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Posts posted by Pinch

  1. Hm, maybe a Nashville, if that would fit? SGs, if I remember correctly, tend to be hard to intonate because they need more... Ah, what's the word, range for the intonation screws? (Like the Les Paul low E. You're lucky if you can intonate it, in any event it'll likely be maxed out.) 

    That didn't really answer your question, just an idea. Maybe the bridges you're looking at are just as suitable as a Nashville. 'm sure someone will jump in here soon. 

  2. On 3/2/2023 at 1:36 AM, mrichard27 said:

    Weren't these '50 and '60 Les Paul Standards $2,499 a like a month ago??  Now they are $2,799???     Wow wee...   How long until $3,000??  End of the year?

    Only took a couple months. My guess is $3400 by the end of the year. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Rabs said:

    Cheers...  The thing with me and the first piece I posted is that the subject matter is one that is close to me. One of my best friends and musical partner died in 2018 at 43 years old..  He was a musician, studied it for 10 years at Uni.. Was in three bands at once when he was up there. He played at open mic nights and festivals, made his own music etc etc..   And even though he was a really clever guy all ever wanted to do was music..

    And like Ren, he had both mental and physical issues to deal with..  I had conversations with him about the voices he heard in his head and how much it effected him. He also thought about suicide and a lot of the things that the "bad" Ren says..  It really is a real thing. I 

    Oh.. And he really doesnt sound anything like Japanese.....:rolleyes:

    Bare emotion. Really affected me. And the message of not giving up, well, it's perennial, innit (some Japanese slang there for WF), but it was just stated so beautifully and powerfully, it hit me like a ton of bricks. 

    And just look at how the video has affected people - there are a million reaction videos. 

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  4. 15 hours ago, Whitefang said:

    Debilitating disease for DECADES?  Not that guy.  He doesn't look old enough to have been around for "decades".  But regardless, it's not the alleged  disease that makes him a tantrum throwing brat, but his idiotic schizo argument with the Brit/Japanese accent that really sounds stupid.  And his fallen short effort to look like Billy Bibbit was all to obvious an attempt to appear mentally damaged.  Not to mention the pathetically ridiculous Letherhead orderly pushing his (probably) unnecessary wheelchair. 

    No, I'm not a cancer survivor, but do know a few.  And they usually spend ALL of their time reveling in the fact they're still living and go about trying their best to make the most of their second chance.  Not screeching at themselves in an affectated voice and arguing with themselves about the bad deal life has dealt them or how great the rest of the world should think they are. 

    You obviously took a HUGE gulp of that Kool-Aide.   🙄


    Okay, so it was ten years. Whatever, tough guy. If you'd read the lyrics, you'd known how the song ends. I'm done. 

  5. Debilitating disease for decades to the point where you have to cross continents to get help is a being a tantrum-throwing brat to you? 

    Sad. Don't come crying when it happens to you. 

    Jesus. Weren't you a cancer survivor? How would you have liked it to have been called a tantrum-thrower back then?! 

    Ugh.  That was the most ignorant and callous thing I've read on here ever. 



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  6. 2 hours ago, Rabs said:

    Not just that. But he talks from a musician/artist standpoint.  The voice inside us we all have that tells us we arent good enough to do this. What makes me special.. Yes as well as mental and physical illness he has had to spend most of his life confined to the bedroom..  And rather than let it defeat him, hes going to stand up to it and say no.....

    Its a pretty uplifting song in the end...

    The back and forth he has with his inner self I thought was really well done and very honest.

    I agree. 

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