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Everything posted by Pinch

  1. That, to me, is a perfect-looking Les Paul. Honeyburst and pickguard.
  2. I prefer Peter J's old movies, but have to admit it's good work if you can get it, becoming a multi-millionaire just by filming a bunch of guys walking through a forest for over three hours.
  3. FWIW, my Epi Plustop from 20...15? has perfectly level frets. (The fret wire issue I went on about coupla years ago, well, they do look a little worn and pyramid-like, but haven't really gotten worse since, and it's certainly not a problem.)
  4. I would've done the same. You just KNOW the replacement would sound like crap. And then you'd have to send that one back, and the truck would not only skid on ice and break the guitar (which would not be under warranty due to Corona), but hit and kill a deer, and then the villagers would run you out with torches and pitchforks shouting, "you killed Bambi!".
  5. Sgt: love the LP. BD: love the Teles.
  6. Hi Philby, Is that you playing? Sounds f--king awesome! Now that’s tone! I've never really thought about neck thickness contributing to tone, probably because I always felt the baseball bat necks were a bit too baseball-batty, but then again, I've played a 50s neck for an entirety of, what, five minutes? Let's just say I like a happy medium. But I would (and do) listen to Rabs. It makes a whole HELLA lotta sense that the neck's thickness would contribute to the thickness of the tone. Why was I only thinking of the body (cue jokes)?
  7. Started the first time I heard a distorted guitar. I was probably five at the time. It was like a light switch went on. My parents bought the whole Satanic Panic BS of the early-to-mid-Eighties (which seems inconceivable now), so I had to be sneaky for a while... First real six-string at 13 or so. By then not only had I devoured Iron Maiden, Megadeth and Metallica, but the punk scene as well. Along came death metal, and it felt like I imagine it felt for people who grew up when Elvis or the Beatles broke through... Only this was on a considerably smaller scale! But it wasn't unusual for me to listen to Elvis and Carcass back-to-back back then, and it still isn't. I even like a bit of hip hop from time to time. Mainly though... It's guitar music I listen to. There have been longer and shorter periods when I haven't been playing, but I've usually been involved in music in SOME capacity even when not playing myself. Got super serious about playing again sometime around, God, 2013? It's yielded a bit of touring and gigging since. Currently on a bit of a hiatus, as far as "the biz" goes. It's just something that's always been with me, in one form or another. I would, with the benefit of hindsight, describe hearing a distorted guitar for the first time as a religious awakening. Some people find religion in the Bible, some find it through music. Or the occult. Their kids. If I were to wager a guess, I think that when we die, we'll find out that it was somehow all the same thing. And that's from someone who's never done acid.
  8. Good on ya! I don't count myself as necessarily unlucky in the relationship respect. The highs have been incredible. They didn't last - well, not so far anyway - but does that take anything away from the experiences? I would say, no.
  9. Like hearing all these stories of long-term marriages!
  10. Pinch


    Youtube, used DVD boxes bought for cheap. No TV.
  11. To each their own. I say once a year is enough for conditioning, even with harder woods like ebony.
  12. Sweet! Explorers are great guitars. Just wish they'd offer a 1984 standard every year. I do not want a pickguard on an Explorer. It's a deal breaker. Even people who hate metal think Hetfield when they hear "Gibson Explorer".
  13. Keep in mind that lemon oil for guitars is not oil from lemons. I use Dunlop Ultimate Lemon Oil once a year (Sweden, so the RH changes drastically from one season to the next. I now use a humidifier). We're entering into Snake-Oil-or-not territory here, but... I've owned guitars with rosewood fretboards that couldn't even spell "hardcase", RH from 20 (winter) to 90-100 (summer)... Ten years and NP. Would I chance it today? No. Ebony is way more susceptible to cracking than rosewood. Still, from my experience - once a year is enough. I'd let it sit for about 30 minutes. Hope that helps.
  14. "60s" necks on both my Tribute and my Epi. The Epi is thicker. Actually like it better. "50s" necks... No. For me, just... no.
  15. I hear ya. And agree. 2k should equal perfection.
  16. I'm with Chris here (as per usual, btw). Contrary to what a lot of young Ibanez players would have you think, there is no actual worth in being able to achieve fret buzz by low action. I'd be more concerned if I had fret buzz that I couldn't get rid of. But I see where you're coming from. New Guitar Syndrome IS hard to tell apart from Actual Problem-Guitar Syndrome. To some degree, we all fall victims to it. Personally, would I worry? Yes - the operative word being "personally". From the outside, looking in? No. If it does what it wants you to and sounds great, it's a keeper. Check my "Fantomen" thread for perspective.
  17. Thanks Dave, I'll probably end up using your method (with wood glue).
  18. And you could still screw them back in, and they would set/the problem would be fixed? That would be great. Sorry if my questions are dumb... A carpenter I am not, as you can probably tell.
  19. Mm, but I need to be able to get it out for adjusting the truss rod, too 😉 I'll put in a drop of wood glue, let it sit overnight and screw it into the hardened glue. I think. Or should that be overthink 😉
  20. I'd like to say if it were me, I'd leave it... but in the real world, I'd have fifty-three new threads on here within ten minutes asking for advice. I still think you should leave it, though, unless you plan on selling the guitar or something.
  21. Thank you. That makes sense. It's so tiny, a tiny drop of glue (wood glue good?) makes the most sense. I would think.
  22. Hm... Should I just shear of a tiny piece of toothpick and put put it to the side of the hole? Can't really put it in the middle, or the screw won't go in. Sorry for all the questions 🙂
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