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Conflicting info over Sheraton II's


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I’ve been considering the purchase of an Epiphone Sheraton II. I like to be a well informed consumer when it comes to, what is to me, a large purchase. So I had a few questions about the Epiphone Sheraton II model which I posed to both the good folks at Gibson/Epiphone, as well as the folks at American Musical Supply (where I intend to make the purchase).


One of my main inquires was with regards to the neck on the Sheraton II. Having read various accounts here at this board, prior to my becoming an official member, it would seem that they either come with a five piece neck or a single piece neck.


The response I received from Gibson/Epiphone was that it is a three piece neck (I guess they don’t count the two strips of dark meat sandwiched between the white meat?), yet the folks over at American Musical Supply informed me that the five piece neck is no longer available (to be clear, I’m referring to new models not used).


In the grand scheme of things, I suppose it’s no big deal. After all it is still a Sheraton II. Yet, still I can’t help but to feel a little heartbroken. I was planning on one in the Natural finish and was looking forward to seeing that beautiful backside of her neck.


The bottom line is, “a pretty face will last a year or two”, but in the end, it’s about the sound and playability for me. I’ve read so many positive accounts with regards to the Sheraton II. Though I could save a few dollars simply purchasing an ES 335/Dot (perhaps the Black Dot Royale with it’s cheesy silver sparkle binding!?!), there is something still drawing me towards the Sheraton II.


Any feedback (no pun intended) from you kids here at the forum would be greatly appreciated.


(A pic of the five piece/three piece neck)

post-59105-015009900 1378242875_thumb.jpg

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What you're showing, in the photo you included, is actually the "5-piece" neck.

They were (and, apparently, still are) standard on Korean made Sheraton's.

The 3 piece(Chinese version), is actually a single piece neck, with a scarf joint, for the

headstock, and heal (at the body joint). The actual 1-piece (like Gibson's) necks,

were on the original USA (Kalamazoo era), the early (set-neck) Japanese, and (Japanese)

"Elitist," as well as the AIUSA="John Lee Hooker" versions (discontinued), as well as

the recent (Chinese made) 50th anniversay models, which had mahogany necks (was well as

Gibson-like bodies), as opposed to Maple, or maple & mahogany.


The confusion, seems to come from which guitars are made where, and what specific

spec's they're using. Sweetwater, in particular, seems to have/sell both Korean

(Mostly "Natural" finished versions, with 5 piece necks), and the Chinese versions

in Sunburst and Ebony, with what are reported to be the "3-piece" necks. Both of

those, are painted over, so it's hard to tell. The Korean "Naturals" 5-piece

necks, are quite visible...as in your photo. When the Sheratons were mostly made

in Korea, even the black, and sunburst versions had the 5-piece necks. They also

have a bit different (more "generic") body shape, whereas the Chinese versions have

a very "Gibson-like" 335 body shape. Whether or not, that's "better"...is entirely

up to you, and your own personal preferences. All, are great guitars! As with any

thing, you should play as many of each, that are still in production (if you only want

"new"), as possible, to find your "gem!"


"Elitist," and AIUSA versions are no longer made, UNFORTUNATELY! [crying]


Good Luck!



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What you're showing, in the photo you included, is actually the "5-piece" neck.

They were (and, apparently, still are) standard on Korean made Sheraton's.

The 3 piece(Chinese version), is actually a single piece neck, with a scarf joint, for the

headstock, and heal (at the body joint). The actual 1-piece (like Gibson's) necks,

were on the original USA (Kalamazoo era), the early (set-neck) Japanese, and (Japanese)

"Elitist," as well as the AIUSA="John Lee Hooker" versions (discontinued), as well as

the recent (Chinese made) 50th anniversay models, which had mahogany necks (was well as

Gibson-like bodies), as opposed to Maple, or maple & mahogany.


