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Political Threads.....


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Thanks Murph! I enjoyed that....I only blame the guv'ment for 20% of my problems....1/2 of what they take frome me.....for BS reasons.

The 'blaming it on the weather' comment above, reminded me of this song be John Fogerty....



John C. Fogerty aka Blue Ridge Rangers always had a sense for subtle, ambiguous lyrics, more sophisticated than some of his music I think. I remember that some of my schoolmates in the early 1970s thought his lyrics were highly political and attacked the establishment while others said that you can't nail him on saying something specific. However, I was a big fan of Creedence Clearwater Revival. After I had first heard "Up Around The Bend," I was done. That time the lyrics of this song seemed to be too far left for me, and today I think they are not left enough for me by far.


My favorite song of his solo years was this definitely unpolitical one:



As I am a lyricist in my first language, I know that it's sometimes hard to express something both clearly and politically correct. On the other hand, compared to nowadays lyrics, many of my lines from twenty or thirty years ago seem to have smoothened edges to me now. Be that as it may, I never used swear words but rather cute idioms.

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Thanks for the kind words all. There is no better compliment than one from your peers. It's just a goofy song, not political, I just gave the thread that name to ensure more of you would check it out.


Now, call Toby Keith and tell him to record it.........

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