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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Thought we could use a little Johnny Winter to cool off in this sweltering heat. Here he is playing Suzy Q and rocking out his firebird! Loving the firebird.
  2. Hey KB - with the neck up strap, does the guitar still sit in a stand ok when you want to get up and put the guitar down somewhere? It does look practical but is not the low slung guitar - gun slinger look I love.
  3. Very nice Sal, really liked this one. You are king of harmonizing - do you have a playing partner you're able to harmonize with live? , any CSN in your repertoire?
  4. Nice KB, I've got a couple of those multi year efforts going. I just started working on the solo for SRVs Mary Had a Little Lamb... this will be a 2 year effort for myself anyways but there's a slew of new licks etc... I'm looking forward to conquering - enjoy your TE journey, maybe we can encourage a clip or two as you progress.
  5. Very cool. Interested to hear thoughts on the guitars as you get time with them.
  6. How is the whole 'social distancing' thing managed? Is it a thought?
  7. What's a gig for you Karloff - are you a full band? What type of local are these happening (and good for you that there is anything out there!)
  8. Seems like wide open spread out is the key. Good for you for finding a place to strut your stuff. Good luck w/ the PRS amp, interested to hear how changing the pre amp tube works.
  9. I feel there's a difference between finding 'jamming' opportunities and finding 'gigging' opportunities. 'jamming' opportunities are there.. get together as a band, minimal crowd. Even as a full band, you should be able to figure that out, but there's got to be a desire to jam for jammin'gs sake. But gigging... where your hoping to create and feed off energy of the crowd, there seems to be activity for small acts, haven't really seen any for full bands yet. I did see a picture of a band on a beach playing to a bunch of folks in boats.
  10. Latency - None that I noticed. Played it with a looper and no issues staying in sync. FWIW - My impression, they're a little bigger than I thought they'd be, and 'durable' is not a word that comes to mind when i pick them up - but I love not having a chord. There is the maintenance aspect of needing to make sure they're charged for when you want to use them, so think a back up chord is still required for any gig night, but for what they're supposed to do - I give them a thumbs up.
  11. Wife: 'Can you turn that down' Me: 'No - I can't hear it otherwise' Wife: 'Why are you in the living room if your amp is in your office?' Me: 'Because I'm wireless baby!'
  12. Wow, that's a beaut! Congrats ZW - may many years of enjoyment occur between you two
  13. Getaria 5.8Ghz ordered... $57, delivered tomorrow. Woo hoo - gonna wireless it up 🙂
  14. Well done all fronts. This is my favorite of your postings by far!
  15. I'm pretty conscious of what the audience is hearing... there's me, where I try and position right in front of the amp, then I got myself and I not too far off to the sides.
  16. I haven't really chased after sustain, but have heard it mentioned a few times... what's the ultimate 'sustain' set up would you put together?
  17. Thank you all for the replies. Very cool to read. Not as much playing around with amps to get different tones as I thought, but I appreciate the selection process you all go through choosing which guitar when.
  18. Very cool, love to hear good reports on the sustainable model. I have not gotten to try one, but in the name of sustainability, am interested with respect to my next guitar.
  19. So I've really been going over the top with everything I've been eating during this whole covid thing, started to feel down on myselg thinking I really got to get healthy again... then I thought for a second - I've been a vegan all morning that's pretty good!
  20. Q: What's brown and really sticky A: A stick
  21. I think a hot tub is the type of pool they invented for your climate. Also a worthwhile thing...
  22. I go strapped mostly, but every once in awhile when I'm feeling a little wild - I go strapless. Makes me feel like i'm living on the edge. I'll do this until I drop it, then I'll use a strap all the time.
  23. This is to you folks with many guitar and amps to play with. What drives you to specific guitar / amp combinations for regular gigging, or just sitting around. And then if you want to mix it up, what do you change in your set up.
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