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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Thanks all, will try the drying out route and hope for the best. I've got it near a pellet stove getting a little warm dry air blown it's way, fingers crossed.
  2. I saw them back in the day, I think it was after they took they make up off, not sure... I went to see the opening band 'accept' balls to the wall tour. good show, my tastes have changed. W/ respect to the guy asking 9 grand... I can see a couple scenarios, first he already has enough money and is just a giant wanker, or 2nd he's a regular bloke, maybe a pain in the ***, but trying to figure out how to survive in this day and this is what he came up with. I say ask what you want, the consumer will decide if it's worth it. And I'm w/ Sgt P - w/o stickers it's just not worth it.
  3. Hi all - I was using my Apogee mic yesterday in making a front porch video. Unfortunately I forgot about it, left it out overnight and it rained, pretty hard at times. It's a condenser mic. Did I just ruin it or can I just dry out, or is there anything special beyond letting dry out I should do to get it back in working order? Appreciate any input (oooof - I can be freakin' bonehead, at least it wasn't my guitar!) (posting in acoustic forum because I believe there's a few folks here that use them)
  4. I don't think you'd be disappointed either way, but I think you're going to love the J35!
  5. might not be guitar straps, but probably worth investigating further!
  6. Thank you again, it was the airdrop piece I was missing. Will give it a go a little later on. If chance ever happens I owe you a beverage of your choice. For the record I'm more impressed with Garage band every time I use it.... those people have figured out simple!
  7. Super cool Tom... GAS can strike anyone! Have a first song picked out for her?
  8. thanks sal. When you go from the video you recorded on the ipad, do you import the whole video file into garage band, or do you have to seperate the audio and video files first? Sorry for all the questions, struggling with how to do this well myself. Rgds - uncle fester (aka billroy)
  9. I'd give a shout out for Bob Dylan, Bringing it all back home, and Blond on blond
  10. Hey Sal - Are you filming with the camera on your ipad and recording audio into garage band at the same time on the same device. Or how are you getting an audio track that you edit (ie.. add harmonies etc...)?
  11. folks, i know it's not a gibson, but it gave me chills and i had to share. It's Billy Strings with I'm with her doing Hear Jarusalem Moan. not the typical blazing billy strings, but just freakin good. his solo is at 2:30, but really you need to listen to the whole song to really appreciate it. There's some talent in this group of people, hope you enjoy.
  12. Billy Strings with I'm with Her and Jerusalem Moan... damn it's good
  13. Good things - time on home projects Before After Using up scrap wood
  14. Hi Tom, Your thread got me thinking - have you looked at an virtual jamming SW. https://www.jamkazam.com/ (no affiliation, and don't know if this is a good one but an example of what I mean). You began the thread by saying what you are is a jammer, from input i've read this wont replace a live gathering, but is a good option to work with people remote. i have heard you need to be relatively close to avoid lag, but thought it might be something for you.
  15. Very nice. Good recording, good song - nice playing. Thanks for posting!
  16. for some reason 'when the levee breaks' comes to mind.
  17. that's a nice cabin in the woods!
  18. D'addarios. They work, available pretty much everywhere, inexpensive.
  19. I love this guitar, but was a fixed bridge offered back then (might have been in the video, but must missed it?). I'm torn between this and one of the new S Crowe CW as the current target of my GAS. Thank you for posting.
  20. folks - just wondering if anyone's aware of a platform that would enable jamming with another person virtually. I can understand how all the inputs / outputs go, get a mixer in the middle etc... but not sure it could be done real time - or if there'd always be lag because it over a remote connection making it impossible to do? just wondering, looking for input on products available, or just general discussion on how might go about doing it.
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