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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Steve - do you ever pair guitars up to amps trying to replicate sounds of specific songs? Or do you give any thought to what amps you would use with which guitar? ... or just plug in what's there and go with it?
  2. I want to see some photos of these axes in action... looks sweet!
  3. I bet he Joe Bonomassa's it... stands up front and rock stars out - axe of his choice around his neck, hair slicked back, arm raised.... and rocks out the sound of his choice. Just my guess.
  4. I've heard that a few times, and being a relative newbie (last year and half or so...) bums me out. What was it that made the forum good before, and any ideas on how to trend back in that direction. What makes for a good forum... need to attract more hardcore players is it? Just wondering.
  5. Nothings wrong with an Epi, and seven is the bomb! I keep waffling between getting some LP traditional in the $2500 range. Or an Epi sheraton, V, LP and Firebird... you know, pull a Steve Ford.
  6. good thru and thru. nice sounding, nice playing
  7. This is what brought me to the forum And on the electric front... I sold my strat and have since been bonding with this... makes me feel like a rock star
  8. Love that - wish you had a recording
  9. Brad, my thoughts are with you. Peace and luck to you, your mom, your brother and any others involved. Your good for stepping up...
  10. And a big ol happy birthday to mihcmac and bbp... celebrate yourselves a little bit!
  11. My birth year brother, me too. Best year for the camaro.
  12. That looks very cool. Looking forward to a review... wireless, battery, guitar, bass, acoustic, everything I could hope for.
  13. Very cool, seems like he's just put out a bunch of stuff. RWH is my latest guitar hero... Thx for posting!
  14. I'd go for the 60s fixed bridge hummingbird reissue , but go M2M program and get it with a 1 3/4 nut.
  15. Are there any outdoor opportunities? Not sure if it could work either - but a better chance at a socially distanced set up. I'm jonesin for a good show.
  16. It's the long scale that would draw me, but then if I went on a search - would have to see how it measures up to an AJ or D18. I would definitely give it a look though.
  17. Is what it is... guys a nice guy - screwed up, fessed up. fixed it... with our help. A little extra angst but in the end I'm happy.
  18. Happy Canada Day - celebrate yourselves!
  19. I think you got to rock it as is... see how many women throw their undergarments at you and then make a decision. If it's less than normal, I'd swap out the p'ups...
  20. Hey SBP - I'm probably the least experienced to say anything, but I thought the L00 was ladder braced - and that ladder braced is a sound is different than x brace. Having said that, you don't know what you don't know - I say get it, give it a try and report back.
  21. Hey KB - do you get added volume out of the amp, or is it just adding the FX?
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