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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. the downpour did do damage, but it wasn't the cause of un levelling the pool. Those downpours are doing damage though - lots of stuff washing out, day after day it seems. not to mention the 100ft pine that came down in the flash storm a couple weeks back. 2020. If you've got things you want to do in this world, I think now is a time to get jumping on them.
  2. Awesome... Lovin' me the firebirds. Congrats.
  3. That's hi praise, glad your liking it!
  4. The family outside wasn't a bad thing...
  5. Cool, thx. I appreciate the picture of the sin waves ghost of fl posted on the other thread... to me that's the best explanation I've seen and helps me put the rest into perspective. With respect to 'does it make a difference' I think comes down to how much an enthusiast you are and if you're looking for that difference. If you are, you can find it, and it's probably pretty satisfying, but if not... then I'm betting the benefits would be lost on you. Except the cool factor. Definitely cool.
  6. Vinyl - apologies if it's a naive question, but is there truly anything sonically different from vinyl vs streaming, or is it more the cool factor of having vinyl... and IMO there is definitely a cool factor there.
  7. Holy moly - I gotta say. All of them did a days worth of ball busting work... and it was done 15 minutes before me. Timing. We do have another day's worth of effort - but I have time between meetings and can do it in spurts. They stepped up big... good family points there. (kids are just getting old enough, 11, 13 and 14)... mowing is something they do now 🙂
  8. Tell you the truth, the guy got here when I was already on a call and didn't get to talk to them before - my wife was the conduit. By the time I got out there - they were well into it. So it kind of had to work out that way anyways... but I wasn't disappointed either.
  9. No coverage, I really did have meetings... sandman was fine, owned up and said he just blew it. And my J45 was in here all alone, and someone did leave that beer next to it... on top of the air conditioning.
  10. Things like that make you say thank you every once in awhile...
  11. Lol, gotta go though - have a call in 6 mins.
  12. Ok - this thread started as a diss to el roth... and I am sorry to see what he's evolved to, but I'll give him props for early stuff he did put out with VH. Loved those albums... 'dirty faced kid in a garbage can' Find your way back David...
  13. Ok – so we got a cheapo above ground pool (corona and all that - going to be home… ) on top of that I paid someone $1600 to clear the area, level it and put sand down… most important part of the job. They put the sand down, then after a weekend of struggle – we got the pool up just before a huge storm hit yesterday. The storm came filled the pool up about 5 inches… IT’S NOT LEVEL! So the sand guy is back – out in the yard with my wife and kids trying to empty the pool so they can move it an put it back. It’s a huge PITA (pain in the …). My question - Is it wrong of me to use ‘getting ready for a meeting’ as an excuse to stay in here and let them figure it out
  14. I thought Prince was the best. Hadn't that been decided already?
  15. Cool, I like the 3 - 4 band idea but do understand it puts all the work on you to make it successfully happen. I think at that point it has to be because you want to play vs the money your making. Our area... I've no experience so can't really speak, (but trying to think of what type of show will work - because I got an itching to do one). Live music in the area seems to be mostly acoustic solo stuff... either covers or country blah bah de blah sound the same every song type of stuff. Not good country like Taylor Swift (just kidding, put that in due to the other thread...) Saying that - the bigness of your clips, the sound of the full band etc... just hit me in the face - very cool. Kidblast is local and a rockstar at that. Maybe he can speak to the gigging scene.
  16. Was it you, and will there be a triple NGD again sometime soon?!? I'm thinking probably not - but I'm hoping so
  17. Rock and Roll - Good Stuff!!!! Out of curiosity, what type of crowds are you playing for... do they come to watch a show, or is it a party thing and you want to get them up dancing?
  18. I appreciate the thoughts. Brain farts happen... no guitars were injured so all is good. Wouldn't mind taking your ride around for a little spin... it does look like it would stick to the roads. I'll promise not to put it in reverse.
  19. ripped half the front bumper off my car when it caught on a rock as I was backing up out of the driveway at a friends house... ooof. Made for a good reason for a nice G&T this afternoon though.
  20. I loved Van Halen with David Lee Roth... can't name a song worth a damn from either of them since. I know VH has maintained a presence, but once they were off my radar - they never made it back. Apologies El Roth... doesn't that mean wanker in some language?
  21. Here's a little 'ripple' to start the day off... playing for change style.
  22. Back to ZZ top... one of the biggest impressions that movie made on me was how much of a showman B Gibbons is.... seemed like he was always looking for a hook or gimmick. It's probably the hooks and gimmicks is why I got to know them... but it's just the raw party boy, have a good time talent that I love. And 3 person bands rock.
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