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ES 339 setup.


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Hi all, hope I've posted to the correct page. I've not long had my Gibson 339 and I've just changed strings to Elixir Polyweb stings (10s) which are thicker than the original Gibson strings it came with. I'm new to setting up but been looking at several videos etc. anyway, I had to lift the hight slightly due to string buzz on frets because of the difference in string gauge. My problem now is that two of the strings I am unable to get the intonation correct due to the posts being at full adjustment to the back of the bridge. The posts are set from factory as the low E-A-D slope backward and remaining post slope forward. I am at full position on one of each so can't obtain correct intonation. So, am I able to reverse the directions of these posts? If yes how? Or is the another way of achieving correct intonation? I'm sorry this may be and abvious question but I've never done this before. I don't know if these individual posts have to keep the same 3 by 3 settings or if they can be configured in any order to obtain correct intonation. So, in other words HELP PLEASE.


Many thanks,


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