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Another Track With My Gibson L-0


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BK,You were right when you said this guitar suits ballads.Very nice indeed.And kudos on the vocals...hard song to sing and your version hits the spot.Even the boards most meticulous melodians may be impressed [wink]






Thanks FB.


I was worried about the 'meticulous melodians' (I love that!), but we only live once and if we worried too much about MMs, we would freeze and do nothing and hide in our little room - possibly the intent.


It can be a very tough song to sing, but I got the higher bit in key first, then went back to the beginning and lowered everything from C to Bb.


If the MMs complain too much, I will put my first version in G up instead....that one's a blood curdler.



And do you think I need another vintage L-00 for blues? I think you are right and......the rest are getting traded in for vintage L-00s. The L-0 talks, so does your LG2.




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Thanks for the nice replies!


It is gospel(ish) now that you mention it, Rambler, and probably closer to the Big E than Paul Simon, though I was trying to sound like Garfunkel but that man has the voice of an angel.




As far as gospel influences - I worked through a couple of Stefan Grossman dvds on Gospel blues guitar last year or so, and learning these WAS a bit of a turning point for the connection between my voice and my guitar playing together. Plus listening to the originals...



Well, they can't hurt to do them, so here are 3 lessons if anyone wants to have a go (totally enjoyable and in order of difficulty I reckon!):











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Very nice.


That little modded beauty has a lot to give. What a find. . B)





Thanks Big K.


What a find is right! I have been looking at Ebay for years now and watched the L-00 prices go $2K, $3K. $4K, $5K and up, and I just thought I would never get one. And then I thought about that one - it has been advertised many times and the price got lower and lower.....and you know the rest.


The guy said he was playing it, but the guitar was covered in dirt, skin and dust plus the strings rattled in the bridge and were rusty, so really, it just needed 1 set of strings and 6 bridge pins and we were away...under $10.


Sounded great but awful to play with some sharp bits - my luthier said the obvious - it needs a neck reset to get the strings and bridge any lower, but he said he would 'get it going for me' and he sure did!





It is not for everyone as it is though - no Gibson logo, strings too high etc, etc battle scarred....


So I am delaying the neckset decision for a while....


I suppose all the talk about how good these guitars sound could be true?




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