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Bottom of the Barrel Poem Contest

Buc McMaster

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Alrighty then! First of all thank you thank you thank you to all who participated in this little folly! I have enjoyed reading all your poems and posts and laughed out loud more than once! It's not been easy to pick the finalists and I changed my mind more than once. Now I realize that some of you might disagree, but it was in keeping with the idea of "plead your case" for the items that I made my selections. There was some really good stuff posted but there had to be a call made...........here we go........ [smile]


There were several entries for the capo, seemingly the more popular of the two items.......


Gottabetweed: He Cries


He cries, for he has no capo

When the band says "let's change the key"

He cries, for he has no capo

"That's too high to sing" is his plea


He cries, for he has no capo

A free capo at night for, he dreams

He cries, for he has no capo

Must play barre chords forever, it seems


AnneS: Envy


A capo with leather to protect the guitar

(yet shiny and polished, like chrome on a car)?

A case and some tubing? A pocket for picks?

Why, McKinney and Elliot are up to their tricks!


More than I dream of, beyond my outlay--

But… is it my fate to have it one day?

Efficient and sleek and convenient, to boot--

Oh, I try not to envy a forumite’s loot!


Still, NGD posts by all the fine boys

Oft make me ache for such similar toys

But I settle for strings, for picks or a strap

(avoiding the ToneRite® and similar crap)


So, Buc, I confess—your capo I crave

(though boldly I say it, I’m less often so brave!)

I’d treasure it always—I give you my oath--

If this once I be worthy

or lucky

or both



For the Blue Chip Picks, these two where the ones that made the cut.......


RichG: Stiffer Pick


There once was a guy named Rick

Who yearned for a much stiffer pick.

He sure couldn't win

With a pick that was thin

With a Blue Chip his pickin' is slick.

BBG: Pick Tease


My J45 would sound much more alive,

With one of them there fancy picks please.

But I don’t have the money,

Buc be a honey,

And stop being such a big pick tease.

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Just so y'all know...........I will not vote in this poll. My votes were cast in selecting the finalists.


EDIT: I realized there is a possibility of a tie, in which case I will cast my votes to decide the winners. (somebody's gotta win!)


All forum members are invited and encouraged to vote. I will leave the poll open until tomorrow evening, 6PM CDT in the USA, at which time we should have a winner in both categories! The genuine Rev Gibbons playing cards will be a surprise to one of the winners as I will pack them along with the winners' booty without mention.


And a few notes........


Anne's Once Upon A Song was a great little 4-liner! I chose the longer entry because it was the "pleading" I was looking for.

And Hairy Dave's Strangled Duck nearly made me fall from my chair! Hilarious!

And as usual, PM made a sterling contribution but not in keeping with the spirit of what I was looking for.........still good stuff!


Thanks again to all participants! You people are great! [thumbup]


Just for grins, this might work, or it might not.........from somewhere in 2006........



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Well looks like this one's in the books! (I suspect much to the relief of the disinterested!)


Anne! You are the proud owner of a McKinney-Elliot Capo! Wahoo!


And BBG, you sir will have to learn to contend with your new stiffy.........um......new stiff picks, that is......


You two message me your shipping info and I'll get your winnings on the road! Thanks for playing to you and all those that joined in!


(......and now this will all fade off into the oblivion of the forum that is the destiny of all threads.........)

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It was a tough fight but I guess I failed to get out the vote in the ninth ward. I'd like to thank the selection committee for allowing me to get into the finals.


I'll be back. (but only if there's more free stuff) [biggrin]



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