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My new J-35


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Hey folks, I am new here, and from Georgia....and brought home a new J-35 this week. I thought I would share my impressions, for what they're worth. The truth is, I have been a fan of Larrivees for a long time, they have a tone that seems to appeal to me, I can't really define why. I also have Breedloves and Maritns but I decided I needed a Gibson in my stable and found the J-35 to be an affordable choice. I got a good deal on one that sounded pretty good to my ear, so I thought I would bring her home and give her a try. I found the j-35 to respond significantly to different strings. I know all guitars sound different depending on the strings, but this one seems to change more drastically. At this point I have settle on DR rares, but still trying out others. The original strings made the guitar sound a bit "thin". I am getting used to the "growl" of this guitar, an old time vibe that seems to me a little more raw than my other guitars. The surprising thing is, with a light strum, she is very smooth, almost docile. When I dig in, I get a strong volume which doesn't seem to compress even though the wood is new...I am pleased with her response to finger picking and the neck width seems fine for my hands even though I am used to 1 3/4 necks. The 1.725 seems wider than I would have thought.

Fingerpicked she offers some sweeter tones, yet remains strong on the fundamentals without overpowering overtones.

I can let you know more as time passes....but I think she will be a keeper. The Gibson voice is definitely unique and it grows on me more every day.

Would love to hear your impressions of your J-35s...


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Ya gotta love that "Growl" - when coaxed out it is really a cool vibe. Love digging that out of my J-45. No 35 for me on the near horizon, but the few I have played were terific instruments, and I can see why they seem so popular.

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Glad to meet you, Mike. There's a lot of love for the 35 here. Everyone needs a Gibson flattop, and the 35 seems to be the model of the year.


I'm wondering how long they stay at such a reasonable price.

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Congrats on your new J-35. Although I don't have one, the J-35 is just about the most purchased guitar by members this year. The quality and sound/tone are highly regarded here, and the price is an outstanding value. Your comments go right along with the consensus here. Enjoy. . B)




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When I dig in, I get a strong volume which doesn't seem to compress even though the wood is new...I am pleased with her response to finger picking and the neck width seems fine for my hands even though I am used to 1 3/4 necks. The 1.725 seems wider than I would have thought.

Fingerpicked she offers some sweeter tones, yet remains strong on the fundamentals without overpowering overtones.


Would love to hear your impressions of your J-35s...



I think you summed it up nicely in your description there Mike.


Congrats on new guitar..and welcome to the forum.

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