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Mv's 1936 Martin D 45s


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I guess they haven't posted what they are asking for this guitar as I couldn't find it but I bet it's a pretty penny. I hope it ends up in the hands of whoever the next Neil Young is going to be but I doubt a guitar this expensive will see much road time, or be used to entertain many people. I don't know, it sounds great and all but for what it will probably go for I just wonder about these kinds of things. It strikes me as more of an investment, like buying Krugerands, than a serious tool for making music. There's no denying the quality of the sound, but...

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To be honest, I am not much for reviews so do not sit through them.


But have you seen the price tag on those guitars? Around $48K.




My old man keeps asking me what I want for Christmas!


Well, 2 problems solved - he is a bit concerned that the only guitars I can afford are my raggedy ole 37 L-0 and 36 Nat Trojan!


If he buys that D45 for me, I can jump out of the Ferrari he got me last year, grab the Martin and drag it out for the Christmas crowd and play some.........






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Have to agree though.

Buy a nice guitar for yourself by all means , and then give the $40000 to someone who needs it


About 5-6K will buy you as nice as you'd ever need, in fact call it a square 8 of the 48k, you could get two pretty nice guitars for that, you'd have 40K to do wonders with... Charity, good deeds, helping out a loved one, starting a fund for cats that look like Hitler, or even Vegas, hookers & Coke... whatever twists yer nipple.

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Just a Friday morning high PM



And I never mentioned Scotland , but you did :)


Haw haw.... fair do's...


I used to work with a guy years ago, Jimmy Boon, we called him Shrek because of the way he looked and walked... he was tighter than a gnats chuff. He'd have been 21 at the time, decent job etc.. and he said to me one night "a penny saved is a penny earned" ... I told him "his parents had a sin to answer for", he wouldn't go in a round, then he married some Scottish bird in Dundee on the cheapest wedding I've ever heard of, a proper Argos job. The fella was incredible... can't say I miss him at all.

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Great tone, love the high end 'shimmer' that 40's Martins seem to hold, this one is no exception.


Over at the AGF blokes have almost gone to war, some claiming its nothing but a blinged out D-28 whiles others reckon there is that high end sparkle that is missing from the 28 line. I reckon there is something about the 40 series that adds this sparkle and more balance.


btw: can you imagine the margin Martin makes on these babies ...

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[quote name='music4love' timestamp='1386285434' post='1457875'


I really wish they would play different songs for the reviews. Im so tired of hearing the same thing on every review. And its time for the beard to go too.


I agree 100%. I understand why they do it but enough already. Also, no matter what they do, the audio is coming through my crappy laptop speakers and the differences between the guitars, sonically, is all but indecipherable.

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I dont really see how anyone can say a D28 is 'missing' anything. Surely the most iconic acoustic ever . seems a bit conceited (?) to suggest its falling short in some way.


( not directed at you aussie, just my thoughts )


But see, this is the point that it is being missed. The D-28 fan club interpret this as the D-28 being 'lesser' in tone than the 40's Marts. While the point is that the 40's Martins tone is somewhat 'different', more high end shimmer. Whether that is better or worse is in the ears of the listener, shouldn't be automatically dismissed as inferior.


However, there are clearly a few sensitive D-28 owners out there .... ;-)

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I would not know a "good" Martin from a can of tuna. Just have not spent enough time with them. But the Martin freaks I know will on occasion pick one up and say "No this is a Martin."


I agree on what the heck could make a new guitar worth $48K. But I guess rich boys need their toys too, The key though is not to make a great sounding guitar for that scratch but to make one with that same sound for under $1K.

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Have to say that I'm very pleased with 'PolyCastros' tests. They sound good in my cans and I admire the disciplin behind the samples.


To A/B etc. properly this repeated pattern of playing is crucial - Tony knows that.


I dont really see how anyone can say a D28 is 'missing' anything. Surely the most iconic acoustic ever . seems a bit conceited (?) to suggest its falling short in some way.


All respect to a good broken in D-28, but admit I prefer the HD or the HD-V, (latter is in the herd here).


Those 2 are more open and light, which suits my style and taste better - of course absolutely subjective it is.


But what there is a chance I'd choose over the Martin in the clip above, is this one -


just have the feeling the right D-18 variant would be a smash. .

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Echoing others, I dont know a ton about the martin sound, but if it is darn close to a 30's Martin at a quarter of the price of vintage, i'd say it's worth the dough for someone set on getting that guitar. the best martin i've played is the D28HDV, and I thought it was a little much at $3700. Who needs high end martins when you can get a J200 [thumbup]


also PM, as a big fan of irvine welsh, I very much appreciate your posts

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