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Last Song You Learned


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Being able to play the song and being able to have the band play it are different things for sure lol.

I will be 50 in June and I am so glad I still have a band to jam in :)

Too true Donny!

I turned 59 last June and yeah I feel the same. Exactly.

But I get more determined (and BETTER) with age - I'm never giving this up until they put me in the damn box.

And this morning my oldest guitar-playing friend called me to help him out on a gig with real money nr Winchester in a months time. The 1st guitarist stormed out because the venue put my friend's name up, not his, in their advert...ha!

I'm looking forward to it as it's not going to be learning new songs as such, more like remembering what we used to do - and doing it much, much better now. Clapton and blues/rock mainly.

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A couple of points from an old guy...


I think with age we tend to be better on our timing regardless what our personal general level of skill might be.


I also think as we age, we tend to "swing" better regardless of style or genre we may be working on.


Finally... Yupper, I think when someone not only ceases to learn, but also ceases to want to learn, it's time to leave.


All kidding aside on "learning new material," one of my favorite things to do isn't so much a matter of picking up a new song per se, but rather working out differing arrangements.


For example, take the Dylan song "endless highway" or however you may have learned that it's named.

(If today was not an endless highway. If tonight was not a crooked trail. If tomorrow wasn't such a long time. Then lonesome would mean nothing to you at all...)


I have recordings of a cowboy/folkie/western version, an almost pure jazz/blues version and a bluegrass version of the same piece and it's interestingly obviously the same thing, but I've played all three in a row with others listening and they don't even "get" that it's the same lyric and same tune until it's pointed out to them.


<grin> I figure there's so much good material out there I already more or less know that can be fun to play with...



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You guys are making me feel old.


Shrek: You'll get a kick outa this one... I got a call from New York wanting me to do a newspaper piece on Rob Zombie. Say what, sez I thinking this young lady hadda be kidding. Oops. I definitely showed my age.


In the '70s for money, I was mostly playing 50s and 60s country, some 50s and 60s rock, some relatively more current CCR stuff, some tummyrubbin' blues... and not for money but "the community," a lotta "old time" with various fiddle pickers. So... I really wasn't listening much to the rock of the era, at least not to specific bands.


But I gotta admit I'm a song guy rather than a genre guy - and except for study when I was playing for money... that's where my head is. In fact, that's mostly what I've been pickin' whether it's for doing a cupla benefits a year or just at home...



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