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Everything posted by NighthawkChris

  1. HAHA hilarious M&M video! Free nut removal šŸ˜†
  2. lol, I don't play high because it doesn't work for me as I said. Although, the only times I really smoke these days is when I'm done practicing with the crew. I don't drink much because I usually drive and getting older, it seems like it just makes me feel like crap. Other drugs, I don't mess around with. I played around with hallucinogenics back in the teen years, but stopped that after a few "trips". The craziest thing I've tried was ecstasy (rolling on 'E') - and this blew my flipping mind! Did it a couple times and drugs that were that good weren't meant to be taken a lot. But overall, I haven't tried coke (surprisingly), H, nothing other than primarily cigarettes, some booze here and there, and a lot of weed back in the day. Just an average stoner haha! So yeah, I'll smoke a little weed today. I don't buy sacks of weed anymore, but if it's going around, I'll partake. It's "legal" here as we know. I just make sure I don't drive afterwards.
  3. Haha where do you go to the bathroom when you have a pegina? Damn me to hell but I think people that dress like the opposite sex are freaks.
  4. I think we need sensitivity training around here. I went through that BS when I worked for a big corporation. This and diversity awareness crap too. I just want to make some money - the little bit that I take home while these corporations make billionsā€¦ our world sucks so badā€¦ I donā€™t work there anymore. I work at a smaller company where we donā€™t talk about that crap. Thatā€™s what it isā€¦ crap. I just want a paycheck and go home at the end of the day. No job loyalty, just a paycheck.
  5. Did you mix up your name and the title of this thread? @Headstock Stain is a strange name to haveā€¦
  6. lol, yeah I know what you mean about the dabs. It made me scared high - like the first time getting high. Vape pens work great, but I usually use my glass piece - or use my friend's volcano when I see him. My friends smoke a lot of weed. But in our band, we learned that it's better to smoke after practices. Not that the high sessions aren't any fun... Just don't make as good of music, haha! You think you do though.
  7. Vaproization works well - not the PG vape stuff. Think volcano with the balloon...
  8. Nothing wrong with weed. It's cigarettes that I am more against. I can quit weed no problem, but quitting cigarettes is much more difficult and to boot the cost today to buy a pack. I remember when packs were dirt cheap, but even then, watching people die from years of cigarette use is not pleasant. Said it before here, if you want to be like my grandma who spent the last few years of her life taking a crap in her family room on an oxygen machine that has a tube that follows you around every room, keep lighting up... If you want to be like my wife's father who died without a voice box and COPD, light 'em up. The government tells us what we can and can't do, yet the FDA allows us to be served the foods we eat that kill us just as slow IMHO. They ban weed, but allow us to consume alcohol - which is arguably more damaging - and cigarettes. In the end, always comes down to dollars and cents. Follow the money... And weed isn't a healthy choice, but I believe that it isn't as harmful as the 2 other things I mentioned. Not talking about those that smoke and drive, but focus on physical health effects. Yeah, weed can cause some cognitive declines in certain ways, no doubt... Again, not promoting weed use here, just saying that I am one of those that says if we have booze and cigarettes, WTF is wrong with weed... Mostly, the govt. telling you what's good for you and what isn't. I like to ponder this over all the ultra-processed food I consume that is regarded as GRAS. Ya know, like fructose, sodium nitrate... Nothing like pop and hot dogs... Again, this kills you about as fast as a cigarette smoker IMHO. Good food int' easy to come by.
  9. The Olympics suck, always have always will. Like most things in life today, this one is in the reject bin by my standards. I need more bins... I remember the Nancy Kerrigan days when that crazy ho Tonya Harding hired a guy to break Nancy's legs. Figure skating, another waste of my life to watch as the "winners" are those that are judged.... I remember having a Penthouse with Tonya naked in it from some leaked stuff or something... Wow, those t-its are disgusting looking... the nipple to love bag ratio is way off.
  10. I spent $150 on GnR apparel at the Comerica Park concert just because they are awesome! They were in good form last August. When they come back if they do, count me in! Always loved this band. Slash is a guitar hero. Now a hoodie around $200 from Gibson seems like ā€œwhy?ā€ to me. Planning on dropping a couple Cnotes at the Testament concert coming up in a couple months. Was delayed because of COVID so really looking forward to another one of my favorite bands of all time.