The confusion, seems to come from which guitars are made where, and what specific

spec's they're using. Sweetwater, in particular, seems to have/sell both Korean

(Mostly "Natural" finished versions, with 5 piece necks), and the Chinese versions

in Sunburst and Ebony, with what are reported to be the "3-piece" necks. Both of

those, are painted over, so it's hard to tell. The Korean "Naturals" 5-piece

necks, are quite visible...as in your photo. When the Sheratons were mostly made

in Korea, even the black, and sunburst versions had the 5-piece necks. They also

have a bit different (more "generic") body shape, whereas the Chinese versions have

a very "Gibson-like" 335 body shape. Whether or not, that's "better"...is entirely

up to you, and your own personal preferences. All, are great guitars! As with any

thing, you should play as many of each, that are still in production (if you only want

"new"), as possible, to find your "gem!"


"Elitist," and AIUSA versions are no longer made, UNFORTUNATELY! [crying]


Good Luck!



Yes, the picture I included was downloaded from Sweetwater, though the purchase I am considering would be from AMS. Five or three piece neck aside, it would be more about playability, as I mentioned.


As I've come to understand, there is indeed a difference in the necks of the Sheratons by comparison to the ES355/Dot. From what I've gathered, it would seem to be a slightly thinner neck on the Sheratons. I am also speculating that, since the Sheraton is the more "refined" version of an ES style guitar and it being one of Epiphone's "flagship" models, the quality may be of a slightly higher caliber, as well.


Thank you so much for your very informative response, Charlie Brown.

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Just wanted to send a big "shout out" to Charlie Brown for giving me some more information and advice with some concerns and questions I had with regards to the Sheraton II. He answered my questions, eased my mind and never once made me feel as though I should already have know these things.


This is the positive kind of thing that the Internet needs more of these days. And this particular message board (Gibson/Epiphone) has a lot of that going for it; lots of good folks sharing ideas, experiences and info. Hats off to you all! =D>

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Well, thank you, Campbell...always glad to try to help! [biggrin]


And, you're quite right, there are a LOT of other's that will do

the same, whenever possible. [thumbup]


Good luck, on your upcoming purchase! AND, be sure to post some

lovely photos, of your new "baby!" As they say, around here...

"Photo's, or it didn't happen!" :)



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Okay kids, I went and did it. I'm getting the Sheraton II. I'll be getting the Natural finish model. I've been told it will be the "three piece" neck. I'm very excited about her arrival. I believe she will really accommodate my style of playing, as well as the type of music I generally write and play.


My only problem now is my Stratocaster. She got a little jealous over the Wildkat (they've since made up and get along fine), but when this fancy dressed Sheraton comes rollin' in, all sexy and curvy, I'm afraid there might be trouble.


You can count on pictures once she arrives, of course. [thumbup]

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Okay kids, I went and did it. I'm getting the Sheraton II. I'll be getting the Natural finish model. I've been told it will be the "three piece" neck. I'm very excited about her arrival. I believe she will really accommodate my style of playing, as well as the type of music I generally write and play.


My only problem now is my Stratocaster. She got a little jealous over the Wildkat (they've since made up and get along fine), but when this fancy dressed Sheraton comes rollin' in, all sexy and curvy, I'm afraid there might be trouble.


You can count on pictures once she arrives, of course. [thumbup]


Congratulations! =D> We'll look forward to the photos! [thumbup] Not to worry, about

jealous guitars...they get over it! Besides, Strat's and Sheri's are miles

apart, tone wise. You (absolutely) NEED both! [biggrin]



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Now, here...we see an example of a Chinese made Sheraton, in "natural" with

the 5-piece neck, AND Gibson style body! That neck, was previously common

(recently) only on Korean versions, with the generic (Samick) style bodies.

However...This is visual proof, that China does in fact, make such a version,

as has been reported, earlier. So, apparently, there are (again) two "Sheraton"

"body styles," in ALL finishes, these days. One, with the Samick (generic) body,

and one with the more Gibson like body shape.




