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I found out at about 19 my Dad was totally smart & right and I was the one FOS!! [biggrin] I'm a quick learn I guess. :rolleyes:






When I was a young teenager, I knew my dad was totally dumb. When I became an older teen, he started to wise up.


After I left home and got out on my own, he became totally brilliant!


Why didn't he learn earlier in my life?

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It was great!

  • Another year of excellent health
  • Another year making music with Leilani
  • My own Parker DF522NN "signature model" guitar (The NN stands for Notes Norton)
  • A great vacation in Spain and Morocco
  • Mortgage on our home paid off
  • Another year of bliss with Leilani

Abundance of joy! What more could one ask for? (Abundance of money. I'd like to add that but wouldn't make a trade)

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When I was a young teenager, I knew my dad was totally dumb. When I became an older teen, he started to wise up.


After I left home and got out on my own, he became totally brilliant!


Why didn't he learn earlier in my life?


An older Dutchman that had moved to Pella IA (Large population of Dutch immigrants) had a great saying he'd tell me from his old hometown in Holland:


"To soon OLD, too late SCHMART!!!"


Always stuck with me and is so true. Start off knowing nothing, about 14-18 know everything, then find out we didn't know nothing again and our elders were smart! I've found that I've learned tons of good things over the last 40 yrs. However, the more & learn, the more I know I just don't know enough and never will!

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I waited for 20 yrs to hear that. My son won't come right out and say those words "you were right" but he consults me on most things of any importants now in his life and want's my take on them with advice. Took a long dang time for that and I must have gotten much smarter in the last 2-3 yrs than I was the other 25+. He's 36 now better side of 37. I found out at about 19 my Dad was totally smart & right and I was the one FOS!! [biggrin] I'm a quick learn I guess. :rolleyes:


Hang in there Edlo. It will come but make sure you have a place to sit down quickly cuz you may fall over!



Glad to hear that Aster. My son is 22 years old and is "the mr. know it all" boy is he in for a huge surprise one of these days. Now my daughter on the other hand is the total opposite of him. My wife and I are asking how could two kids be so different being brought up the same way, and they are 14 months apart. In any case enjoy the day.

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Dunno about Pella - it's an interesting window on the world, eh? <grin>


Anyway, I think I first saw the quote in a truck stop at Adel in the mid '50s and it was attributed instead to German/Czech immigrants!


But then, I'm so old I remember being able to climb to the top of the Iowa Capitol dome cupola and Frostees in the Yonkers' basement, the era when downtown Des Moines had a lot of men's hat stores and places to clean and block hats, and even when Meredith Printing was downtown - and I was one of the first to work at the new plant.




Anyway, I ain't dead, just getting older. Weather ain't bad. Still have a job with paychecks that don't bounce. Have a lot more guitars than I can play at once.





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Dunno about Pella - it's an interesting window on the world, eh? <grin>


Anyway, I think I first saw the quote in a truck stop at Adel in the mid '50s and it was attributed instead to German/Czech immigrants!





Man, was there anything else in Adel less the courthouse & the truck stop in the 50's? :rolleyes: Maybe the Dutch stole it from the German/Czech's and just thought it was Dutch? [biggrin]


It's a good'n no matter who though it up.

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Aster... Yupper... been usin' that line for years.


Another Czech one from the late Sen. Roman Hruska: "Without work, there are no kolaches." I think that goes with guitar playing too.


As for the Adel truck stop - I wasn't exactly an antique at the time as I am now, but Dad always let me get a Grapette bottle of sodapop - back when the brand was still under original ownership.



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