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Imaginary Studio


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Computer based multi-track recorder with manual analog slider to digital interface 36 channel board (pass from manual board to infinite channels digitally). A sub-board for drum mics. A sub-board for amp room. 42" flatscreen video monitor. 48 cable snake. 1000 watt audio monitor system with wireless headsets for recording rooms and mute-able playback speakers in all rooms. Decent rack reverb, compressor, effects, at least two of each. CD player, Reel-to-reel recorder (for old school effects), CD Recorder and CD copier to make playback rehearsal/preview copies.


main recording room with sound-lock doors and windows to the engineering booth and other recording rooms, separate drums and separate amps rooms, and separate engineering room. All with Low noise displacement ventilation A/C systems. Low noise electrical system with plenty of dedicated properly grounded outlets in all the rooms. Adequate amount of quiet comfortable chairs and stools in each recording room. a couple of rolling captain's chairs and a couch in the engineering booth.


Electronic and acoustic drums. A baby grand piano and electronic keyboard in the main recording room.


A set of drum mics, a few high end condenser mics, some high end unidirectional mics, a few good vocal mics optimized for various singing ranges, plenty of various types of mic stands and a couple of good ambient suspended ceiling mics arranged for general stereo recording.


Lots of cables, adapters, preamps, plugs, extension cords, guitar picks, guitar stands, music stands...


oh and strippers and all that other stuff you guys all wanted. [thumbup]

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