With Sweetwater, and maybe a few other (Wildwood, etc.) mail order stores,

you get photos, of the actual guitar you're buying. But, with the other's

that just use "ad" photos, and sometimes old one's, at that...how will you

know...IF you have one preference, over another?! It's one reason I wish

Epiphone would be consistent, in it's spec requirements, regardless of the

country/factory it's made in. But, that's just MY personal preference. [tongue]



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Now, here...we see an example of a Chinese made Sheraton, in "natural" with

the 5-piece neck, AND Gibson style body! That neck, was previously common

(recently) only on Korean versions, with the generic (Samick) style bodies.

However...This is visual proof, that China does in fact, make such a version,

as has been reported, earlier. So, apparently, there are (again) two "Sheraton"

"body styles," in ALL finishes, these days. One, with the Samick (generic) body,

and one with the more Gibson like body shape.




With Sweetwater, and maybe a few other (Wildwood, etc.) mail order stores,

you get photos, of the actual guitar you're buying. But, with the other's

that just use "ad" photos, and sometimes old one's, at that...how will you

know...IF you have one preference, over another?! It's one reason I wish

Epiphone would be consistent, in it's spec requirements, regardless of the

country/factory it's made in. But, that's just MY personal preference. [tongue]



It's a crazy world we live in. [crying]

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Well, I've had a slight set back, due to personal family issues, which put a delay on my purchase of the Sheraton II.


I'm viewing it as a pleasing of sorts, since having originally deciding upon the Natural finish model, I decided I really still yearned for the Ebony (my original choice). So, this setback has allowed me to time to rethink my choice of finish colors and realize I truly yearn for the Ebony. Plus I had come across a very cool picture online of an Ebony finish Sheraton that was modified with black pick ups with gold poles that literally made me drool (yes, it was that cool, boys and girls).Sadly, I did not save the pic I'm referring to, but the pick ups looked much like this:GibsonP94TElectricGuitarBridgePickup.jpg


So, the saga of my quest for an Epiphone Sheraton II continues. Let's hope it doesn't drag on as long as one of the Lard of the Rings movies, I ain't got that much time!

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Ahhhh, Yes..."Life" getting in the way, again! :rolleyes: I KNOW that feeling, very well.

Hope it sorts itself out, in good order, and you can obtain your Sheri, soon.

And, if Black is what you truly lust for, that's definitely the way to go! [thumbup]


The P-94 (in your photo) is a great pickups. P-90 Fatness, and Twang, in a Humbucker

sized format. You might also consider (depending on your musical preferences) some

TV Jones "Filtertrons" for a more "Gretsch" like sound. I've often thought of getting

a Sheraton, just to put those TV Jones pickups in. I still might! [tongue][biggrin]


Hang in there, and good luck, Campbell.




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An ebony Sheraton with those black and gold pickups would look gorgeous!

I have more internal conflicts concerning my Sheraton's PUs than any other guitar I own. I have three guitars in the 335 style: a Sheraton with properly-adjusted stock PUs, a Gibson 335 with Gibson '57 PUs, and an Ibanez AS103 with their 58 Super Customs. The Gibson 335 and the Ibanez PUs have great clarity, with a wide range of available sounds. The Sheraton's PUs sound somewhat darker, but their adjustment has eliminated all of their former mudiness, and they work very well for a lower-key jazz approach. Given the huge variety of available after-market PUs, including some very desirable P90 and Gretch variants, I'm tempted beyond words to jump in and start replacing the PUs in my Sheraton -- until I start playing it, and I hear the great music it puts out, after having worked for many, many hours to adjust that guitar properly. So, like I say, hardly a day goes by that I don't think about replacing the Sheraton's PUs, but I probably never will.

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The Continuing Adventures in Sheraton Land...


Well, in spite of the slight bump in the road, the quest for the Sheraton II is back on! Omitting the addition of the Epiphone case and arranging a reasonable payment plan, I am (once again!) on the way to Sheraton II ownership!


