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Did you check that headstock?????? I'm pretty sure it's fake. The pre-CBS headstock does not match with the CBS logo/decal.


i think too its a fake...

it doesent match' date=' but maybe the guy has put a new decal on it. maybe it was an old and deffect fender guitar and he restored it... [-( [-( ](*,) ](*,) :-k


but ive seen a thread on MLP where he was liein' about his gear, in the beginning he told he had the best guitars and amps and later he told he had cheaper stuff.....



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Did you check that headstock?????? I'm pretty sure it's fake. The pre-CBS headstock does not match with the CBS logo/decal.


It's gotta be a Squier Affinity with a Fender decal.

Looks like he ran off from here like a little beeotch, just like he did over at MLP.

Oh, well. We are better off without him.

Everybody havin' a good week?

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Woow what has that guy did?


Hey' date=' Gibsonfreaky.....you seem rather familiar.....do I know you from other forums?[img']http://forum.gibson.com/public/style_emoticons/default/eusa_think.gif[/img]


Now that I think about it, it seems rather ironic that your join date and first post are the same day as rightlespaul's last visit here. [-(

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