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Everything posted by NighthawkChris

  1. Well, you're lucky you have a situation with a band I take it where you actually need to use something that big. No one is lining up to see my band like that lol. I'm just man getting older with some nice guitars and gear. Hoping to give it away to my kiddos before I die. I learned on Epiphones, my kids will learn on Gibsons.
  2. @kidblast Cool stuff man I understand completely. I turn mine on time to time but never driving it to what this thing can output. These days my combo does the job. I think my shot at rocking arenas is over haha!
  3. I still have a full stack and I don’t know why I do. What was I thinking when I was 20? Thinking now about what I was thinking about then…
  4. I wouldn't worry so much with stacking if it's 4 cases on each other that are "rugged" as you say. If they are good hard-shell cases the form of them should hold well so the guitar doesn't "feel" it that is inside each case. If you see the cases deform in any way whatsoever in your stack, probably not a good idea to stack them. You gotta do what you gotta do though. Keeping a nitro-finished guitar in a cold place would not be optimal I'd say, but if you ever decide to play it indoors where the temperature is considerably warmer, you have to let the guitar acclimate to the warmer temperature as slowly as possible to prevent the finish from checking. So what you are watching out for is how fast the guitar warms up if you are freezing it basically. I've seen videos on people "aging" nitro-finished guitars by freezing it and warming it up rapidly.
  5. I don’t care about NY. If I had any beef with him it would be with his music. Not my generation though. I had beef with Kid Rocks music and have for years for no other reason than I hate it for what it is. I expressed that feeling. I don’t live under a rock so I know he’s political, dates these women, blah blah. Don’t care. His music sucks that’s where I drew the like with him. Do I want him censored or dead or something… hell no! Let him be the bada$$ he claims to be lol! He’s probably cooler than me. Sarge has a lot to say about NY and it’s funny. Had me thinking about someone I like to blast - but for different reasons obviously. Two different guys right there. But no I’m impassioned when I say how much I hate KR’s crappy music that pollutes the radio waves. Yes I listen to radio… a lot lol! At least it’s FM. I feel ya though on the free speech stuff. Wasn’t really going there about anything but yeah, I’m with you. Live and let live I say. I have paid no attention to what Neil does. He’s irrelevant to my life but I am learning more about him just by virtue of being here. He sounds like a ******y dude. I know he’s part of CSN&Y, songwriter… good for him. Do I listen to him, no. I like metal and hard rock kind of stuff if I had to pick a genre to die by. Maybe NY will tell me that’s bad or something then I’ll have a bone to pick.
  6. And @jvi stop being a buzzkill dude, the smack talking is hilarious! I literally read Sarge's posts and get a good laugh - because the stuff's true, haha!
  7. Not too sure on that one. All I know is I absolutely detest "his" music - if we can call it that. Take that song that has put holes in my eardrums All Summer Long... The song is a combination of Werewolves of London + Sweet Home Alabama with a guitar solo that is not in the right key and has an iPhone ringtone keyboard part in it with an intro that is recycled Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit's drum intro. I could only imagine how that one came together in the studio. That says enough to me... Aside from all his antics and personal stories, I don't follow it much - the "music" he puts out is enough to just make me wonder WTF. The one where he recycled Metallica's Sad But True riff just makes me cringe. I've had friends and fam that seen him and they say it's a good time. I cannot conceivably see myself having a good time there unless there are some serious drugs involved - and earplugs.
  8. LOL, I think you feel the way about NY that I do about Kid Rock - the American Bada$$.
  9. @gibsonrene, if at all possible, I'd take it to someone reputable that can restore the finish since the potential to screw this one up is high when you start "experimenting" with stuff. I mean, you are asking here, so you aren't in the know about what to use, how to do it, etc. I personally wouldn't finish touch-up work because I have a guy for that. It's worth the extra cost whatever small cost it is to take care of your $4k instrument. You could end up having to refinish not only the original blemish, but refinish the bad refin attempt. Just my advice here. I'd hate for you to something you did or put on it. Not saying that the suggestions here are wrong or the like, just saying that you could have peace of mind giving this to someone who HAS restored nitro finish before on something like a Gibson. Again, reputable being key word here. Don't cheapy out on someone either. It's like buying a nice car and putting garbage tires on it. I call it putting good money to bad. Good luck - and we need pics of that LP Custom haha!
