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Posts posted by Pinch

  1. I have no idea whether he has multiple accounts and whatnot, and if ksdaddy removed posts threatening physical violence then that's clearly not okay (the threats, not removing the posts).


    Other than that, the OP is a self-admitted anal nut, so apart from a few uncalled-for personal insults, I say live and let live. I don't believe he's trolling, I believe he has a smidgeon of OCD.


    More importantly: while I've always hated the expression "you win the Internet today", I still have to take it upon myself to bestow that honor upon MichaelT for "necro equine battery". I laughed out loud.

  2. I agree that Gibson QC could, and frankly should, be improved upon, but surely the tone of the guitar must matter too?


    The reason I got my 2017 V wasn't because of the brand name or how good the QC was, it was because of the tone. There are any number of brands that offer Vs, but most sound very little like Gibson Vs.


    If I swapped it out for, say, an ESP/LTD because one strap button wasn't perfectly aligned (I'm a fussy customer too, and I agree that we should have the right to be, as guitars are expensive things), maybe I'd get one with both buttons sitting perfectly flush with the body. But I would get an entirely different tone, wouldn't I?


    Does that make sense?


    That said, I've never played a PRS. For all I know, they could sound just like Les Pauls, in which case my argument takes an unceremonious tumble and lands on its two cheeks.

  3. I guess a QC gig will invariably turn routine, hence mistakes are made... That's not to downplay your experiences in the least. They should hire more people to work QC. A Gibson should be flawless.


    The problem is, I think, that they don't have to, since people buy Gibsons anyway.


    Imagine the QC they could have hired had they thought through 2015 a little better.

  4. I used to record in Logic (PC), then the band I was in at the time imploded, thus access was lost. For the last few years, I've run PreSonus Studio One. Remarkably crackly at a relatively low number of tracks - granted, I don't run it on the world's best computer - but financial considerations aside, I like it because I loooove the "Ampire" guitar amp plug-in.


    I pre-amp the signal with an old works-if-you-kick-it V-Amp 2, and then fiddle with the Ampire settings/simulations.


    The whole package was 200 bucks. Prolly be trial versions out there.. I'm way outdated, probably, but I get any and every sound I want out of it. YMMV.

  5. I adjusted one once (that I know of). I just did what I always do - adjusted it (in small increments, give it time to settle) until I had the relief I wanted.


    Btw, mine came pretty much dead straight, so I added a touch of relief. Haven't heard anyone say the Plustop Pro "should" be dead straight. I find, however, that it CAN be very straight and still perfectly playable, which is nice for those so inclined.

  6. My understanding is that single action rods can only bend the neck backwards, whereas you can create artificial relief with a dual action rod... or something like that. Whatever the mechanics, it will give you added flexibility. But does the Plustop Pro actually come with a dual-action truss rod? I have one, too. I SHOULD know ;)


    Re: relief: I find that the Plustop Pro plays best - IMHO - with less relief than I'm used to. Not dead straight, but fairly close - and I'm no dead straight, shredder neck fan.


    Congrats on the guitar. Love mine.

  7. Dunno about the SGs, but my LP truss rod wrench didn't fit. I thought it did (it should, right?), but thanks to the miniature wrench I now have a half-stripped truss rod nut. That's from a single turn.


    I located a wrench that actually went all the way in and hey presto...


    Doesn't really matter to me as it works fine with the same-gauge-I-think-but-longer wrench, and I'll never ever sell this guitar anyway, but... c'mon.


    It's possible that the one I got wasn't intended for the LP - they'd thrown out the box but got me a swag bag from another one - another model?


    Just thought I'd mention it. Word of caution. This is where my notion of "if I buy a guitar, I want everything that came with it" comes into play.

  8. Portland punk legends Poison Idea... and playing along with the "Use your illusion" double set.


    I always loved Guns, but never really took the time to figure out the Slash-isms on the albums, and it's really interesting how so much of it is rooted in chord notes. E.g., figure out the "guitar themes" in "Estranged". All chord notes for want of a better word. Maybe "an arpeggio where he only plays choice notes" is more on the ball.


    What's even more interesting is how it all obviously comes from learning the fundamentals before learning anything else - particularly since that was not the M.O. of a lot of his peers in L.A. at the time. That's not putting them down - each to their own.


    But as I get older, and have gotten more serious about my own playing, it's fascinating to realize just how grounded he is in the rock 'n roll basics - chords and scales - and how he still found his very own voice utilizing fundamental blues-based rock playing.


    Great phrasing and vibrato - or bends, rather - help, of course.


    It's been said before, of course, but it's absolutely wonderful guitar playing, and if you're like me - have heard the songs ad infinitum, but haven't sat down with them... I highly recommend it!

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