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Rush performing with the Foo Fighters


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Thanks for posting that. Too Cool! Yup, I remember when Geddy Lee used to play that cool Rick 4001 bass...until he laid it down for his own "signature" Fender Jazz bass. Miss him playing that Rick!!




The best part was Lifeson's acceptance speech. I think it was the best one ever given at the HOF.


Lol.. the impressive bit is he managed to keep it up for so long... id have got bored after the first 30 seconds :)


Yep, he went on forever. I wonder if it was a response to lame Rap groups getting into the Hall. Which in itself the Hall is a joke of itself anyway. Abba, Maddona and all the rap groups. Not really Rock 'N' Roll now is it.

This is what Geddy said in an interview about it


"I don't know what his pure intent was, but I think it was more a knock on speeches, the whole process of the Hall Of Fame induction thing."




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