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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. My mother in law makes quilts. Made one for everyone in the family... except me. Love her.
  2. Removed grass from 1/2 the area we need for our pool yesterday, hired a landscaper to finish it and level it today.
  3. Gotta play it, to wear it down is what I heard. (Just bustin’ - too funny not to say it)
  4. I like my micro brews to taste like light beer from miller. if I could afford a couple 12 packs of blue chips, I’d go with those. I know my limitations, I know I’ll lose them though
  5. Alright Pepper - it’s been a couple days, how’s the guitar? What’s the best thing about it?
  6. Lol, yep! I’d have to really want ‘off grid’ reverb to alter one of those.
  7. Tom, that's you mixing it up - in a good way! (Nary a blue grass run to be heard). Guitar sounds good, you're pickin' is pretty freakin good and appreciate you posting.
  8. just re-read previous post. wow, lots of smiley faces 🙂
  9. Always like a little reverb, i'm thinking it will be a hit 🙂 . The J45 (with a K&K p'up) sounds pretty good through my blues jr. Not an 'always' thing I do, but a 'sometimes' thing that's fun for a bit of a change. I think the function will be good, I guess I question the comfort thing. Must not be a problem, haven't heard it mentioned - but wonder if you bump into it when your playing and if that matters anyways ... would look forward to an A/B comparison if I could nudge you into it 🙂. Through your J200 🙂
  10. Hey Jinder, could you expand on this, how would having aggressive mids be tiring on the ears? Appreciate the input, just trying to learn.
  11. I have to say, I do find this amusing. After all the iterations that have been discussed about getting a true acoustic amplified sound, (i.e. just mic'ing a guitar, using tone dexters to get there etc.... ) and now it's how do we throw a little reverb on top of my pure acoustic sound. I guess it's being able to do what you want when you want, because the thing does seem cool!
  12. Never heard a bad thing about a Collings, congrats, pretty sweet looking to boot!
  13. Good for you getting back into the work rhythm, it's tough if you though you were done with it... good luck with it. Now hop you were able to give that strat a proper workout! If Dietz is a local shop, I'd give them my business. Always had good luck with sweetwater - but right now I'm trying to throw my money to some of the smaller guys. Regardless, Epi Rivieara Custom P93 - woooo hoooo!
  14. I had two blue chips, lost both within a year... that's $70 / year on picks. Now I get fender tortoise heavy 12 pack for $5.99... usually get a couple years out of them. $3 / year on picks. Not once did someone say 'hey that sounds really good - is that a blue chip pick'... Really though - I do like them. They do work good, I just can 't keep track of them enough to justify it.
  15. Mapped out the profile of my new guitar, I mean above ground pool, in the back yard.
  16. I know what would enhance my experience, but was told if I enhanced it too much, i'd go blind...
  17. Doesn't matter, I don't need one, really don't want one, .... well maybe just one. Enjoy, I'm looking forward to the reviews. And the type of venues it would be useful for, are the types of venues opening up first...
  18. Ten sounds like a good number... pick 8 you'll keep, sell the other 11 and use all the profits for 2 other super sweeeeeeeet guitars.
  19. Nice KB - seize the day, eh! qq (quick question) on the tw amp, does it add volume, or just fx?
  20. Very cool. Why get a second, keep in different locations or would you ever be in a situation where you'd fire them both up at once?
  21. Don't want to get fired for posting something dumb, don't post something dumb. If you want to post dumb stuff, and don't want to get fired, start your own business.
  22. Happy to see these pics. Out of curiosity -for you folks who gig out regularly - how often do you get gigs? What types of venues? Just saw an outside show advertised, anyone see anything coming up? Any originals, how are they received? Since black dog posted about doing a back flip and ripping out a solo (something like that), i've been practicing (back flips) and getting ready for the open mic circuit to open back up.
  23. Would love the opportunity to see that one in person!
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