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uncle fester

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Everything posted by uncle fester

  1. I need to pay more attention, but think it’s the A string gives me the most trouble
  2. It’s not really a big enough problem to be front and center, but if you want to look for something to fix - I could focus there. sorry I’m not an expert guitar guy, seems to rub you the wrong way, just trying to learn
  3. I do have strings that get caught on the nut. Do you think something like Nut sauce is the way to go - I was thinking a trip to widen the slots a bit was in order.
  4. I can't add anything technically, but the pieces of advice I'd latch onto is (1) it's definitely worth repairing (2) find a trusted luthier w/ Gibson experience to do it, and give them the time and pay to do it right, it will be worth it. If you go this route, this will be a phenomenal guitar. my 2 cents.
  5. Very sweet - would love to have something like that in my collection, enjoy!
  6. Pretty looking guitar, gotta believe you'll enjoy it - congrats!
  7. I thought you were part of the retired masses...
  8. I take all strings off at once, and just do the quick method, but when I get bendy with the strings, they do go out of tune some times - so I'll try the first method, (over then under) next time and see if it makes a difference. a little bit of rambling - with respect to taking all the strings off vs not, it is noticeably easier to clean the guitar and fret board with all the strings off, and although it's been a perpetual point of discussion - I have yet to hear of anyone being definitively able to say it makes a difference either way... so I choose easier cleaning. Also for those people who say they take the guitar out of their case and it's perfectly in tune... I do play acoustic mostly, but I notice day to day changes in the tuning due to how the neck bends with different humanities... does that not occur on electrics, or maybe imply humidity mgt in the case? Finally, I got a new strap the other day, it's pretty cool.
  9. pretty cool kb - give him props for me. kind of sounds like a cross between the smiths and smashing pumpkins imo.
  10. Was scrolling through the thread and stopped on this picture again, for some reason this picture of a dog just makes me want to stop and look... was wondering if it had that affect on anyone else
  11. No, it wasn't me, I got the lead from either this or the acoustic forum, but really happy with them. Prices are super reasonable, lot's in the $35 range. Too bad on not shipping to UK, things are crazy.
  12. Because I like to take my strap on and off fairly regularly and my endpin is also an output jack there's not a super simple snap on snap off type of lock, I need to just pay attention to the condition of the strap I'm using. So when my J45 fell off it's strap I ordered this strap from 'walker and william's (I had ahold of the guitar, so it didn't fall far enough to hit anything, but was a warning sign). Also posted in the lounge and describe it as 'simple goodness' 2 3/8 wide, thick heavy duty leather and super simple design. Just put it on the guitar, fits snug around the endpin jack and makes me feel like a rock star 🙂 Love it!
  13. New strap day, thank you walker and williams - simplistic goodness... (I love new things!)
  14. Very cool car! Many happy cruisin' days to you.
  15. Morning sunrise: My morning captive audience PS: Nice pics above.. seems we got some artists in the group. love the nature scene sparque! Mine are just iPhone taken...
  16. Mind blown... to recap, I started by saying my J45 neck feels significantly thinner than my Guild... My J45 measures 1.72, I was thinking the guild had to be 1.75 at a min, but I got to measure it today and it's 1.68. No idea what I'm feeling in the guild, the neck feels a little larger, string spacing just a little wider - but by the numbers, if anyhting they are smaller. I guess this just proves can't buy on spec, need to try it... and in parallel universes. Still want to try one of those Kopp 'the birds' though...
  17. I second that! Congrats again Rabs - enjoy.
  18. Guitar - congrats! Sorry it was such an issue - but you tried every which way to give your biz to Dietze - so good for you for finally getting it, rock on!
  19. I don't have a picture, but we just got a whole bunch of basil, and made pesto out of it... pesto pasta, with garden fresh basil, garlic, and tomatoes - tough to beat that meal!
  20. Got me a new chainsaw, one of those battery operated ones. Definitely not something you'd take on a survival mission - but for the worse that can happen on 1/2 acre of suburbia, it's freakin cool. Push a button, it starts. I love battery things.
  21. Do you feel either neck enables any style playing better, or just a thing to get used to?
  22. I don't think anyone is saying be that guy, if I'm at a show, you can give me a handful of rocks and I'll be up on stage grooving on out.... no one said that's when you think about guitar feel. This is more a question about what would you do for your daily player, the neck feels slim, but it's a really cool guitar - would you keep it as your daily player, or would it get replaced in the line up. SF's V gives me tingling sensations down low, what's the nut width on that?
  23. nut width comes into play for me with respect to how it fees. The numbers are just a means to compare, and my SG feels thinner, so I measured it... I had gotten pretty used to thinner, but then i played a wider neck guitar for a week straight and it got me thinking... and then I needed a way to compare guitars, so nut width comes into play. I think if how the feel changes with a thinner or thicker neck doesn't matter to you, then yes, you don't think about nut width, but if you think about the feel of a guitar and how thick it's neck is ect... then you may not call it that, but you do think about nut width. -------- now -what's really going through my mind is if the thinner neck is a source of consternation, what would I have to replace a 67 SG (with a repaired neck and non original p'ups) to get that thicker neck but maintain the cool factor. I wish an old school v was more suited to playing sitting down, those are cool. hmmmmm
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