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Everything posted by NighthawkChris

  1. Could definitely get more than $1650 for it and the right price will sell that quickly as you post it. As always have to do research to figure out what similar guitars are selling for and/or have sold for in recent days. Start high, then gradually reduce price. The guitar market I have learned is a lot of made up value. You are playing the card that you have something that someone cannot live without so to speak so you’re waiting for that buyer. But mods and non original stuff set aside will affect value, but still you will get a bit more than $1650 I believe. It takes time, patience, and research to sell guitars for the right price from a seller’s perspective.
  2. With these new LP Standards, I just look at the knobs. Reflectors on the 60s, no reflectors on 50s.
  3. Looks like the person who scraped that with a razor blade left some noticeable impressions. Wouldn’t worry about it, it’s pretty common. Hand-made guitars, gotta love em. Seriously wouldn’t worry about it as that’s pretty small and looks like it won’t affect the way the guitar plays.
  4. Well you probably could take the cord and loop it through where the strap fastens to the butt of the body and you’d think nothing of it. It’s probably a great sounding guitar… don’t know, never played one. But again hope it turns out well!
  5. @LPRich web search Phil. But I’ll save you the trouble. He’s a YouTuber and I don’t like to watch his stuff. I know my gear… Just had to throw my opinion into the mix lol!
  6. Interesting… Input jack is right near the bridge? That might bother me, but that’s why we are all different and like different stuff I guess. Either way man hope you enjoy the guitar when it gets in your hands.
  7. @LPRich you got to do what you got to do. I just know if I didn’t get guitars online, I would have a difficult time coming across guitars that I did get online that I really appreciate. It took me a little bit to get used to it and of course had some troubles here and there. But overall I have had more positive experiences getting a guitar online.
  8. Well you’re gonna have a hard time getting a Gibson then. I’ve bought several Custom Shop guitars online and had zero issues. That’s the way it’s done - or you’re going to have to wait for your local shop to get something you like in. If you shut down the online option then your selection is drastically diminished. I agree that it would be great to get everything in-person but that’s not as feasible today. Just buy from some place that does returns if you aren’t happy with it. That’s about the best you can do. You might miss out on some fine guitars if you totally eliminate the online option is my main point.
  9. Well I’ll be honest the reason I went to an iPhone was because me experience with a company iPhone I had for years - iPhone 5S. Great phone, great battery - it just worked for everything I needed it to. So I took a gamble with the 8. Yes been great and not had issues for 3 years until this battery thing happened. Finding out the hard way that Apple is not my friend at all so to speak. That being said, I might just get a ”cheap”, generic Android phone like you because as much as I like tech stuff and hacking, etc. I just want something for basic comms - text and voice mostly. I browse guitars on Reverb and the web as my side tasks on this thing. No social media either FYI. Sort of feeling like the time I made the decision to cut cable from my house a few years ago as I haven’t regretted that decision one bit. I only pay for internet and my cell service these days as the “mandatory” extraneous costs in my budget.
  10. @ghost_of_fl thanks for the video link! Pure corporate greed. I know this iPhone 8 is the last Apple thing I buy. Was my first and last because I’m not going to buy from a company I cannot trust to value my purchase. They even went so far to want to not have any 3rd party repair groups and try to make it discouraging to owners of their stuff to attempt a simple repair… if you ever tamper with the hardware their software tries to detect that and shuts down the system for using aftermarket crap… This just shows that Apple is about making money at any expense and they are so big they can afford to F you over. For all the people like me that turn down a new phone because a battery has worn out, there’s someone behind me that will buy into that BS and well made up for that $50 they lost from me not buying a battery. So… this opened a can of worms for me at least. I use a smart “phone” because I am a tech enthusiast. I’ve had vision years ago that the internet would be in our pockets. Now not calling myself a prophet or some visionary here, but I saw this coming years ago where we are all networked together as we see today. I feel that it is basically a human right to have something that keeps us involved in today’s world because face it, literally everyone has one of these things in their pocket today. You’re in the very small minority if you still have a flip phone - and even smaller minority if you don’t have ANY telecoms. You just have to be smarter today than before and learn about privacy online, cyber threats, etc. all those fun things we hear about today telling us to update our s***. Bottom line is that Apple is a very rich corporation and they show they don’t care about you because there’s someone behind you in line that is willing to spend thousands with them like a rat for a pellet. If my Android before this iPhone 8 worked good, I might have decided to go with another, but alas, I have found another big tech con where now my link to the world today is under their control and I have to keep them treating me well with hundreds to thousands of dollars today. Again, I did pretty much same thing as the guy in the video… I went to someone I knew that could do the job Apple told me that I needed a new phone if I wanted a new battery… literally moments to open up phone and way less effort and time to take the battery out. They were going to take me for $500 for a replacement that I needed to wait for them to order. It’s a scheme no doubt and I am ditching this iPhone after I get sick of it when this new battery dies or something else goes wrong.
  11. As I was saying before your main front runner “quality” choices are a Samsung Android-type or an Apple iPhone. Being that these things are literally much more than “phones” today, getting something that’s like this where literally you feel naked to leave home without, you want something you can foresee good support for in the coming years. I’ve done androids, iPhones, blackberries… even had two of the same kind when work gave me company phone. Guess we’re taking the good with the bad as they say.