The little delay did allow me more time to contemplate the choice of finish. Having been on the fence between the Natural or the Ebony finish, I finally decided upon the Natural. The Ebony really pops with the gold hardware, but in the end I decided you can't beat the beauty of natural wood. Besides, that gives me a reason to buy the B. B. King Lucille in the future.


Once again, pictures will be in order. I'll keep y'all posted on her arrival. \:D/

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Excellent, Campbell! [thumbup] The other great thing, about Sheratons,

aside from being excellent guitars, on their own...is the price! You

"could" get 3-4 of them, for the price of 1 Gibson ES-335! Therefore,

you could have one in Sunburst, Natural, and Ebony, or "Cherry" in the case

of the '50th Anniversary version. [biggrin] And, different pickups, in each...

P-94's, Classic '57's, TV Jones Filtertrons, Mini-humbuckers, etc. :rolleyes:


Of course, there's NOTHING wrong, with having just (1) Gibson ES-335, either! LOL




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Excellent, Campbell! [thumbup] The other great thing, about Sheratons,

aside from being excellent guitars, on their own...is the price! You

"could" get 3-4 of them, for the price of 1 Gibson ES-335! Therefore,

you could have one in Sunburst, Natural, and Ebony, or "Cherry" in the case

of the '50th Anniversary version. [biggrin] And, different pickups, in each...

P-94's, Classic '57's, TV Jones Filtertrons, Mini-humbuckers, etc. :rolleyes:


Of course, there's NOTHING wrong, with having just (1) Gibson ES-335, either! LOL




True that, Mr. Brown. But please, don't encourage my addiction!

Actually, next on my list will be a

Fender Cabronita Telecaster Thinline in Shoreline Gold...


...and this is why I still don't have a car!

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True that, Mr. Brown. But please, don't encourage my addiction!

Actually, next on my list will be a

Fender Cabronita Telecaster Thinline in Shoreline Gold...


...and this is why I still don't have a car!


Looks like a great version of the venerable Telecaster! "I" wound HAVE

to put pickup "surrounds" on it, if I were to get one of that model.

But, that's just ME! [tongue] LOL [biggrin]



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The Sheraton Saga continues...


Well, it's late, I'm tired from having been at work all day, but I had to put this post up for those of you who've been following my adventures with the Sheraton II.


She arrived today (I had her sent to my job rather than my apartment since I didn't want to risk not being home when it showed up). I kept my cool and didn't even bother to so much as peek in the box, not even on my lunch break. I felt more anxious than excited through out the day; anticipating what she'd look like and what sort of condition she would be in, etc..


Finally home with her, I set her free from the box within a box. I had still been on the fence about the finish choice I made (was wrestling between Natural or Ebony...went with Natural), but as soon as I saw her in all her Natural splendor, I knew I made the right choice. The Natural wood tones never seem to photograph as well as they actually look in person. I found this to be true with my Fender Jazz Bass and my Wildkat, as well. With the overhead light shining on her, I could clearly make out what a flawless, smooth finish she has. Such a majestic looking instrument!


having contacted both Epiphone and American Musical Supply with regards to the neck issue I addressed in my initial post on this thread(AMS is who I made the purchase through), I was already assured that I would not be getting the five piece neck. Epiphone told me no more would be made that way and AMS told me they no longer had any on stock, just the three piece China models. So I was genuinely surprised when I turned her over to find the five piece neck and a "made in Korea" sticker on the back of the headstock.


All the knobs turn smoothly, switch is fine and tuning pegs are even (I've seen some post that show some on various Epiphone models that are slightly off). The only imperfection I found was at the back of the neck where it joins the body. It isn't fully flush with the body, sticking out just a bit on the back but not the sides. The joint it's self is solid and it in no way impedes upon the sound nor playability of the instrument. It doesn't really bother me all that much at all. In fact, I like to think it adds some character. I would hate to risk sending it back for a "perfect" one to risk getting one without the five piece neck (which I really wanted!) and/or to just get another with some other imperfection that might be worse. The finish and wood grain on this one is just perfect, the fret board is great, the frets themselves are not rough at all, the "Tree of Life" is stunning and flawless. So, I am able to overlook this one slight "flaw".


