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Everything posted by Pinch

  1. Will see what my local guy says. The fret looks just fine and perfectly settled - except I can see the string clearly does not clear it. If I move the fretted note one step up or down, it clears the next (or previous) fret fine. As long as it CAN be fixed and not cost loads, I'm happy. Like I said, otherwise I really, really, REALLY like the guitar. It sucks that so many physical stores close down... but as long as it's an easy fix, I'm happy... Thanks.
  2. Thanks man. The whole thing is, I ordered this guitar, got a great price, so I'd really like to keep it - not to mention shipping it back and forth would be expensive and a hassle (you should have seen the box). If it's an easy fix, it will be waaay more convenient, and still cheaper, than returning it and buying from someplace else. With a credit card across the offending frets and their neightbors, it doesn't "rock", but if I hold down the fret and touch the offending fret ever so lightly I hear the note change - it's not like this anywhere else on the guitar. So it really must be a high fret. I guess it takes very little. So I guess I'll have that piece of cake. Edit: I can actually see how it doesn't clear the fret in the problem places.
  3. Do luthiers dress individual frets? Anyone?
  4. Well, som good things and some less good things. GOOD: great hard rock PAFy tone - but great tones for most genres, because the pickups and pots are very, VERY responsive. Great price including sturdy original hard case. Set up perfect. VERY comfortable to play, no neck diving. BAD: a couple of spots with bad fret buzz. I. e., a couple frets need to be dressed. It's individual notes, not all across the board on the affected frets. Now to Google for how to file/dress frets. Any of you done it? Need I get upset, or can I go, pfft, that's an easy fix, and celebrate NGD with a piece of cake?
  5. Oh man, it's here! Sitting in the box overnight though, just to be safe. I am currently very happy. Edit: and impatient!
  6. Never was a big fan, but the songs I've heard from it were better than I expected!
  7. Still waiting for my Fantomen... Man, these live vids make me wish I'd seen them when they last toured:
  8. The guitar players from Ghost. I don't know who are in the costumes these days after the old band left/were fired, though.. Who'da thunk that little project would end up in arenas in less than ten years' time...
  9. The white one. But they're both gorgeous! First time I don't buy locally, so I hope Santa has a climate-controlled sled for the delivery. Did get it with the hard case, so hopefully it will be fine. Looking forward to it a lot!
  10. I'm waiting for my Hagström Fantomen. GAS! So I'll sit around and watch YouTube videos of it and drool. And try to come up with a chorus for a song I'm working on. I laid down a verse and a bridge yesterday, and boy do they suck. So I have to come up with a chorus that's as bad, and I feel confident that I will. Nothing like a bit of confidence.
  11. I'm getting one of these. The white one. I've been GASsing hard for months. Fingers crossed that it arrives safe and sound.
  12. Speaking of the old CEO, I wonder if a retailer ever sold a single "Modern Flying V". I can't see it.
  13. Well, different models and different years have different pickups and weight relief (either no weight relief, nine-hole "modern" weight relief or "ultra modern" weight relief).
  14. Looks like a burgundy red that's been in a window for a while? Great LPs, the PlusTops.
  15. Trying it again. You'd think a two-y o Gibson could take a short tour without irreversible damage to the pots.
  16. Oh, I've cleaned the switch. The only problem is when it's in the middle position... I. e. when not touching the neck or bridge blade. Worrying. Will clean everything again soon and hope for the best.
  17. I've tried contact cleaner. The pots are OK on their separate settings, but with the switch in the middle with both Dirty Fingers on, it's Scratchville. Long story short, I know jack about pots. Which new ones should I get? Any 500K pots?
  18. I thought of the pickup ring just before I fell asleep... Will have a look. Thanks. Actually, the pickup is positioned so the pole pieces are closer to the strings than if it had been flat, which is why I have to lower the pickup all the way down. I mean, it works, but there's a gap on one end between the pickup ring and the pickup cover. It's just, why?
  19. Hi all. Been a while. Been super busy. Quick question, what's with angled pickups? My Tribute sounds best w/ the neck pup, which is tilted downwards, super low. Which looks a little weird when the pup is positioned more like \ than -. Is it adjustable? Why are the pups on some guitars positioned like that?
  20. Me and Rob have both been busy lately. I was gonna e-mail him today. Last time we "spoke" was a couple weeks ago. He's doing fine.
  21. Happy NGD! Have heard good things a/ Schecter. My own heresy is I like import Jacksons.
  22. I have a Pedaltrain, which is sturdy and plenty of bang for the buck (I run a similar number of pedals). I wouldn't splash out on an expensive power supply. I bought a cheap Riot power supply (1000A, my pedals use up about half of that) and a Riot cable with nine whatchamacallits. It's survived touring and all kinds of indignities and attempts on its life, and it's fine (it was the cheapest setup available to me).
  23. Plustop Pro Standard. It took me ten seconds to decide to buy mine after I plugged it in. The ProBuckers make it sound very much like Slash's tone. I've got a Gibson LP Tribute (2017 model) too, and I can't decide which one sounds better. The Epiphone sounds a bit more like "Appetite", and the Gibson is more "Use your illusion". I daresay that the Epiphone has more bite. I probably wouldn't have bought the Gibson LP if the deal hadn't been amazing on that one. If you want Slash on a budget, without sacrificing quality/tone, that would be my choice. Bar none.
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