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The ol' XR600


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I swear Peavey came out with these things in the mid/late 70's. Pretty much put Shure and Fender out of the p.a. business. You could find them everywhere within' a few years, and decades later they are still powering pubs, parties, and auctions, benefits, schools, Churches, and on and on.


Not the most power, nor the cleanest but tougher than a pitbull with an ingrown toenail.


This is an early 90's "C" that was still "MADE IN U.S.A.". When Peavey started building stuff in China, I quit them, but this thing still works fine and will sound great with those old SP-2's.





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I can't see any pic Murph. I take it this is a PA system?

My first amp was a Peavey twin in the 80s. I knew nothing about it except that it was 60w, tubes, black cab, and I beat the hell out of it in college at gig after gig. It was a tough amp.

Now here is the sad part. I needed money when I graduated, so I sold the amp and my 77 Strat for peanuts. I knew it wasn't a good deal... I sold it to a shop in Binghamton, NY. Looking back right now, I see it might have been the worst sale in modern history.




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Weird day.....


Yea, these rigs were used all over for acoustic gigs, heck even live bands in small venues.


There was one in Tootsies in Nashville for many, many years before they changed the front around several years back.

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