  11. lol, that's cool. Simply sharing some of my experience with where I am musically speaking. I'm not a professional by any means - my day job pertains to software work - but I wouldn't want to sell myself short. I've spent a lot of time - and money - on my passion for music over the period of my life. I hope that everyone finds time in their life to either play a musical instrument or appreciate something that helps their creativity/imagination. I was inspired back in college to completely embellish my musical appreciation when I took a musical history class. It was a liberal art I took with an engineering major, but I would have paid to take it anyhow if it didn't help me graduate because it was that good. I love paying in a band, I love performing and sharing... music is everything to me. Hoping to have my kids learn one day. My mother played piano and had me learn at a young age. I play guitar more these days though... Doesn't matter though. I found out that so long as you are playing SOMETHING, you're good! Anyhow, keep playing, enjoy the time you spend with your friends doing it too. Life goes by quick and things change faster than we'd like. Best wishes to you.
  12. On piano, I can play pieces by Chopin. If you have listened to Baroque era to Romantic era composers extensively (where Chopin being from the Romantic era) you will understand what I have worked through to accomplish playing select pieces from these time periods. Chopin had great appreciation for JS Bach - and you can tell by his "tribute" to Bach which were that of his Preludes. Chopin is my favorite composer of the past. I digress. My right hand can phrase nicely on the piano, as well as my left hand can do more than just chord - it can develop movement musically speaking. Why I can't make an E chord shape even like I can my left without thinking is beyond me. Once again, probably lots of training and "starting over" like when I first started playing and had no idea how to make an E chord shape with my left hand. Strangely enough, strumming with my left hand is awkward feeling come to think of it. And to play guitar well, that takes both hands to acquire technique that differ from each other. Amazing and strange thing, the human brain... Strange thing is I see a lot of people who are right-handed play hockey with a left-handed stick - that's me. I've seen lefties that use right-handed sticks... But I golf right-handed... I couldn't shoot a good shot in hockey with a RH stick (holding like a RH'er). I can't even stick-handle trying to do so RH...
  13. @GuitarsAnn I like it a lot! Beautiful Les Paul Custom šŸ™‚
  14. @duane v It's strange because when you play piano, you actually do some "complex" stuff with both hands, yet if I tried to make a simple chord shape with my right hand, I'm incapable of doing it. That and I don't have callouses on my right hand fingertips. My left hand finger tips are like little thimbles. I can tell when I'm not playing as much because they start to soften up and hurts a bit to make chords for any prolonged period of time. Either way, good luck learning a new thing. It's an interesting ambition that to have here. I guess you sort of have to, right?
  15. How about those hoodies for nearly $200. Or a phone case for a minimum of $55.
  16. When I was in high school, Russ Gibb ran a video class and had a mini production studio there. Cool class, easiest passing grade ever. https://www.freep.com/story/entertainment/music/brian-mccollum/2019/04/30/russ-gibb-detroit-grande-ballroom-paul-mccartney/3635010002/ I liked the Bbig Ssur - was a great guy and helped a lot of the ā€œlosersā€ make something of themselves.
  17. Thanks... Just what I needed šŸ™‚ That was a song that was stuck a few years ago, now it's back! lol!
  18. I love watching shows about the big cats of the world. When I was a kid, cheetahs were my favorite. Just hope they (all big cats) donā€™t become extinct any time soon as they are becoming endangered from poachers and habitat loss. Hereā€™s a fun factā€¦ I was told that heyenas are more closely related to cats than dogsā€¦ blew my mind!
  19. I continuously get the songs in the shows my kids watch stuck in my head. Theyā€™re obnoxious - the music and the kids haha!
  20. Very happy for you man glad life is granting you a better day and I wish you many more
  21. Man that tamatillo is something else! Stuff is like acid raining out your behind
  22. Dropping a loaf on neighborsā€™ lawns is ok here in Angryville. Cool dog man
  23. Oh man I had me some tacos with tamatillo sauce and my butts gonna be angry tomorrow!
  24. Angryville postings, yes we are definitely angry over here
  25. @jvi, I'm a good person and I don't need to worry about anything other than being a good person. I don't need anyone else telling me how to be one. That's my other point to make here.
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