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Another Highly Acclaimed Relative Unknown


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I know I've told this story here before, but here it goes again anyway:


About ten years ago I was playing the same two-stage festival as Ben Lacy. As we were walking off stage after our set, the festival producer was waiting for us backstage and asked me if I was going over to the other stage to see Ben Lacy. I said "who's Ben Lacy?" He said "you gotta see this.", so off we went.


So we're standing in the wings, and I was so mesmerized by what he was doing that I had to go out front to get the full frontal assault. Absolutely amazing, incredibly entertaining, and really fun to see and hear. A couple of years after that I was able to catch him at a local university performance.


His sets are kind of like clinics, as he'll show and explain how he builds the parts on top of each other. He's a real funny guy and injects a lot of humor into his program.


Keep an eye out for him coming to your town, well worth seeing. Last time I saw him he was doing the college circuit.

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