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Grab Bag

Buc McMaster

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Okay, for those that missed out on the strap giveaway, here's Buc's Grab Bag o' Stuff!




Some very cool stuff I won't be needing anymore......time to pass it on! There's a very fine Electro Voice N/D 967 microphone (the last mic I used when I was working with a band.....google it.....fantastic live performance mic!) Let's see.......a Sabine tuner, a soundhole humidifier......oh! a ToneRite! I tossed the speed control long ago but it works fine on full blast, which is the way I used it anyway. Some Nut Sauce (great for Strats with the vintage trem system).......a set of plastic Gibson bridge pins......a Paige capo......a couple ceramic slides, a string winder.......and a box of picks. There are Golden Gates, Red Bears, several horn picks, some stone picks.....and the creme de la creme: the two on the left are the unmentionable pick material! And there's another one of those in the box somewhere.........wahoo! Some cool stuff that's just collecting dust around here. I'm sure someone can use at least some of it.


But let's make this giveaway a bit more challenging.......if no one gets it right within a day or two I'll change the question:


What is my middle name? Buc B***** McMaster? [flapper]


(Of course Buc is not my real name, but the correct answer is my real middle name!)




EDIT: It occurs to me that trying to ship those unmentionable material picks out of the country might run me afoul of the federal authorities. Maybe we'll have to leave those out of the bag if one of our across-the-pond members gets this right.

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You're a pisser, Buc! I'm still grateful to for the Blue Chip you gave me.


I know the answer though...Buckley. No, wait...Sue.


One question; do you ever hold your flatpicks between your teeth?

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Okay okay. We need one rule here to be fair.........


Only two guesses per day. Retro you could sit there and shotgun names out all night and no one else would get a shot at it.............. I do like the participation but we need to try to be fair. Yes?


We'll use a 24 hour clock and go by the time of your posts. Fair enough.

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Buc! Something is morbid and strange ( to me) about you giving all this 'stuff' away! I really don,t want or 'need' it but I thought it was a cool game at any rate.....


Please let us know, if you have 'info' of "THE END".....coming soon..... [scared]


I guess we can,t take it with us [confused]

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LOL! No no Retro, nothing like that at all.......geez! I just don't need this stuff, my wife sure can't use it. Someone needs to make use of this perfectly good stuff........why not give it away? It was all paid for years ago and I don't need nor want to sell it............pass it on!!


And no, I don't hold flatpicks in my teeth. (.....what's that about.....?)

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Okay okay. We need one rule here to be fair.........


be fair. Yes?


We'll use a 24 hour clock and go by the time of your posts. Fair enough.



Okay, sure! As a matter of fact....."fair" is MY middle name.....You win!


Sorry though, no prizes [sad]

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You might get a chuckle out of a "definitions added for cowboy culture material" by a lady friend of mine who happens to be a state legislator when she's not calving, making ambulance runs as an EMT, fighting a grass fire with the other volunteers - or checking to see if that mountain lion still is stalking her on the ranch.


What's a cowboy "sack lunch?"


Keep readin' Betty's note...


"When we got up last Sunday morning the thermometer read 29 degrees below zero, the ground was covered with snow, and we started calving heifers.


"When I drove home from Pierre Thursday evening the temp was in the forties, snow was melting fast, and all the creeks were running. Water was running over the road into the ranch and Olson Creek in front of our house was almost over the road. This is the change we hoped for!


"The Cowboy Caucus hosted the 3rd annual Testicle Festival, or “Testy Festy,” after session Tuesday evening in Ft. Pierre. The Cowboy Caucus includes Sen. Ryan Maher, Sen. Billie Sutton, Sen. Jason Frerichs, and Rep. Troy Heinert.


"These cowboys rent a house together during session and for the last three years toward the end of session they invite legislators, interns, lobbyists, cowboys, and anyone else with a hankering for good food over to their house to feast on Rocky Mountain oysters (calf testicles to those of you from urban areas), steak tips, onion rings, shrimp, fry bread and wojapi.


*** Milod note: Wojapi is a popular Lakota dish. It's often hard to tell the difference between today's cowboys and Indians - or Indians and cowboys - since they're often the same folks. ***


"Rep. Heinert gave the invitation on the House floor, letting us know that they would have a “sack lunch” for everyone.


"After the laughter following his remarks, an east river legislator seated near me wanted to know what was so funny, so I had to explain what a “sack lunch” was to an urban legislator. If you don’t get the joke, ask a rancher.


"While I’m on the subject of ranch life, HB 1184, my bill to make the “Day of the American Cowboy” an unpaid state holiday on the 4th Saturday in July sailed through both houses of the legislature without a single no vote and has been sent to the governor’s desk.


"Rodeo cowboy Sen. Billie Sutton was the Senate prime and did a great job pitching the bill in the Senate.


"The South Dakota chapter of the Great Western Cattle Trail Association will be hosting the GWCTA national convention in the Black Hills this July during the Belle Fourche Roundup rodeo and we will celebrate the Day of the American Cowboy in conjunction with the convention."


Hmmmm.... I think Betty had too much fun writing that. I hope folks can figure out "sack lunch" from the context. <chortle> Texans should catch on pretty quickly.


Hmmmm again - How many rifles does a Cattle Guard have in Texas? <chortle again> City folk may not get that one either.



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This is silly. You're gonna buy another guitar. Everyone here knows it except you. That's it - the rest of your life you are never, ever going to play guitar? I don't believe it.


Ha! Well Jerry take comfort in the fact that you don't have to believe it, if it makes you happy. But in spite of your disbelief it is true. Why do you folks find this so hard to accept? Sheesh.


Okay gov.......the Grab Bag will be headed your way this week! Thanks to all the folks that chimed in!

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Guitars are like dates when you're 21 and bursting with hormones, Buc. You can sneak out early on a Sunday morning, buy some Ribena to walk down the road with as other early-bird people notice you doing the walk of shame. You can even say to yourself "That's it, I'll text her later to say we're done", if yer not brave enough for that you can even fake your own death/conscription etc... but by the middle of the week the itch has returned and you've resigned yourself you're going back there for another dabble.


How about that Uke version of I am the walrus?

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But I'm not 21 any longer, PM......haven't been for a very long time. I had my fun with guitars then, just as I did with what you're referring to. But time changes just about anything you can name, including people and what motivates and pleases them in their daily lives. I do think I know my own heart and mind. Do I need to go buy a new Hummingbird and smash on the street to make the point believable? Surely there is something in everyone of your lives that you used to do but have made a decision, for whatever reason, to do no more. I have filled my desire to make music with a different instrument.....simple as that.

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Guitars are like dates when you're 21 and bursting with hormones, Buc. You can sneak out early on a Sunday morning, buy some Ribena to walk down the road with as other early-bird people notice you doing the walk of shame. You can even say to yourself "That's it, I'll text her later to say we're done", if yer not brave enough for that you can even fake your own death/conscription etc... but by the middle of the week the itch has returned and you've resigned yourself you're going back there for another dabble.


How about that Uke version of I am the walrus?


If someone can play Thunder Road on the uke

, then anything can be done.
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