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LG1 & LG3 photos


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It's taken me too long to get photos of my new 1966 LG1 and 1961 LG3 up on here to prove that they do indeed exist.




The 1966 LG1, which, contrary to what people say about ladder bracing, sounds just great.






The 1961 LG3 in its alligator case, next to the cat toys





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Beautiful guitars!


My 1965 LG1 looks exactly the same...same cool sunburst colors/finish. My brother's LG3 (one of the guitars as a youngun I learned to play on as I was always playing it when he wasn't around) also looks identical to it.


Why Gibson didn't put the early-mid 60s pickguard on their recently issued natural AE LG2 still remains a mystery.


Your LG1 and LG3 are certainly a testament to the concert sized LG's shape's and fine looks with the early-mid 60s pickguard.


QM aka Jazzman Jeff

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