I've added just a few pictures right now. I'm really tired right now and plan on taking proper pix for y'all on my day off, but I had to get these few up for you...


The Unveiling:


The Swag:


The Five Piece Neck:


The "Flaw":


The Sticker:



Well, I'm off to get my rest. I just can't stop staring at her, though. She's on her own guitar stand next to all her sisters. I'm looking forwards to my day off when I can get proper strings on her, plug her into the Fender and see if I can't anger the neighbors! [flapper]

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Brief follow-up:

I couldn't wait 'til I put good strings on the Sheraton before I plugged her in, so this morning before work (which I really need to get ready for right now!) I gave her a quick test drive.


A bit of a panic set in as I noticed the bridge pickup was silent. I flipped the selector switch and turned the vol/tone knobs a few times, yet still nothing. My heart sank as visions of having to return her raced through my head. But then, without so much as a pop or click, it just started working. I never had this happen with a guitar before. I only hope it's not going to be an issue further on up the road. I continued to play her for about 15 to 20 minutes without any problems. Keeping my fingers crossed!


But let's talk about her sound...this baby is incredible! My Stratocaster is a HSS set-up, yet the humbuckers on this baby are different. I've read reviews how these stock Epiphone humbuckers are muddy, but they don't seem to be to my ears. They have a nice rich and warm sound to them and they really growl as you turn up the volume. If she sounds this good with the crappy factory strings, I can't wait to hear her with proper strings on.


Seeing her in the natural light of the morning sun (and after having rested my tired eyes from work last night), I can really see the beauty of this guitar better than last night when I unpackaged her. I'll take some better pictures on my day off and post them soon. Thanks for the compliments and support.

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Could be a faulty switch (not at all uncommon, even with Gibson's), But...

more likely, just some dust knocked onto it, from bouncing around in shipping.

Contact cleaner, will most likely take care of it, if/when it happens again.

If not, good replacement switches are inexpensive, and easy to install. No

need, to sent it back. A good repair tech, or luthier, could do it for you,

most likely while you wait! Especially, if you made arrangements, ahead of






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My understanding too is that the recent (year or two???) Chinese versions have quite improved switches and pots. Epi recently has been bragging also on updated hb pups - although I'm not sure that's of any concern whatsoever to me personally since if it works, each guitar in my stable should be a tad different anyway.



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My understanding too is that the recent (year or two???) Chinese versions have quite improved switches and pots. Epi recently has been bragging also on updated hb pups - although I'm not sure that's of any concern whatsoever to me personally since if it works, each guitar in my stable should be a tad different anyway.




Yeah, Epiphone has really gone out of their way, to tout that issue.

My Epi's are both "American," one '66 Casino, and my AIUSA Sheraton,

which is at least "Assembled" in the USA, and has American parts,

and electronics! So, I can't really vouch for what changes have

actually been done, personally...but, my dealer says the newer ones

are a LOT better, both pickup wise, and Pots and Switches, too.

No more than the electronics (especially) cost, it's totally logical

to put in the best they can, really. To do otherwise, is false economy...




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I've been busy playing and recording a few new tracks with the new Sheraton II, but I did snap a few pix of her this afternoon. Mind you, I'm not the best photographer, so these pix do not do her justice.





All of the pictures come across a bit washed out looking, but in person, I assure you, the colors are much more vibrant. I've only had her a few days now, but what a joy it is to play. I'm so glad I decided on getting this guitar and so very happy with the Natural finish, as well.


Thanks again for all your feedback and advice, everyone. I've been working on a new song I hope to have published soon which features mainly the Sheraton II and a little something from the Wildkat, too.

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