Damn if I'm going to let the market tell me completely how to live! [-X


  10. What made me happy today?

    Nothing so far!  Mentioned in the Epi forum that I was supposed to get my central A/C put in today, but rain that wasn't predicted came pouring down.  And there's some welding and electrical work outside that can't be done when it's raining.  But that's the price I pay for being a law abiding citizen.

    And THAT law is MURPHY'S.  [wink]


  11. It would be different if your Uncle said he bought it new in '57 and the number indicated either '56 or '58, but you're talkin' a seven year difference.  Now MY curiosity is champing the bit!  

    Would surely like to know what's up with all that.  [wink]


  12. I've never tasted any hint of vanilla in Coca-Cola (or raisin) except when it's supposed to have vanilla flavoring in it. (hell, they're even putting that stuff in whiskey!)  I always preferred Coke to Pepsi, due to my finding Pepsi a bit more on the sweeter side.  And Coke usually has more carbonated "bite" than Pepsi, which (to me) feels better on a hot, dry day.   It's all subjective and a matter of personal preference.   One thing I notice though......

    I've known more people who were "hooked" on Pepsi.   A buddy of mine's family had a nightly "ritual" of drinking big, ice laden mugs of it every night.  One guy I worked with always brought in an "Igloo" cooler full of cans of Pepsi to work each day.  He'd drink all 12 cans by lunch and then during lunch would go to a nearby store and get 12 more to get him to quitting time.  And it seems a brother in law of mine has a 16 oz. bottle of diet Pepsi permanently fused to his right hand.  [wink]  But actually.....

    When it comes to pop, I prefer Sprite or 7up.   And cream soda.   And Meijer's carries it's own brand of cranberry soda that's pretty good.


  13. 15 hours ago, rct said:

    I swear in my next band we are doing Goldilox.  Probably my favoritest song ever.  Sing it loud for me, both shows.


    "Favoritest"?   :rolleyes: Hope you "gots" a "goodest"  copy of it.  [blink]

    Anyway....  I read "Live Music" and my mind went here first----


  14. Tell you what----

    Get married, have a couple of kids and get divorced after 15 years.  I guarantee that a few years of dealing with the Friend Of The Court system, combined with a conniving vengeful ex wife and all those support and alimony payments will get you out of any frivolous spending habits you might have or might develop REAL quick.  Regardless of how well you can afford anything.  [wink]


    • Haha 2
  15. All POV's   I'd say GENE KELLY was the ANDRE SEGOVIA of dancing,  FRED ASTAIRE was the JOE PASS and DONALD O'CONNOR was the JIMI HENDRIX of dancing.  [wink]

    And maybe RAY BOLGER Is the EDDIE VAN HALEN   of dance


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  16. 20 hours ago, jdgm said:

    I would have loved to see Jimmy Rogers.  One of my favourites.  He wrote some of the great blues numbers.

    He had a killer rhythm guitar tone on the Chess records,  which probably came from some beat-up old guitar and a tiny valve amp.  I've never been able to mimic it exactly - there's a huge amount of midrange and some distortion. 

    Last I heard of him he was supposed to be appearing at some bar/blues club in Taylor, MI( imagine). It was the late '80's-early '90's.  I didn't manage to get there, and read somewhere he died in '97 I think. 

    Another of his I like----


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