  12. Yeah I believe that there’s some sort of scheme going on at the Apple store as well as other places like your eyeglasses place you went to. The worst is being alcohol when you know you’re getting fed a total line of BS. Pure, utter BS… Good on you though getting your eyewear in better shape. I usually try not to get into rants about stores (think GC…) because they are what they are, but this Apple store really chafed my inner thighs yesterday haha!
  13. This was my first “real” experience at the Apple store near me because I got my phone from cell provider. They just wanted to take their time so I’d walk around their store and hopefully buy some overpriced piece of tech… again not saying Apple products are garbage but if I ever have an issue with Apple stuff, the only people that help me is Apple. I could go to 3rd party like I have to now for the phone, but again what happens when I buy their god awful expensive iPad, watch, MacBook… this is why I build my own PC and install Linux on it. I saw the specs on the Apple products’ processors, RAM, SSDs… Literally stuff that if I threw it together in a box I’d get better stuff for the cost of a MacBook or their desktop and not paying the extra money I’d save just for iOS. Sorry but that flipping Apple store experience made me bitter. Funny thing is I actually went to this store for the actual first time there before covid to replace my battery, but they tried their hardest to tell me to ride it out - and it worked. It has really had me consider what my next phone is gonna be because no matter how long iPhones are supposed to last, batteries are maintenance items that last as long as any other batteries out there. I inevitably have to deal with someone to replace it if I want to make my $1k last for more than 2 years. They just wanted me to buy new crap…
  14. The reissue LPs are the best LPs. I haven’t regretted for one second buying any reissue. Just had to inject this fanboy comment haha! But no, I do really like my historic reissue LPs.
  15. I used to complain when others complain about Gibson guitars, but I get it when you want to get what you pay for - which imho is sort of subjective. Hence if someone feels like they didn’t get the quality they believe they paid for, I have no issue when someone wants to turn it back in. I’ve learned you need to be happy with what you buy because a buck doesn’t come easy in this world. Some people are more picky than others though… I have had a lot of Gibsons and I have ran into more good ones than bad. Maybe I’m lucky, I don’t know…
  16. I learned that the Apple store is a front for the biggest con of all time. Not even going to get into why they are but if we ever live in a world where my choices of a real good phone are not Google, Apple, or Windows, I’m on another phone platform. I have heard about open source phones but generally this iPhone of mine has been alright. Except for the fact that my iPhone 8 they wouldn’t change the battery out of because it was claimed to be stuck and damage the phone if it was removed - even said it might blow up or cause fire! Then of course told me to buy a new phone for a smooth price of $500… seriously… I took the phone to a guy who knows how to take my iPhone apart and he showed me how quickly and easily it was to get to the battery and take it out. Well, glad I’m a Linux guy. I don’t understand Apple people. If there was a better phone to buy, BOY would that be something I’d like to learn today… F Apple store. I could only imagine the horror of having to take your $2-4k MacBook Pro to them to hear some BS story why you need a new one. This iPhone 8 has been great though as my first ever Apple product I paid for back in 2017 or sometime around then, but the store is more my gripe right now. Do I think their stuff is overpriced - yeah I do. I know for $2k I could make a PC that would absolutely smoke any Mac in terms of pure computing power. The battery that’s in my phone now - aftermarket - is even better than the stock battery. More mAh. Should have just went to my guy first and avoided the store altogether. I can tell because I do some heavy browsing and video watching and battery percentage stays relatively the same - like when the phone was new.
  17. Ditto on leaving the guitar as it was made. Looks great… I’d invest that refin money into a new guitar along with the sale cash you get when you sell the guitar. A refin imho would be defacing the instrument in this particular case.
  18. @BoSoxBiker listen to what @Dub-T-123 said because that’s what you need to do before making any rash decisions. Especially the pickup height. And you’re also changing not only the pickups you’re comparing but the guitar too which makes a difference I would imagine. Anyhow what sounds good is subjective and my advice is once you find something that sounds as good as it can to you, then roll with it.
  19. @LPRich that’s not that bad looking imho and could probably be lightly buffed out to at least be more shiny than the pictures suggest. Is there something else I’m not seeing? But in the end guitars that age have s*** happen to them. May be sooner than we want… sort of like life now that you think of it.
  20. Nice guitar @Dub-T-123 everyone needs an R9 lol! They are great and I know what you mean about the notes that come out of these things. Literally the best LP I’ve ever played - my R9.
  21. Yeah time for a new guy if he consistently takes a long time to take your money and give a subpar setup - what should be done properly after any repair IMHO. That’s what you’re paying for. How can you tell if a repair was done right if you test it on a guitar that is setup poorly? It’s at least great the guy doesn’t botch up your guitar though but sucks you have to pay for it still. Hey I’ve been there where I have my guitars brought to a guy who was not a quality craftsman. I don’t go to these guys anymore and keep looking for someone that can HELP.
  22. @fortyearspickn those SHOs are nice looking cars. Probably AWD too I’ll bet. Never got a chance to see one really up close and personal, but I like the larger sedans. Impala, 300, Taurus… can’t go wrong IMHO.
  23. Off topic but my 14 Chrysler 300 is a great car. AWD, 8-speed trans with a sport mode, 3.6L V6… approaching 100k miles and haven’t had an issue where something leaked or broke down… still runs nice and smooth. I’m a Chrysler guy and my truck is always a Ram with a Hemi. I don’t do anything else when it comes to autos. Personal preference of course; literally YMMV.
  24. I learned that Gibson invented the truss rod back in the 1920s. was mentioned in video below.
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