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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 2 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

    Garth seems to prefer them.  Congrats ! 

    Probably gets 'em free, so why NOT prefer 'em?  [wink]

    And I already voiced my 2 cents about 'em in the "expensive acoustics" thread.


  2. 16 hours ago, gdecant1 said:

    It would not be a lie for anyone living in S.E. Michigan or N.W. Ohio to list their location as “Flat Earth”.😂

    After having driven through Indiana and most of Texas, I'd say that's a bit inaccurate.  [wink]  

    And I wonder at the why of the OP mentioning he(or she) was a veteran made the OP feel it had any relevant significance.  The only real significance on these boards is the respect for and ownership of Gibson products.   Now, some might say I should stick to just the Epiphone forum since it's what I own.  But face it, Epiphones ARE a Gibson product.  [cool]


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  3. Martins always were more expensive comparitivley.  I first laid eyes and hands on a Martin at Grinnell Bros. in '67.  A D-28 and a D-35.  Both had price tags on 'em at $500.  The Gibson Hummingbird they had was priced at $400. and a couple of Guilds at $350.  

    To me, their sounds were pretty much identical.  Too close to call, I'd say.  But, the big difference for me in these matters is playability.  Comfort in holding and overall feel.  And THAT'S where Martin had the slight edge IMHO.    And of course, you'll notice I did point out that it too, is a matter of opinion.  I feel more at ease with a Martin D-28 than with say, a Gibson Dove.  And also, as good as they do sound, I found TAKAMINES  very uncomfortable to play due to their bulk and they way their necks are designed.  Others find them just wonderful.   On the other hand.....

    For years I used to lament about how I wished I had a better acoustic than my '72 Epiphone FT-145.  Since they retailed at only $159  I figured a more expensive acoustic would sound better.  But over time, several guys I knew who HAD more expensive acoustics kept telling me they were surprised at how good they thought the sound of that Epi  was .  So the only thing left for me to do in order to improve it's sound was to replace( and sadly, it took 30 years until got around to it) the plastic bridge saddle with one of bone, and too, replace the plastic bride pins with ebony.  So far, I'm still happy with it, so I'll just keep picking away at it.  I might still get to buying a Martin, a long time covet, but mostly to be able to say I own one.  [wink] I have and see no reason to own more guitars than I have a serious need for.


  4. 2 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

    The rain brought new growth on my citronella plants, which helps to keep the mosquitoes away from my door!!!

    I sure hope the plants work better than those "waste of money" citronella candles.  [mad]

    Anyway, the C-Ment guys came this morning and poured the concrete for my patio.  That slab of cement replaces an old collapsed deck with which the wood was warped and rotting and of no use.  Now all I need worry about is finding squirrel tracks going across it until it dries.  [cool]


  5. 13 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

    You can get a very playable entry level Yamaha acoustic (not acoustic-electric) for around $160.   Or how about an Ibanez parlor guitar starting at around $150.  Go with a used acoustic by either company and you might get that down to maybe $100-120.    

    Here is the US you can get 5 cents for returning cans and bottles for recycling.    

    5 cans = a quarter 

    20 cans = a dollar 

    2000-2500 empty soda cans = a used Yamaha acoustic guitar 

    Ah, but WHERE in the states?  [wink]   Here in Michigan, it's 10 cents a can/bottle.  So, cut that "cans  needed" in half.  [cool]


    13 hours ago, Retired said:

    Bourgeois RS - 42 acoustic, used price:  $20,000.00.      Bourgeois Custom Odyssey,  $16,798.50.   I hear they make excellant acoustic guitars.  I will never own one.  Although you can get them much cheaper than this. 

    Cripes, I would hope so.  [blink]


  6. 14 hours ago, Retired said:

    Good for you to sing and play. I can play and sing on certain songs but not very many. Deb tells me that a lot. She says I'm off beat when I try to sing to some.  It's the difficult songs I have to concentrate on playing.  I guess not all play and sing?

    Depended on the song for me too.  My wife couldn't play, and hated her own singing voice, so she never was judgmental about anyone else's singing, no matter how bad.  Always claimed she couldn't do better.  I always claimed I sang in the key of "J".  [wink]

    In that Dylan thread, many chimed in about how God-awful they thought Dylan's "singing" voice is.  But that's probably because those guys never heard ME  viciously destroy a perfectly good song!  [cool]


    • Haha 1
  7. Not knowing who Alfred Lord Gordon is, or was, I'm at a loss as to the OP's intent.    He(or she?) doesn't state where they're from, which has been a peeve of mine here.  Too many lack either the maturity, esteem or courage to let the rest of us know their point of origin.  Or they try to be cute and list, "It's good to be anywhere",  "Flat Earth" or something non specific.  But that's just me venting on something that's not really all that important.  To some, anyway.  [wink]


  8. Yes indeedee.

    Y'know, there's never been the "rivalries" between artists as there often was between their fans.  I recall during the "British invasion" days there were Beatles fans on one side with Stones fans on the other.  And those few of us who claimed to like them both were seen by each side as not REALLY liking either enough, so we were largely ignored.  :rolleyes:  I've often seen some of those "debates" break into out and out fist fights and brawls!  And that all winds up being amusing when in retrospect you realize at the time, neither The Beatles or The Stones held any animosity towards each other.  [cool]  And really, neither band was better than the other.  Just different styles and sounds.  

    It was the same with the supposed "rivalry" between Dylan and Donovan.  No rivalry there, but actually a mutual admiration.  And it's probably much the same with Dylan and Young.  [wink]


  9. My wife loved when I'd play my guitar.  She once had aspirations of learning to play, but didn't take to the idea of building callouses on her fingers.  And......

    She didn't like my using Elixir strings because she thought that "squeak"  caused by moving hands and fingers up the fret board made it sound like a "real guitar"!  \:D/


  10. Two old men in a restaurant.  One looks up from the menu and asks the other,

    "What's this here on the menu.....  'Soup Du Jour'?"  "What IS that?" 

    The other old man says, "Oh, I've had that before.  It's chicken."    


  11. The incredible incredulity of those climate change deniers is they actually do seem to believe that mankind COULD have spent generations pouring filth and poison in the water and sending all manner of pollutants into the atmosphere without ever having any consequences.  [blink]  Some even consider the idea of "global warming" a "scam". :rolleyes:  Or that it actually means the entire planet will become subtropical.  :rolleyes:

    Thanks to RobertSmith for the link.


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  12. I didn't notice an unusual plethora of bikes and bikers tooling 'round these parts yesterday, and the only ones I consider as "biker scum" are those idiot jackasses on "crotch rockets".  [cursing]

    And besides, Memorial day ISN'T about giving thanks to veterans, but to honor those in the military who died serving our nation.


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  13. 2 hours ago, Brucebubs said:

    So Bob is 80 ... he's harder to get rid of than a fart in a diving suit at 100 fathoms.

    80's nothing really.  I used to joke( many moons ago) that the only creatures still alive after a nuclear holocaust were cockroaches and GEORGE BURNS!  [wink]  It seemed HE would go on forever, but he left at 100.  And actor/director CLINT EASTWOOD just turned 91 yesterday.  

    CODY78 might find this interesting  [wink]


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