  10. No pics, no guitar as far as I know 😄 good deal though, glad that was a win for you. BBs are about as classy as you get when it comes to LPs.
  11. The neck is a mini-hum just like the Firebird, the middle is a single-coil, and the bridge obviously a full-size hum, but slanted of course. It's like the Gibson-Fender. 25.5" scale. @mihcmac knows about these. He has a Blueshawk.
  12. Cool video @jdgm - really liked the music that went along with it most TBH.
  13. I have a few #1's. I didn't call myself @NighthawkChris for nothing. I also like Historic Reissue Les Pauls too... Here's my R9 that weighs just over 8lbs the day I got it.
  14. Hideous. I wanted to post something more profane coming from the mouth of Arnold in the hit movie Predator - the scene where Arnold sees Predator's face for the first time - but it's a little too... vulgar. No way am I paying 5k for some high schooler's wood shop project. All Gibson thinks they have to do is grab a block of wood, put their name on that s*** and slap on the $5k price tag, voila! It's how we do business boys!
  15. Yeah the job around the nut is unacceptable 100%. Just another voice to say that this is not right. I would not keep that one. Let Gibson blame it on COVID. They also had a price hike recently, so wonder WTF we are paying more for... Honestly, I get the sour taste in your mouth. I for one don't like to buy new Gibsons. I only buy used because the latest runs of these guitars for the money are not worth the cost IMHO. YMMV. I also like Nighthawks, and those stopped being made in the 90s. TBH, I have only gone Custom Shop because these are impeccable MOST of the time. But you shouldn't have to pay CS dollars to get the binding scraped properly. Even then, I question if I really needed to buy my CS Gibsons... I have a better playing experience on my Indonesian made guitar that cost a fraction of what I paid for my CS Gibsons. Overall, it is a shame what Gibson USA has become. Your experience reminds me of when I bought a new 2018 LP Classic. I went through 2 of them and they both are not in my possession today. That's because they sucked. I returned them, that's how I got back at the man. No sale...
  16. @Whitefang it was all at the same time lol. I sat on the can while holding onto the trash bucket… lovely haha! Still have no appetite and slight fever so hoping I get some relief later today. I’m not puking anymore thankfully. Oh man I really hate spewing.
  17. I have young kids and I have been sick on and off since Christmas. As a matter of fact I right now have a stomach bug. I woke up at 4 am puking and pooping nonstop. This was after I spent all night cleaning up after the kids who had the same crap and evidently gave it to me. Not going to lie I feel like dog poop… laid in bed all day long and that’s all I can do. I can’t say for sure but we may have had the omicron because as I said we have all been sick on and off for quite a while. Kids… I know I had it last August. Lost taste and smell with a positive PCR to boot. Weird feeling to lose smell and taste… glad it came back. Stay well all, this BS ain’t over.
  18. lol, yeah! It's been a while since I've watched SP, but there's some good stuff in some of the episodes.
  19. lol they'll put burning 't's outside of your house for "Time to leave!"
  20. That guitar was meant to be somebody's teabag special - courtesy of Gibson, GC, whatever...
  21. What's it to you city slicker?
  22. Hey! I'm offended! I identify as a "cow person".
  23. I get that and not to derail the thread here about the Raven LP Studio, but it is plain BS that you have to wait for this crap to just "go away"... Pretty sure this wasn't going on back in the early days when they first made these things, but you know about a billion LPs out there and we all need one or 5, so a way to crank up the production perhaps? Who knows... Do we need electrostatic paint jobs on an all-black guitar? Because they are not making cars - something millions of people need for every-day - they are making guitars - something millions of people do not need to exist in an economy (except for those that make their living on music today which isn't many of us). IDK... Seems like this process causes more headaches for the suckers who pay thousands for their wood, wires and paint. Do they (Gibson) care... Nah. They're ICONIC! AUTHENTIC!
  24. So true man... You see that video that guy posted about his LP crackling when he touched any metal parts on it? WOW! I've seen the static-pop crap going on, but a new LP Custom having that is unacceptable. You shouldn't have to wait 2 years for the "nitro to cure" so you don't get thunderous static pops - or whatever the hell it is - going on. I'd be pissed off! I even said to live with it, but didn't know it was THAT BAD!
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