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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. My 2000 american standard strat... had a fret buzz issue i just couldn't resolve / get resolved (but now i believe it might be the people I was working with to resolve it). sold it out of exasperation. I miss it. but i've been bonding with my SG as a result.
  2. Good for you. Any J45 will be nice, I'm partial to the ones that have the thermally aged top - feel the sound has a little more cripsness to it than the standard, and I liked that - but just my opinion. I would try to play the version you want to get first, especially because of all your comments about nut width, need to make sure it feels right. Good luck, don't be daunted - just jump in and enjoy what you get. Worse case, you get something that helps develop a wish list for what you want and you trade it in towards that.
  3. I think it's obligatory you get yourself something, probably should peruse the wildwood guitars website and get something on order to make sure it shows up in time. I think you should get a guitar as well in support of 'retired'
  4. I'm used to con calls, not so much the video conferencing thing... I look better in my mind than i do on a video.
  5. So making a formal 'not hoarding' effort. Not sure if it's smart or not. A friend called to say beef and meat in general was going to be in short supply. Talked to my wife about stocking up, decided we have enough for what we need, and when it's time we'll figure out how to make due with what's available. Going with the belief things might be different, we might be inconvenienced but sure we will be able to figure it out without feeding the frenzy. I do want a new guitar though. 2 Actually
  6. I think i want 3. The 42 Banner SJ, The 34 Jumbo Reissue, and the LG. Then I'd want a fixed bridge HB. Then I could rest.
  7. when a J200 comes out, you know something serious is going to happen...heard somewhere. Great song Ray, thank you for posting, and very sorry for your trials. The song sounds good, It all sounds good but I really like it when you get to strumming the beast, even with just a little strumming it really seems to come to life!
  8. Geeze Dave - I do love your pictures!
  9. My wife was telling me air quality across the world has gotten measurably better. I can believe it - and feel this is a fortunate byproduct of all the commuters not commuting, but she is a suspect source.
  10. Super sorry to hear it Ray. We're close enough where if you need another set of hands, I'm here to help. Thoughts, prayers - wishes of good karma. It's people that are important - stuff, well - you can deal with stuff.
  11. Too bad, was looking forward to hearing you work your magic. Don't know much about roy and trigger, but I was thinking more the lines of longmire. Something in drop d, maybe double drop d for good measure.
  12. Very nice Sal, love a bit of the beatles in the morning!
  13. I'll reply bk - sounds as good as always, good stuff. I have a slide challenge for you though... come up with something that makes me think of a bad@ss sherrif in the midwest, riding a horse on a dusty prairie. Think you could come up with something?
  14. good enough for me, you know - that's just right. thanks for posting buc.
  15. I think in that same vane, i'd go back to that night in college with weird deb, where I know if i played my cards different.... we wouldn't have entered the friend zone till after 🙂
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