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love song for forum folks...especially Gibson folks


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Been writing a lot lately and have a song or two that I can live with and a couple that I would not let my dog listen to. that is my process....have to get through the muck to get a decent tune every now and then. anyway, this particular song is one of the least original tunes I have ever claimed to write. Demo done in the morning with scratchy throat and all...but the sentiment is from the heart....

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thanks, always great to remind you of someone who is good (ha ha ha). I have had people see me live and hear my cd and say that. Part of it is the tambre of our voices, but I also think part of it is that there aren't as many people writing tongue in cheek tunes. I have other songs that use progressions often used in "simple" jazz or what I would call "Jazzy blues" and they usually get that compliment. Then my more folky sounding material will usually draw comparisons with folks in that genre. Interesting. Anyway, I appreciate the feedback. I enjoy writing this type of stuff. Now, on to something dark and truthful... :-({|=

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here is another sort of tongue in cheek song. Really an honest interpretation of "My Side Of Town". No matter where you live, folks have their issues....and are subject to be dung about Wink There is some distortion on this one but I recorded it in the morning very quickly and just never went back.


I will probably take these off in a bit but I appreciate you listening to them. This one is fun to do live and gives me or my guitar player (if in duo mode) a chance to do some pickin'. https://soundcloud.com/mark-crawford-williams/my-side-of-town

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