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Slim taper neck ('61 Reissue)


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Most electric guitars actually made by Gibson with respect to the quantity made, not number of models, are featuring Slim Taper necks. I don't think that there is something like an overview available, but most Les Pauls and ES guitars have it, too. Since the final sanding highly contributes to the finally resulting neck profile and is done by hand, there may appear tolerances causing a "thin" 50s neck to be fatter than a "thick" Slim Taper one. However, my Gibsons come all pretty close to the intended neck shapes I believe, and the thickness of the Slim Taper necks on nine of my twelve Gibson sixstrings is closely the same, similar to the SG Supra's asymmetrical neck, and thinner than the late 50s neck of my LP Traditional 2013 and the Axcess neck at the lower frets.


It is best to check out any particular guitar by oneself since the thickness of the finish can make a certain difference, too, and not to forget the possibly fatter necks at the lower frets resulting on guitars with compound fretboard radius.

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The "Spec's" may be the same, but NONE of my Gibson's have exactly the same

neck profiles, regardless of "spec." My '60's necks, all vary a bit..some are

"D" shaped, other's "C" shaped, all are supposedly the same 60's "spec." But,

as Capmaster mentioned, they're all hand shaped, and finish sanded, so they

all differ, to varying degrees. I've had absolutely no trouble, whatsoever,

in going from one to another, and "adapting, on the fly," so to speak. [biggrin]


Play on! [thumbup]



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