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Everything posted by Pinch

  1. I know it's no consolation, but you're only a guitar player after you've tried to fix something, made it considerably worse and spent a lot of money doing so. On topic: the supposed luthier should compensate you. But I'm guessing he's already offered to fix it, and you don't want him to even LOOK at your guitar after he messed up the frets. Sticky situation.
  2. If it's dried out during Nov-Jan, and you now keep it in a properly humidified climate, I would wait a little longer for it to get back to normal. If the humidity is the only variable that's changed, it should get back to normal eventually. Good luck! But yeah, I know how it is... Patience is not my strong suit either.
  3. The hybrid 9-46 set has its merits, but I find the gap between the gauges affect the tone a little too much, so... 10s. Could I A/B them and tell just from listening? Probably not. But it looks like I know what the hell I'm talking about when I post it on here.
  4. Floor model. Last one. Good price. The bridge has individual string retainers that are pretty much useless. Cheapest bridge ever. I'm waiting for a replacement, either a perfect stock one or an upgrade, and it'll be on their dime. It would appear this model's target audience is Ghost fans who are not too picky or knowledgable about guitars (no way in HELL Ghost use these bridges live, regardless of what Hagstrom would have you believe), but that is no excuse when they're in the vicinity of 800 smackers new. Phenomenal tone, sucky QC, cheapo parts. Once I get everything sorted out, I'll probably use this one more than any other guitar I've ever owned. But I'm disappointed - shocked, even - that they'd throw below-entry level parts on a supposed signature guitar.
  5. Stripped out hole. Just jam it in and screw in the screw? Which is softer/better?
  6. Never was a VH fan, but I recall his autobiography was pretty good.
  7. Yup, but "Crying" and "Amazing" make Bryan Adams sound like Napalm Death. Two listens and bam - type 2 diabetes.
  8. Thanks for the advice! I just finished the set-up. A few frets could use a little touching up - still! Can't hear it through the amp or DI, so I'm leaving well enough alone. I've had to adjust literally everything. I'm done NOW - what's it been, a month? It sounds great and I do love it (now), but jeez Louise, what a pain in the butt this one was.
  9. I just wish the drummer would take out some of his toms. I realize it's his "thing" (right?). It's just not my thing. Damn kids and their hippie antics.
  10. Y Ugh. Au contraire. I've run into more issues and will get a full fret leveling.
  11. Had the frets fixed, just one more spot to do that I missed. God bless luthiers! A great guitar in most ways, and I am dead fre... uh, set, on keeping it, but this one was a little too much work out of the box for comfort. Not buying another Hagstrom anytime soon.
  12. Mm. Yeah, it's not the whole fret. Guess I've just been lucky in the past, always had perfect fretwork on every guitar I've bought. No, I have no fretwork tools at all, so after I get this taken care of I think I should buy some.
  13. It's not the actual fret end. Although one of the high spots is on the end of the fret (high E). It's a quarter-inch of the fret that's about 1/100" too high on both of the affected fret. I'll have it looked at this week but figured I could use a tool for future use.
  14. Would this be a good tool for precision spot leveling, do you think? https://www.stewmac.com/Luthier_Tools/Tools_by_Job/Tools_for_Fretting/3-Corner_Fret_Dressing_Files.html
  15. I've gotten some good advice from you over the years! ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. I joined in 2014 and this has been my main source for information on guitars ever since (I was away for most of 2019, but I'm back now). I played guitar before 2014, but that's when I really got back into playing and when I first started geting into the actual instrument and not just the playing of it. So this is where I learned to do my own setups with all that it entails, and all that good stuff. Guys like capmaster, rct and Bence - and several other were my teachers, and today I pass on what I learned to others (I call it "Pinch's Community Outreach Program" - well, not really, but... still). Some people have left, some remain, but the vibe on here remains the same. It is indeed an excellent forum full of very knowledgeable and friendly people.
  17. I actually have a broken spare neck here, so I used a nail file for practice... Not very precise unfortunately, and the fret got flat. Maybe a jewelery file is better. But seeing the precision work I just did, I think I'll leave it to a pro ๐Ÿ˜‰
  18. Had I been there, it probably would have been different. Lemmy from Motorhead, of all people, who was there back in the day, always said they were the best band in the world ever, bar none. And he knew bars.
  19. Agreed. I just thought it was funny, because it was so specific. Another classic was Ozzy shouting, "I'm sick and tired of living in a fking dump!" Err... You don't.
  20. Yeah, should be an easy fix then. Like Ozzy said, "it could be worse. I could be Sting." After I clear it with the place I ordered it from (warranty and all that). I'm guessing they'll think it's a better idea than shipping a giant box 600 miles in a truck for mucho dinero. If I come across as hysterical, it's because: 1) I am, and 2) I really couldn't afford this, but I cut down on this, that and the other and could afford it... just. Then you want the fxxking thing to play right. I do all my own setups, but frets are the one thing I've never messed with. Thanks again, much sppreciated
  21. I've tried. I respect them for what they did, but it's not my cup of tea.
  22. Have heard good things about the EC series. Maybe swap out the EMGs? I don't hate EMGs (my hate is reserved for uneven frets), but I don't love them either.
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