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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. That's a waste of grappa. I think I'd rather drink alone then see people and use it as hand sanitizer 🙂
  2. put on 7 lbs adjusting to the new stay at home routine.
  3. I had this burger for lunch the other day that was freekin' awesome, I'd go back to then and have it again.
  4. Cool idea, thanks for posting. I love learning new songs, the lyrics and start to understand what they really mean and very much appreciate when it's done well.
  5. I've been working on an original... 'sunshine flower girl,' featuring my J45. It's one for my honey... gonna get me some 🙂
  6. Cool stuff, how are you bonding w/ the NL? Getting organized bites, but pays dividends.
  7. Yeah baby, time to SGit up!
  8. Very cool, seeing all the musicians and projects he was associated with. How did he get involved with so many people, was he a studio musician or musician for hire and brought on for certain projects, or was he part of all the different bands. Just interested in what his career trajectory was like... any idea?
  9. LOL - will have to give it a go, pretty sure I'll be able to find a minute or two over the near future! That's an idea for a new thread, theme song shoot off, who knows a theme song... post em if you got em...
  10. I don't know if i really want to change my name to uncle fester. I love Murphy Slaw - have listened to it on more than one occasion. Who's this Bill character, it's uncle fester - looking to rock out a J45 at a post corona open mic near you! 🙂
  11. just rambling, but thinking from a post awhile back about display names was thinking about mine. i started as billroy, then billroy fineman and although factually correct, didn't seem right. these days the person looking back at me in the mirror seems to have grown into my old man persona with a strong resemblance to uncle fester from the adams family. Always thought it would be more like Rober Redford, but you get what you get so In a continuous effort to embrace who i am when i am - I've updated my screen name. so i say greetings to you all from my new persona 'uncle fester'...at least he was the best looking of the adams family. wrote a song about it as well - started out being 'rock what you go', but ended up being 'this quirky look' but that's a story for another day 🙂
  12. thanks Sal, lemonade being made. Enjoying being home w/ my family... the whole family, no one running off somewhere - making sure our at risk friends and relatives have the support they need, seeing people out walking I've never seen outside before and I hear from all the non commuting etc... the air quality is drastically improving across the world. It bite's, it's scary - but trying to make lemonade. That and I'm enjoying a little extra time on the guits 🙂
  13. wow that sounds good, all around - well played, well recorded. Thx Sal.
  14. V nice EA, I'm thinking that's the maple sound you're always talking about?
  15. Nice playing G, glad to hear your getting back at it - keep em coming!
  16. I'm always amazed at some of the songs folks work on (in a good way). Are you just doing the guitar parts for this one, or are you doing vocals as well?
  17. Sounds good PB, to me - makes everything sound like it found the place it wants to be, and occupies it well, with the different instruments complimenting each other vs just recorded one over the other. May you find many hours of happiness... what was that 'hurricane' or 'storm' song you did - was well received with the old set up, maybe got to try and redo that one?
  18. Just poking fun, I know you've got an affinity for black guitars, and was wondering if guitars could talk would the black ones include the colorful dove in their conversations or would they push him aside because he's too flashy? Maybe you gotta do a back and forth song between one of the black ones and the dove.
  19. Sorry to hear that, hope the work at home situation works as best as possible for you and are able to get back to the other side soon.
  20. Beautiful looking, but do they play nice with the Dove, a not so understated one?
  21. Day 4 work from home has enabled a bit more playing time, been working on 'minnie the moocher' on the J45, and a little DADGAD (bartons hollow) on the guild. I think I need a square shoulder Gibson for my open tuning work... Anyone else have some extra time to dust off any songs? My office / music room, J45 front and ctr 🙂
  22. Very nice - I could see, and wish you many happy days being spent among them!
  23. oooh I got that little school girl feeling. I posted a profile on bandmix, been looking at the profiles of other folks and had a short list of people to reach out to. I went to send a comment to one and realized to get to that level it was a pay for service. Was thinking of next ways forward when low and behold - I got a comment in my inbox from the very person I was going to reach out to. What's protocol here, do I wait 3 days to reply. Really though, I am excited at the thought of hooking up with someone musically... got to figure out next steps within the world of corona protocol. I hope he likes the band name, I already got t-shirts.
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