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Another original "MR SAD"


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"MR. SAD" -- NEED FEEDBACK. Still working on the songs / choosing the songs for my Nashville album. Once again, I am asking about the SONG, not the recording. This is just me teaching the song to my fiddle player in a side room in the studio, captured on handheld recorder. I warn ya -- this is die-hard country. We were just testing to see how it would sound, considering putting a die-hard country song on the album. I remember writing this song, it was quite a personal challenge... to see if I could write a song super simple (sparse). This song has only 74 words, that is about as good as I can do, lol. Bob Dylan does not have that in him. OTOH, he has, like 800 songs, he probably does! On this one, we put in an extra break (musical interlude) because I like hearing the fiddle. This guy is world class, I tell ya! This is just me on guitar/singing and him on fiddle. I know it's not grammatically correct but... it's country! This is a hillbilly front porch type of song. You got a front porch or a back 40? I get this album done and I'll come put on a show!


Guitar is J45 but you can't hear it very well due to not so stellar recording. Just one track.


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That's fantastic. He is brilliant, but you hold your end down just fine. The recording is pretty good, too. Blind I couldn't tell that it's a J45, but it does sound good, dry, and just right backing a fiddle. The lyrics are better sung than on the page. Aren't they always?

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I very much am digging the song, I could vision the production of this in a hank iii sort of way

Add some lapsteel to the fiddle , and such , cop an oldshool outlaw way of singing it . That's what hit me as I listened

To it. and how I would produce it, ymmv.

Anyway love the song .

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Your stuffs real good bill. I too would be interested in the album.when it gets done... Although I'm a sucker for these sparse songs.


What's your story? Have you made albums before at all ? This a labour of love or have you always been a musician ? Seems strange that someone can write songs without having always written songs if you know what I mean .


Keep em coming. And good luck with it a

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Your stuffs real good bill. I too would be interested in the album.when it gets done... Although I'm a sucker for these sparse songs.


What's your story? Have you made albums before at all ? This a labour of love or have you always been a musician ? Seems strange that someone can write songs without having always written songs if you know what I mean .


Keep em coming. And good luck with it a


I've banged on an acoustic off and on for 45 years. Started writing 12 years ago, have written hundreds now. Am now working on my "official" debut album. It will be done for the Americana genre. I just signed a contract with a Nashville producer. I am thrilled he took on the project, as he is picky. Should be finished by mid-October. Thanks for the interest, yes, it is a labor of love type thing. I mean, who in his right mind would do this at my age? (59) But, I don't have any reason not to. It's been a ton of work, I've literally spent thousands of hours on this for 12 years. We'll see what happens, but if nothing else, I'll have achieved the dream of doing a high-quality Nashville studio album of all originals. It'll be a blast, playing with Nashville session cats is amazing.

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I've banged on an acoustic off and on for 45 years. Started writing 12 years ago, have written hundreds now. Am now working on my "official" debut album. It will be done for the Americana genre. I just signed a contract with a Nashville producer. I am thrilled he took on the project, as he is picky. Should be finished by mid-October. Thanks for the interest, yes, it is a labor of love type thing. I mean, who in his right mind would do this at my age? (59) But, I don't have any reason not to. It's been a ton of work, I've literally spent thousands of hours on this for 12 years. We'll see what happens, but if nothing else, I'll have achieved the dream of doing a high-quality Nashville studio album of all originals. It'll be a blast, playing with Nashville session cats is amazing.


That's great bill. Without meaning to sound pretentious but I've always thought there's a song or two in me I just can't get them to come out. I think of lyrics when I have no guitar. Or I star something and then get plagued with doubt about it being crap :(

Maybe its not in me at all but power to your elbow for doing what you're doing.

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That's great bill. Without meaning to sound pretentious but I've always thought there's a song or two in me I just can't get them to come out. I think of lyrics when I have no guitar. Or I star something and then get plagued with doubt about it being crap :(

Maybe its not in me at all but power to your elbow for doing what you're doing.


You should just try it. You never know where it might lead you. There are lyricists-only, you might find a collaborator online if you have trouble composing music. But as a musician, if you can create melodies, that's where the fun is. Well, actually it's all fun but it's really hard work. Great songs do not come easy. It is a learned skill. You have to write a lot before you really figure out how to do this. Every good songwriter goes through this. It is a craft that can be learned IF... IF... IF you have a creative spirit in you.


As a musician, just noodle around with chord progressions and see if you can hum a melody to that. That can be your start. Or, better yet, write down lyrical hooks or song titles in a notebook. When you "discover" something that sounds nice on your guitar, you can glance at your notebook of lyric ideas and see if anything grabs you. And you're off and running.


I also suggest that people read some of the good songwriting books and learn some basics.

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Yeah all that stuffs there Bill.....just doesn't all present itself to me at the right moments :) . don't get me wrong I'm not saying that ' oh I could've been bobdylan if I didn't have to go to work'. But you've inspired me a little with what you're coming up with to maybe force myself to make more time for it.

The answer here is I'm maybe not disciplined enough . life gets in the way.


Thanks for the tips :)

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