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Chord Charts For Open Tuning


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Found this on Alan Horvath's site: Thanks Al!


I have a simple chord chart for Open G, Open D, Low C, but his DADGAD chart is missing!


A lot of people approach the open G tuning on guitar as, say a, slide song they know or a picking song they know, but we don't really know where we are compared to standard tuning.


So strum along on these chords in G for a while to get the idea, then have a go at a simple standard tuning song you already know like C..C...F...C..C..G..F..C....................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>etc on to another world if you have never tried open tuning.........









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I have been mucking about with the E and E7 from the Horvath (in G tuning). I play a straight 12 bar blues in E next with the A from the chart and then the B is 2 frets higher....


Then some in F









Here is the scenario:


You have played your masterpiece in open G tuning and the audience is going wild at your brilliance and insights into slide in Open G, but while you are basking in the applause, your singer, bass player and drummer launch into a blues in E, leaving you staring at your frets in confusion and humiliation, and then you make things worse by having a bash at a riff with your slide in the wrong position/wrong key.


I know you can't cover all bases, but also a look at playing in Bb and Eb in G tuning could be wise.............a wise time to go to the bar.....




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