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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. Thank you much appreciated! Haven't seen you about the forum, welcome (a fellow MA guy... )
  2. So here's where I've settled - my goal is to get the guitar back to as close to stock as possible, so long term i'm looking for some late 60s t-tops to put in it. Expecting that to be about $7/800 - but it does what I want which is get the guitar back to stock shape. Having said that, $7/800 isn't just sitting around - so it's on the wish list. In the short term I'll see if I can get a set of chrome covers for the p'ups that I have... just so I feel like i've done something. If I achieve my aspirations of playing at band volume before I get the t-tops, and I don't like the way the seymour duncans sound, then i'll consider the GFS mean 90 or classic 57 / 57+s. until then i'm fine with playing what I got in my office and living room through my blues jr... Thanks again everyone for the input and education - much appreciated!
  3. This might get a little more traction in the acoustic forum if you want to post it there. There's some folks over there with quite a bit of experience with these.
  4. we just started watching the mentalist, I like agent Lisben... she's neat.
  5. My youngest kids birthday is tomorrow, so went to his favorite bake shop to get him a couple treats for his birthday breakfast... 3 croissants and $16- later I think that kid would be better off with cereal. 🙂
  6. Grand national would be my wish... FWIW - I bought a 200 yr old farm house, and all i got was 2 dumpsters worth of garbage, and an oz of weed left in the freezer - I feel I came out on top.
  7. I'll give follow on shout outs for RL Burnside noted from PB - one of my favorite songs has to be *** pocket full of whiskey... but really love all his stuff, and then a shout out to Vincent Black Lightning noted from ZW. Very cool stuff - but one of my all time favorites I was introduced to here on this forum (via Buc) is Kieran Kane - cool me down. This song got ahold of me from the first time i heard it, and has just never let go.
  8. I got over my technical difficulties and just enjoyed my way through the album. Will be given her quite a few spins in the near future, but my favs are 'itinerants hymn' 'piano fire' and 'overthinkers anonymous'. Truly Jinder - good job! When you play out, do you ever play with a band?
  9. Right now I'm getting up at 4, and have till 5:50 to do morning stuff until I have to get in the shower. Gotta say I love the quiet time to just poke along, once the weather is warmer I'll sit out back by our chicken coop and play guitar for 45 minutes etc... in the morning. Chickens rock, they really like the beatles.
  10. Good for you, go put your feet up... and yell at some kids in the street.
  11. Would I still run into the same issue with the guts though, pots etc... needing to be swapped?
  12. Starting a new work gig has cramped my playing style a bit. I do try to get 30 mins or so in the morning, but end of the day when I come home I look to hang with the family. Was working from home before this, and being able to pick the guitar up 5 times a day for 10 / 15 mins here or there was priceless.
  13. Perfidia - wouldn't even know where to start on that one, good for you!
  14. Sorry to hear it, ailments bite. Hope it at least loosens up enough where later in the day you can be the shred king you are 🙂
  15. No problem, appreciate all your input. I aspire to get this stuff... then have the opportunity to use it appropriately.
  16. The p'ups in the guitar are seymour duncans. I don't dislike them, just trying to get the guitar back to a more 'stock' state.
  17. Thanks Ray - yeah for the P90s, was thinking it would be a loaded pickguard replacement... but I like the idea of the classic 57 / 57+ for a short term solution while I figure out the rest. I've got about $8500 worth of GAS lined up, and a $300 price tag is easier to swallow than $700+ ...which will allow me to spend $400 on a tone dexter 🙂
  18. Thank you again all. After thinking on it I've come up with a two part solution. Short term I'll look to put chrome covers on these (if they fit?) get the look back to more of an original thing and then long term I want to see if I can get a chance to try something from the time period with P90s and the T-Tops to compare and pick one of those to go with. I like a little bit of dirt, not much...
  19. Hey MT - what type of music are you thinking of playing with it (out of curiosity)... a bird is awesome, so is a J45. Really though, if you fell in love with one, I would still try some others if possible - but you're not going to go wrong following your heart if you decide to jump sooner rather than later.
  20. Hey all - got up a little early, got some guitar time in and all i can say is guitar is fun... fun, fun, FUN! Great way to kick off the day and hope you all get time to enjoy the instrument of your choice today :). (Note - I said 'instrument' to leave the door open for big bill to chime in if he so chooses). Anyone looking forward to some good music time today? FWI - I play most mornings, today just seemed like a good one
  21. Hey KB - where'd you go to find it? Having a hard time locating a place to stream it from.
  22. Awesome Jinder, been looking forward to this - will give a listen later this evening! Congrats on getting another one done, and for what it's worth, your rendition of 'aint no sunshine' is still my all time favorite you tube vid.
  23. not for not - i just went back to 80/20s on my J45 (was using PB)... first time I went this way I was not super fond, but this time I'm really liking it. I feel (but am probably wrong) that the 80 / 20s helps the guitar continue the same path as having a baked top.
  24. Thank you all, looks like I've got a new item on my wish list! Looks to be $700 / $800... but feels like the right thing to do. Reverb is the only place I can think of going to find these, anyone have suggestions on where else i could look?
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